The following is a series of frequently posed questions. Each sub-section will be expanded accordingly.
View GrapeGate F.A.Q.
View Getting Started F.A.Q.
View Food F.A.Q.
View General Health F.A.Q.
View Detoxification F.A.Q.
GrapeGate F.A.Q.
1.) Are you available for health consultations?
I do not utilize GrapeGate as an avenue for offering consultations or any professional work.
2.) Can I submit health related questions?
You can. But if they pertain to a serious condition you’re dealing with, I may request of you to fulfill a Health Questionnaire and submit it back to me for review, or if I deem it necessary, I will instead encourage you to seek the cooperation of a trained detoxification specialist (besides myself of course). Understand that I may have a busy schedule which can delay my response.
3.) Do you accept donations?
What’s that? No.
4.) Who created your website?
This website was created and is also hosted by myself and team at CueFox (
5.) Why Was GrapeGate Changed?
GrapeGate received a makeover primarily to lighten its codebase (faster loading time and better overall performance), give the site a more secure foundation for the years ahead, and to bring attention to additional community resources around the web right on the homepage so people will be introduced to the most important things first.
NOTE: As all time being put into GrapeGate is out of my own spare time, there will be a few quirks (broken links, images not loading, etc.) here and there to still phase out as I am able. So if you notice anything unusual, feel free to let me know. If there are particular resources you miss or can’t find from the old site, don’t hesitate to contact me.
6.) Where Can I Find the Q & A Notes PDF from the old website?
You can download it right here. Also be sure to check out if you haven’t already.
7.) Where Can I Find the FDRM Shopping Guide from the old website?
You can download it right here.
8.) Can I freely use and share the information and material on this website?
Absolutely! You may download and share any material on I created and compiled the information and documents for everyone to utilize.
9.) What software/equipment do you use for recording and editing MP3s/audio and video?
For recording sound, I use the Yeti USB Microphone by Blue Microphones.
Of course this requires some form of recording software, and for that I use the free and user-friendly Audacity® audio editor for recording and editing the recorded tracks.
I don’t have a default video recording unit that I use. The introductory video was recorded using a Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 by Logitech. The audio for that video was recorded with a Jabra SPEAK 510 Speaker by Jabra.
At this time, Windows Movie Maker has sufficed for my video editing needs.
Getting Started F.A.Q.
1.) What is detoxification all about?
If you haven’t already, please begin with the introduction page.
Once finished, you may navigate to this page which will give you a quick rundown.
2.) Who qualifies for detoxification?
Anyone can benefit tremendously from true detoxification regardless of their current state of health. Children, adults and seniors – irrespective of age. From the very ill and sickly, to the layperson, health-enthusiast, athlete, and anyone in-between.
In this day and age of vast environmental pollution (from toxins, bio and petrochemicals, varying levels of harmful electromagnetic radiation, etc.) and declining food quality due to impoverished soil (from excess monoculture farming and the agricultural chemical compounds and biological agents utilized), making one’s health top priority is mandatory for staying well throughout the entire duration of one’s life.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women will, however, need to practice caution in how they approach the cleansing process (see related question further below).
Although Dr. Morse designed these health programs for all levels of chronic and degenerative health conditions, as well as for cases of neurological impairment, it is absolutely still something to consider if one is facing for example:
- Bouts of (or chronic) fatigue
- Stress
- Lack of motivation
- Minor skin issues (pimples, dry skin, etc.)
- Minor depression
- Gas and bloating issues
- Poor digestion
- Trouble sleeping
- Often dealing with cold and flus
- Minor aches and pains
- Headaches
- Stiff joints
- Etc.
… and is wanting to:
- Increase dynamic energy levels
- Lose and maintain weight
- Expel parasites from the body
- Improve appearance of and achieve cleaner skin
- Dislodge and clean the body’s lymphatic system
- Improve sleep
- Improve digestion
- Balance out and stabilize blood sugar levels
- Normalize and/or improve eyesight
- Normalize blood pressure levels
- Stabilize emotions
- Improve organ and gland function
- Remove toxic debris from the body (heavy metals, etc.)
- Improve systemic circulation
- Address the underlying cause of nutritional ‘deficiencies’
- Etc.
3.) How do I get started?
1.) If you haven’t already done so, I will point you to the Newcomers’ Introduction page to start off with.
2.) Navigate to the Health Evaluation Resources page and download the ‘Self-Assessment Health Questionnaire’ and the ‘Basal Body Temperature Study’ documents. Fulfill the questionnaire and, if possible, please also conduct the basal body temperature test and note down your results.
3.) Check out the Getting Started page on Dr. Morse’s website (requires a $10 one-off lifetime subscription fee to register an account; for more information regarding the Health Club Subscription, please read here).
4.) Decide on whether you’re going to do this on your own, or if you would like to work with a practitioner (highly recommended especially if you’re dealing with any serious health condition(s)).
a. If you decide to do this on your own you must approach detoxification wisely and through use of common sense. Navigate to the Video Playlists page and view, at least, the first 6 series. I would also encourage you to acquire Dr. Morse’s book (The ‘Detox Miracle Sourcebook‘) as well as download and peruse part one (only this part is available currently) of his book series.
b. If, instead, you would like to work with a qualified practitioner you can navigate to the I.S.O.D. Practitioner Directory in order to locate the practitioner closest to you or attempt to book a consultation with either Dr. Robert Morse himself (he’s often booked out months in advance thus it can be a long wait) or Marcie Troyer (an experienced counsellor at Dr. Morse’s clinic).
After you’ve made your decision, feel free to join the dedicated forum to interact and communicate with people on similar journeys.
Contact Dr. Morse’s Herbal Health Center
Phone: (941) 255-1979
You may also contact me, if you have any questions.
4.) How long does detoxification take?
The short answer is that there is no definitive answer to this question. A viable counter question, however, is how long do you want it to take? Every person’s journey is unique.
Here’s what you will need to take into consideration:
1.) Your Personal Vision of Health and What You Aim to Achieve
Are you in it to overcome health condition(s) XYZ and then revert back to your previous way of living, or perhaps settle with a maintenance lifestyle? Or are you in it to progressively take your health to the highest peak you possibly can and explore human potential?
2.) Attitude
Are you doing this because you’re personally motivated and want to do it out of own volition, or are you solely doing it because of a third party?
3.) Your Current State of Health and Genetic Strengths and Weaknesses
One of the primary goals of these detoxification programs is to clean and restore the functional ability of all bodily tissues with a primary focus on the kidneys, endocrine glands, gastrointestinal tract, and lymphatic system. This, in and of itself, can be a lengthy task greatly influenced by the degree of lymphatic congestion, mucus congestion and sulfur compounds present in the body, in addition to the degree of inherent weaknesses of tissues.
4.) Reduction of Stress, Adequate Rest, and Ample Undisturbed Sleep
The aforementioned factors play an important role in the beginning and throughout the healing process. This is where a fast-paced, high-stress lifestyle coupled with the inability to fall asleep (and stay asleep) can become inhibiting to your progress. These are nonetheless obstacles that can be dealt with at one level or another.
5.) Dietary Discipline
For some, it’s easy to switch to and maintain the diet necessary to facilitate ‘bodily housecleaning’ and regeneration of tissues. For others, it’s more of a question of proper dietary transitioning (it is highly recommended that any person explores the written works of Arnold Ehret), as they will otherwise continuously lapse back on inappropriate (junk) foods after brief periods of clean eating.
6.) How Soon the Proper Functional Ability of Detoxification Pathways and Lymphatic Organs Is Restored
The earlier in the detoxification process you achieve filtration of lymphatic sediment through the kidneys*; adequate elimination of wastes through the skin** (via sweating, diaphoresis and fever), increased exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen from learning to breathe abdominally, and restoring proper bowel function allowing drainage of the central trunk of the body, the sooner you will clear the body of the very residues and compounds inhibiting it from being able to thoroughly repair itself.
*Kidney filtration is impeded by deterioration of the kidneys themselves, but also through inadequate output of acetylcholine and dopamine neurotransmitters from the adrenal glands. The practitioner should always keep in mind: [transverse colon] > hypothalamus > pituitary gland > adrenal glands > kidneys.
**Inability to sweat adequately involves weakness of the thyroid gland.
7.) [Surgically] Removed Organs/[Lymph] Glands
Removal of tissues that play a direct role in or influence the process of eliminating wastes from the body, will serve as an inhibiting factor. It is exceedingly more difficult to drain the head-area lymphatically without tonsils; colon without appendix, and so forth. If one kidney has been removed, the respective side of the body will be handicapped in its ability to expel lymphatic wastes. The other kidney must now take the full burden.
8.) Toxic Personal Care Products, Cleaning Detergents and Pharmaceutical Medications
These compounds and chemical agents can inhibit your progress on one level or another. This is especially true of corticosteroid medications like prednisone. It can prove imperative that you progressively and safely taper off of the pharmaceutical medications you’re currently taking. This should be handled with the ongoing assistance of a medical physician.
9.) Environment
This aspect is tremendously important and often overlooked. Environmental factors can greatly inhibit or completely nullify any chance of making progress depending upon HOW SENSITIVE the individual is to toxic petrochemicals and the like. The following are some of the possibilities that must be considered:
- Indoor mold and moisture
- Elevated exposure to electromagnetic radiation
- Exposure to highly polluted and toxic air (i.e. lack of fresh air)
- Exposure to bioaccumulative heavy metals (be mindful of mercury fillings)
- Inhaling toxic fumes (frying food and off-gassing materials like paints, glues, plastics, floor coverings, certain furniture, non-stick pans, etc.)
- Lack of adequate exposure to natural sunlight (which, for some people, can be compensated with artificial light therapy, if needed)
Therefore, if office or distance coaching/consultations are being conducted, I encourage the practitioner to keep these factors in mind at all times.
10.) Emotional and Mental State as Well as External Support
These three components are equally important in their own right; especially if there is presence of emotional or mental hurdles, but absence of support from family or friends (or they, too, have become obstacles in your journey and are opposed to the way that you have decided to take matters into your own hands).
11.) The Reality of Detoxification
Detoxification, as we practice it, is not simply a temporary course of action for better health. Rather, it can be considered a lifestyle re-adjustment to the degree that you’re willing to make changes. It’s a change and riddance of old habits with the development of new, beneficial ones.
The above are but a handful of relevant variables. So, hopefully, you get the picture as to why the initial question is rather impossible to grant a definitive answer. If the individual is facing minor health issues (e.g. small aches and pains, minor periodic headaches, frequent bouts of fatigue, brain fog, sporadic occurrence of pimples, high blood pressure, etc.) they may achieve tremendous improvements anywhere between 3 to 6 months. But again, this will be influenced by all the aforementioned variables. More severe and chronic health conditions (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, migraines, chronic fatigue, sharp decline of mental acuity, acne, low blood pressure, etc.) will, in most instances, take much longer to remedy as some of these issues are deeply rooted.
As you may have encountered, there exists a plethora of differing detox and cleansing programs pervading the market today (peruse for some examples). You will notice that many of these programs last anywhere between 1 day and 4 weeks at most. Although such narrow time frames will appeal to the masses seeking quick fixes, it has also granted people a false and misleading idea of how much work and dedication is really involved in restoring the health and integrity of the human body, and how long the process can take. The reversal of decades and generations of deleterious lifestyle practices will take time. But every moment of effort and devotion diverted toward this task, and the results achieved as a result thereof, will be well worth it.
That said, true detoxification can be one heck of a journey and an eye-opening path to traverse. Begin slowly if needed. Ease yourself into and become familiarized with this intriguing path. Make it a fun journey. Learn, experience, develop.
5.) Compromised Affordability: I am ill, but have very little money. What can I do?
Read the following three questions & answers from Dr. Morse’s website F.A.Q. page. Once finished, download and read the following document further below:
Q #1: I am very ill, have very little funds, and am desperate to get healthy. Where should I start?
A: “The first step to getting started is moving to an 80-100% Living Foods Diet! Your body needs the living enzymes in fresh fruits and vegetables in order to start healing itself. Don’t even underestimate the power of a living foods diet! It can and will work wonders in your life. Then, little by little, add whatever herbal formulas you can afford, according to whatever issues are your greatest priority. It’s very important to start always with the Deep Tissue Cleansing Kit Weeks 1 & 2, as these particular formulas are going to start detoxing the most vitally important areas of your body. Also, a three day fresh grape juice or lemon juice fast will speed up your level of detoxification. If you have the strength and determination, try doing a 100% Living Foods Diet and see the amazing results in your level of detoxification and regeneration. It will amaze you!”
Q #2: What if I can’t afford all 6 of the Deep Tissue Cleansing Kits? How do I continue to work on myself?
A: “The best way to continue working on your issues is by continuing on the Living Foods Diet. Your body needs the living enzymes and properties in these foods to continue cleaning and rebuilding. Then you can also purchase individual herbs in bulk tea form from a quality Herb Shop or Health Food Store, or use Dr. Morse’s Heal All Tea. Or you can take as few or as many of the formulas as you can afford (up to 10 or so at a time). You may wish to work on the most important weaknesses you have first. The Fab Four (Kidneys & Bladder, Stomach & Bowels, Lymphatic System and Endocrine Glands) is always a priority and an excellent place to start!”
Q #3: What if I only wanted to do a couple of formulas at a time? Would it be a waste of time and money?
A: “No, it would be a wonderful treat for your body to be able to start detoxing at any level, no matter how small. There isn’t a person on the planet that couldn’t benefit greatly from the detox process and every little bit helps! Keep going a little bit at a time. Your body will respond by helping you to enjoy a more vibrant level of good health than you ever thought possible!”
Further reading:
6.) Initial Diet: Do I have to start with fruit in the beginning?
When it pertains to matters of this nature, it is always going to be situational, as it varies from person to person in how they may or should begin the process.
Most can and many times should ease their way onto the path of detoxification – to avoid too rapid and aggressive elimination symptoms – beginning with a gradual change of diet, moving away from overly processed, denatured and dysfunctional foods, and implementing increasing quantities of fresh fruits, vegetables and other natural, whole food items; also while increasing the percentage of raw/uncooked produce in their diet. They can then soon move on to the practice and habit of juicing (many health programs out there emphasize starting with green juices from the beginning).
Terminal cases do not have the time for making slow dietary transitions but should begin at a level they can tolerate and sustain and gradually move toward achieving a deeper detoxification experience.
So, unless the individual’s situation suggests for a high or exclusive fruit diet as a matter of urgency, the individual does not have to begin at the fruit level.
A slow transition will also grant additional time to engage the available learning material with the purpose of broadening one’s understanding of the detoxification path, which also encourages attentive involvement and active participation in one’s own healing journey, and overall greater success.
The learning material referred to above includes:
- Dr. Morse’s ‘The Detox Miracle Sourcebook‘ and YouTube videos
- Other related and relevant literature
- (this website)
Read more:
1.) ‘A Gradual Transition’
2.) ‘List of Raw Foods to Eat’
7.) Diet and Detoxification: What foods are best for detoxification?
There are foods that:
- Are aggressive and deeply detoxifying
- Are mild, lesser detoxifying, and more conducive toward building strength and gaining size
- Either possess no inherent cleansing properties, or cause further obstruction in the body
All three groups have their place in the detoxification process; thus the “best” food at the present time of YOUR detoxification journey, is the food that will help you surmount any plateaus encountered and speed up or slow down the cleansing process, according to your needs.
The more toxic (physically and emotionally) and obstructed the body is, the more effortless it will be to begin detoxifying the body, the quicker symptoms may arise, and the gentler the process should be undertaken through transitional measures, as opposed to an aggressive all-or-nothing approach. As far back as the late 1800s, Prof. Arnold Ehret was one of the first individuals to stress the importance of this understanding.
“You learned that I use partly cooked food during the transition diet and in the beginning the vegetables prevail. This has for its purpose the slowing down of the elimination, for it is well known that people can stand a stewed or baked fruit whereas they cannot stand the same kind when fresh. Vital food is not the entire object to be gained at first but rather their property to dissolve and to eliminate. This vital healing efficiency is most perfect in all kinds of fresh fruits and will be found to be too aggressive for the majority of patients. This is undoubtedly the cause of the wrong ideas and reason for the ‘fruit fast’ being in ill repute, and it is the same reason why I use stewed and baked fruits in the beginning to slow down the elimination.”~Prof. Arnold Ehret
Properly grown fruits are bar none the crown jewel or crème de la crème of tissue-cleansers for Homo sapiens, and, depending on the quality and type of fruit, are only closely equaled in their effect on the lymphatic system by highly astringent and lymphatic effectuating herbs. The only practices more powerful than a fruit diet with the inclusion of herbs are – when proper preparations have been made and the TIME is RIGHT – water fasting and dry fasting.
Citruses (notably lemons, lime, and grapefruit), grapes, and watermelons are the most favored detoxifying fruits on the aggressive side of the spectrum; grapes being – arguably – the most balanced cleanser of the lot and tends to be the fruit of choice in cancer detoxification protocols.
Grape and watermelon mono-diets (i.e. eating only the chosen fruit for an extended period of time) are commonly undertaken.
But there are a slew of other acid and sub-acid fruits to partake of and experiment with, one particular fruit currently in the spotlight being the pomegranate.
That said, consuming such powerful and astringent fruit when you’ve exceeded your physical, emotional or mental capacity to cope with this degree of detoxification, can prove very counterproductive. The same applies to consuming lesser detoxifying foods when you’ve plateaued on them and require something stronger and more astringent; the latter being why those that always rely predominantly on vegetables (whether in the form of salads, green smoothies or juices) as part of the health programs they’ve devised can be very unsuccessful in taking their clients/patients deep enough in the detoxification process as to enable the client/patient to surmount their plateau and finally heal properly.
To sum it up, there is no “best” food for the purpose of detoxifying the body; there are less and more appropriate foods which is determined by the needs and condition of the individual. It’s a matter of whether the person is ready for the powerful cleansing effects of acid and sub-acid fruits, or is better suited for the lesser detoxifying properties of non-sweet and sweet fruits, vegetables and tubers for the purpose of transitioning, slowing down or rebuilding. In the case of an acute situation, as an example, the person may need the obstructing and stimulating effects of, say, coffee or meat, as a means of stopping an asthma attack in the absence of an herbal antispasmodic or inhaler, or alleviating severe shortness of breath, should the situation call for it.
Standard Diet RecommendationsThe standard initial dietary approach, for the average, non-terminally ill person, is a diet comprised of ~80% uncooked and 20% cooked food.
- Breakfast is to consist exclusively of fruit in the form of a mono-meal, mixed fruit bowl (the fewer ingredients, the better), or a fruit smoothie.
- Lunch can be either a fruit meal as outlined previously, or a large salad.
- Dinner may consist of a raw salad or steamed/cooked vegetables with a side of cooked root vegetables and/or grains.
Favorable root vegetables include:
- Carrot
- Celeriac (celery root)
- Parsnip
- Rutabaga (yellow turnip)
- Sweet potatoes
- Turnip
Favorable grains/so-called grains include:
- Amaranth
- Millet
- Quinoa (technically a fruit, but should not be treated as such)
- Wild rice (technically a seed)
Read more:
1.) ‘A Gradual Transition’
2.) ‘List of Raw Foods to Eat’
8.) Personal Care Products (Soaps, Shampoos, Toothpastes, Oils, etc.): Can you recommend any natural products?
Our health is impacted not only from what we ingest orally, but also from that which we ingest (absorb) through the skin and inhale. For this reason, discarding chemical-based products in favor of procuring pure and natural products for use on our skin (and orally) is part of the range of preemptive measures we can take to help preserve our wellbeing.
“Detoxification is not a system of treatment or a way to remove symptoms; it is a system of curing by addressing the cause of the disease. It involves the understanding that the body is the healer, and that energy is at the core of healing. It also sheds light on the true cause of disease- the destruction of energy. Energy or the destruction of energy results from what we eat, drink, BREATHE, PUT ON OUR SKIN, and from what we think and feel. These are the six ways we either make ourselves healthy and vital, or sick and weak.” ~ Robert Morse, N.D.
The following products are recommended based on my personal user experience and/or feedback from members of our community.
- Nubian Heritage’s bar soaps
- Dr. Bronner’s liquid soaps (Amazon United States / Amazon United Kingdom)
- Dr. Woods’ bar and liquid soaps (NOTE: the ‘English Rose Soap’ contains powdered milk)
- Out of Africa’s bar soaps
- Akoma’s African Black Bar Soap (United Kingdom)
- Miessence’s Sunflower Body Wash
- Tate’s Natural Miracle Shampoo
- Morrocco Method’s shampoos
- Miessence’s Shampoos (Desert Flower (normal to dry hair) / Lemon Myrtle (normal to oily hair)
- Tate’s Natural Miracle Toothpaste
- AscendedHealth’s Regular Stength Oralive Dental Elixir
- Tooth Soap’s Toothsoap Products
- Miessence’s Toothpastes (Anise / Lemon / Mint)
- Redmond Trading Company’s Earthpaste (Cinnamon / Lemon Twist / Peppermint / Wintergreen)
– Homemade “Toothpaste(s)”:
- Coconut oil on its own or with the addition of:
a. Dr. Christopher’s Herbal Tooth & Gum Powder (effective combination for repair of enamel and healing of gums); or
b. Djehuty Ma’at-Ra’s Healing Herbal Tooth Powder (effective for overall oral health and hygiene); or
c. Baking soda (effective combination for alkalizing the mouth; also effective for dental whitening); or
d. Turmeric root powder (effective combination for overall oral health; very effective for dental whitening).
The above are but a few options for what you can mix into the coconut oil base. People may also mix in essential oils like eucalyptus radiata, grapefruit, lemon, myrrh, peppermint, and wintergreen.
Experiment and find a blend that you like and will use.
— Instructions:
- Add or pour 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil into a small drinking glass or glass jar.
- If the oil has solidified from cool temperature, gently warm it until soft or liquefied.
- Mix in your ingredient(s) of choice (preferably using a wooden utensil; for every 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil, I use 1/2-1 teaspoon of either of the aforementioned powders).
- Allow oil to cool down and solidify. It is then ready for use.
- Dip your toothbrush into the mixture to get it onto the bristles or – if more than one person is using the mixture – optionally use a spoon to collect the “toothpaste” and add it to your toothbrush.
The 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil will last 4-5 days or longer depending on amount used per application. Feel free to use more at a time.
- Sensitive Planet’s Scent of Samadhi
- Miessence’s Roll-On Deodorants (Ancient Spice / Aroma Free / Tahitian Breeze)
- Nubian Heritage’s Raw Shea Butter (infused with African Black Soap Extract / Frankincense & Myrrh)
- Nubian Heritage’s hand creams
- Miessence’s Nourishing Hand Cream / Intensive Body Cream
- Amazing Herbs’ Black Seed Oil (used medicinally)
- Aura Cacia’s Balancing Jojoba Oil
- Bodyceutical’s Calendula Skincare Oil
- Flora’s Pumpkin Seed Oil
- Garden of Life’s Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (16 fl. oz. (473 ml) / 32 fl. oz. (946 ml))
- Moringa Source’s Moringa Oleifera Seed Oil (United States / Europe)
- Nutiva’s Hempseed Oil (8 fl. oz. (236 ml) / 16 fl. oz. (473 ml) / 24 fl. oz. (710 ml))
9.) Herbs and Their Necessity: Can I detoxify and heal without herbs?
Herbs, notably taken as part of herbal formulas, constitute a large portion of these detoxification programs and for very good reason.
There are generally 2 objections that arise pertaining to the use of herbs, which include:
1.) That people have been able to heal without the use of tissue-specific herbs by relying exclusively on diet and fasting, and it is therefore occasionally assumed by the inexperienced practitioner or layperson that every other individual is able to accomplish the same.
2.) Some people considering herbs toxic (such as proponents of the Natural Hygiene philosophy and principles).
Dr. Morse has stated a few times that he used to help people using just diet, until in the later years when he began to realize that diet alone was becoming increasingly ineffective at bringing people out of very degenerative states. When he began incorporating herbs into his practice, is when he began to see things turn around, and promisingly so.
“Just doing raw [food] at these chronic levels… I’ve got to tell you, I got away from just using diet to try to help people years ago because it wasn’t enough.” ~ Robert Morse, N.D., from Questions & Answers 239.
Also, many people have personally felt the difference between varying levels of detoxifying diets and forms of fasting, with and without herbs, and can testify to the fact that herbs, generally used as part of strong herbal formulas, often make a noticeable and phenomenal difference.
Why We Use Herbs
1.) Compared to a large percentage of commercially produced fruits and vegetables that have lost much of their potency, wildcrafted herbs or organic herbs grown properly and harvested at the right time, are still many times more powerful in their magnetics and effects on the tissues of the body. And with very chronic tissue weaknesses, we need all the additional support we can get, herbs being a big part of this. There are situations where tissues are not going to respond favorably without a “push” of some kind, whether it be in the form of herbs, glandulars, biomagnetic therapy, or some form of tissue-manipulation techniques.
2.) The current deleterious lifestyle and diet trends followed by the majority of the global population, as well as the environmental pollution that many industries generate, dictates that each subsequent generation of our species will face deeper genetic weaknesses and greater toxicity problems than the previous generation (which reflects in the irides of the eyes), and this doesn’t even factor in the use of chemical medications and ingestion of, or exposure to substances that are considerably challenging to eliminate from the body once accumulated, with such notable examples as bioaccumulated sulfur and heavy metals or metalloids.
It has indeed gotten to the point where even with the inclusion of herbs, many can still have a very challenging time inspiring regeneration and increased functioning to tissues, than has ever been encountered in prior history (hence why we may resort to the use of bovine glandulars to help rebuild various glands or organs). This is also why many people aren’t getting away with simply treating symptoms anymore and may have spent tens of thousands of dollars on different supplements and diet programs in the process of just trying to get well and heal.
3.) Of course people with minor to moderate health problems, and without deeply congested lymphatic systems, can heal without the use of botanical products, but one must realize that it will take significantly longer and can be a rather arduous endeavor. Multiple intermittent or longer fasts may need to be undertaken to be able to detoxify deep enough.
Many people tend to not possess much patience when it comes to healing, but reality is that rectifying our health issues is a fairly slow process, and further so if diet alone is relied on exclusively.
Natural Hygiene and Herbs
If there exists any flaws in the Natural Hygienic principles, Dr. Morse has identified the postulation that all medicinal herbs only serve to suppress, stimulate and/or toxify the body, as being one such flaw; a major flaw at that.
”The Natural Hygienic people pretty much tore it (health) to parts themselves; the thing where they fell off is considering herbs toxic. That was a big mistake from them, and that’s okay, but I found them (herbs) to be just quite the opposite and so did most animals on the planet.” ~ Robert Morse, N.D., from Questions & Answers 118 Part 2.
There are also people who have been passionate devotees of the Natural Hygiene philosophy and its principles, that have experienced amplified healing when they set aside the disdain for herbs and began using them, not for the treatment of symptoms, but as a powerful aid in addressing the root cause of health problems by targeting key systems in the body which will enable healing to take place at an accelerated level.
One such person, is Joy King, as the following article excerpt illuminates:
“Dr. Morse helped Joy understand the body’s mechanics and the power of herbs. ‘Being trained in Natural Hygiene originally, I was very anti-herbs or anything other than fruit,’ she said. ‘After taking his herbs and understanding the basics of the body and how it works and how the kidneys must be properly filtering, my healing catapulted to a completely new level. Sure, many people can heal with just fruit alone; however, when the damage is deep in the organs, sometimes a boost is really required—and that is the power of the herbs. This information was a game changer for me.'”
Also, you may want to ask yourself the following:
Would you deny a person the use and application of aloe vera, burdock, or comfrey for speed healing and regeneration of severe burns, deep cuts or broken bones, because these herbs are supposedly only going to serve to suppress, stimulate and/or toxify the body?
Would you deny a person the use of a wisely-formulated antispasmodic herbal formula, when they endure asthma attacks, seizures, convulsions, tremors, cramps, or spasms – while focusing on addressing the root cause – because the formula’s herbal content is supposedly only going to suppress, stimulate and/or toxify the body?
It is for each individual to decide whether they want to use herbs or not; but in our view, herbs are and have always been here to help, and even animals in the wild choose to benefit from these plants when unwell, in addition to adequate rest and fasting.
Affordability Problems
If budget is the primary concern, that is understandable. Aim to do the best that your budget will permit you to and slowly wiggle yourself out of whatever predicament you may be in little by little.
Additional information can be found in the following document:
10.) Supplements: Are they recommended on these health programs?
This will depend on the type of supplement in question along with the circumstances that are being dealt with. With very few exceptions (e.g. emergency situations), the following is a list of some of the many supplements that are NOT recommended:
- Coenzyme Q10
- Colloidal Silver
- Creatine
- Digestive enzymes
- Fish oil
- Isolates (vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids, neurotransmitters, etc.)
- Probiotics
- Protein powders (both whey and plant-based; not necessary)
Instead, you’re encouraged to utilize whole food supplements including:
- Alfalfa (Lucerne) (plant and sprouts)
- Bovine glandulars (only if needed, and until no longer necessary)
- Kelp (powdered)
- Moringa oleifera
- Quality superfood blends WITHOUT added digestive enzymes, probiotics and blue-green algae
This is in light of the fact that you will be receiving more than ample nourishment from the botanicals, fruits and vegetables. In addition, the health protocols serve to address the reason as to why you’re not utilizing various nutrients to begin with, if that is the case.
Also, many people don’t have the affordability to be spending money on supplements most of which, ultimately, do not assist in addressing the root cause of their health problems but rather treats, suppresses and/or worsens the problem.
It is highly suggested that you read the following three documents:
1.) ‘Fruits vs. Vegetables; Nutrition; Balance’
Fruits vs. Vegetables; Nutrition; Balance
2.) ‘Vitamin B12’
3.) ‘Supplementary Isolates & Nutrition’
11.) Medications: I am currently taking XYZ medication(s), how do I go about detoxification?
I am not legally licensed to advise you about your prescribed medications.
This is one of the situations where the assistance of your own medical physician will prove invaluable. If it were me, I would consult with my physician and explain to the person what I’m trying to do and request of him/her to help me carefully monitor and adjust my dosage needs for whichever medication(s) I am taking. That is the safest and most preferred way of tapering off of medications.
It is important that your dosage requirements be closely monitored as changes can occur very rapidly. This is especially true of the dosage needs for hypertension medications, metformin, and administered insulin. It is imperative to stress that one should never suddenly cease taking their medications (especially corticosteroids such as Prednisone and hormones such as insulin) as serious injury can result. Therefore, do NOT hesitate to seek professional assistance when wanting to taper off of medications.
12.) Rebounding: Would rebounding be a beneficial adjunct to the detoxification process?
Bouncing/rebounding on a quality mini trampoline/rebounder can be very beneficial, if initiated and done correctly a quality unit.
Bouncing on a quality rebound device provides, among a myriad of significant and health conducive effects (as expounded in a NASA Study), a way of compressing tissues (which pumps fluid and blood plasma proteins out of the interstitial spaces with each compression) without added negative stress on the joints. It conditions and tones all the cells of the body by generating a positive form of stress which each cell adapts to by becoming stronger, and it also massages the millions of one-way check valves that line the lymphatic vessels (these prevent lymph fluid from flowing backwards thus maintaining one-way circulation) to increase lymph circulation. This happens as a result of the pressure generated below the valves at the top of every bounce, causing the valves to open, and propelling lymph fluid forward.
In short: lymph is pumped out of the tissue spaces at the bottom of the bounce and is propelled forward at the top of the bounce.
This activity is amongst the very best ways to systemically improve lymph flow, second only to deep diaphragmatic breathing, the latter being the primary lymphatic “pump,” if you will, and also the single most effective way of activating the lymphatic system throughout the entire body with every deep breath taken. The benefits are even greater when proper rebounding is combined with deep breathing.
The secret to rebounding is that it can be done as a method of exercise or for healing purposes, the latter having a very distinctive process and is what will be focused on henceforth.
When rebounding for healing purposes, the key is to generate and build the energy in the body. If this is carried out correctly, you will be able to bounce for hours and hours at varying intervals of low and high exertion without getting tired and without experiencing fatigue in the body, and at the end of the session you should have more energy in the body than when you first started the session.
Every session is initiated with a foundational 30-minute (or longer if desired) bouncing that is done by gently bouncing up and down WITHOUT the feet leaving the mat. If you’re very toxic or sensitive, you may have to gradually build up to the 30 minutes and beyond.
When exercising on a rebounder, you only get the benefits produced from compressing and relaxing the tissues and increasing lymph flow – which are great benefits of course – but you create fatigue in the body at the same time, which is lost energy that could’ve been used for healing. Added stress on the adrenal glands is also produced which lowers dopamine and acetylcholine neurotransmitters (necessary for elimination and also filtration through the kidneys) and increases your adrenalins.
When using it for healing, however, which is a process Dr. C. Samuel West, D.N, N.D. (1932-2004) called “aerobic lymphasizing,” a process that always begins with the 30-minute foundational bioelectric gentle bounce for health – jumping on the trampoline without the feet leaving the mat as outlined earlier – the goal is to generate and build energy in the body, which can be mentally directed into the endocrine glands, organs and other specific parts of the body for [sometimes near-immediate] pain relief and to cause regeneration to take place through various sequences and techniques executed during the foundational 30-minute or longer sessions.
Once the foundation is in place and, at minimum, the endocrine glands have been turned on, you then optionally proceed to following a complete routine of alternating higher and lower intensity bouncing methods to strengthen and tighten various parts of the body. Deep breathing and powerful affirmations are a part of the entire program.
If done right, you notice that despite having increased heart rate, perspiring, and moving the body vigorously for one or several hours straight, you’ll have more energy in the body at the end of the session than you did in the beginning of it. As Dr. West put it in his book ‘The Golden Seven Plus One‘, “If you cause stress or fatigue [in your body], you’re exercising, not lymphasizing.” It is the exercising aspect of rebounding that Dr. Morse doesn’t recommend if you aren’t filtering sediment via the kidneys first, due to the decreased neurotransmitter output necessary for facilitating proper elimination.
If we look at Dr. West’s work, he was likely the first person to discover the real healing power of rebounding, while everyone else were only focusing on what rebounding did for the lymphatic system. The first time he saw a person bouncing on a mini trampoline a theory shot through his mind and it was as follows:
There are magnetic fields going around the earth from north to south. In electrical engineering it is understood that if you constantly rotate an armature in a magnetic field, it will convert mechanical energy into electrical energy (the energy produced by turning the armature in the magnetic fields).
So, Dr. West’s idea was that the body would act like the armature when bouncing up and down through the magnetic fields of the earth, which would convert the mechanical energy into bioelectric energy, and this energy could then be used as one of several ways to magnify the thought wave to mentally direct the energy into the endocrine glands, organs and specific parts of the body to relieve pain and cause healing, with certain techniques taught in his book and through the Applied Lymphology Course taught through the International Academy of Lymphology he founded.
An important thing to consider is using a quality rebound device, as they will make for a more effortless bounce, meaning that it takes less exertion for the body to make the jump.
Poor quality trampolines, most mattresses, or worse yet, jumping on the floor/hard surface, will make for what is called a “dead bounce,” where your body is doing most or all of the work when jumping and this takes tremendous energy away from the body and also causes a level of stress on our joints that most of us aren’t conditioned to handle long-term.
Now, if energy is generated through the bioelectric gentle bounce for health, but is spent to compensate for the added exertion efforts of jumping on a hard or “dead bounce” surface (poor quality trampolines included), then you don’t get much benefit from it.
“To know how to use a Lymphasizer [rebounder] properly, you must know what to look for when you do it. It took me over five years to recognize it. The secret of lymphasizing is endurance. Endurance is hard to recognize because it happens so gradually that you take it for granted. Therefore, let endurance, without causing negative stress such as pain or fatigue at any step in this lymphasizing program, be the key to your progress. The secret to endurance is: ‘How long can you do it, and keep your body feeling like you’re sitting in a chair.’ This is contrary to almost every other physical fitness program you have ever heard about. Most of them force you to go to the point of stress. Therefore, people have been conditioned to think, ‘If I don’t feel any bad effects, it isn’t doing me any good.'” ~ Dr. C. Samuel West, D.N., N.D., from ‘The Golden Seven Plus One’ (p. 155)
To properly learn the aerobic lymphasizing program and much more, acquire and read Dr. West’s book ‘The Golden Seven Plus One’.
The following are all premium-level rebounders/mini trampolines I would personally recommend to others, as well as also being rebounders I would use professionally in an office/clinic setting for therapeutic purposes. The first two (Bellicon) rebounders are also favored by several members of our community and are also my personal first preference.
1.) Bellicon Premium Rebounder
Can be purchased here – Europe:
Can be purchased here – United States:
2.) Bellicon Classic Rebounder
Can be purchased here – Europe:
Can be purchased here – United States:
3.) Health Circulator Rebounder
Can be purchased here:
4.) JumpSport Model 350 PRO Rebounder
Can be purchased here:
5.) Cellerciser
Can be purchased here:
13.) Enemas/Colon Hydrotherapy: Are they necessary?
People resort to enemas or undergoing repeated colon hydrotherapy sessions for various reasons including:
- Poor peristalsis or constipation
- Wanting to clean the intestinal walls
- Maintenance cleaning (particularly as some people experience a boost in energy and well-being following sessions)
- As part of cleansing/detoxification programs
- To help alleviate or overcome health problems pertaining to the head region (e.g. to combat reoccurring headaches/migraines)
- In an attempt to lose weight
- To keep things “moving” and to assist elimination during liquid fasts
Enemas/colonics, when administered properly, can be helpful in conjunction with a good herbal program but, according to Dr. Morse, should not be overdone or relied upon extensively. One reason for this is that you’ll be working from the exterior, but not from the inside out. In other words, enemas and colonics are splendid for cleaning the exterior of the intestinal wall and to soften fecal impactions and other debris, but are not effective at cleaning and drawing from within the intestinal wall at the interstitial level. That’s where the herbs and a fruit predominant diet comes in.
Generally, a person can benefit greatly from 3-5 colon hydrotherapy sessions after a 30-day intestinal cleansing herbal protocol (or a protocol including intestinal cleansing herbs).
Enemas/colonics can also be helpful during healing crises (phases of increased elimination and purging) and are used during emergency situations where applicable.
Dr. Morse has 4 different herbal formulations that are effective for drawing, cleaning, soothing and restoring integrity and proper function to the intestines:
- Stomach & Bowels Tonic #1-5 (anti-inflammatory, restorative and strengthening to the stomach and intestines)
- The GI-Broom (aggressive formula designed to pull, absorb and evacuate intestinal debris, toxins, sulfur accumulation and the like while simultaneously containing herbs with anti-inflammatory and soothing properties)
- Lymphatic System Tonic I (encapsulated) (designed to stimulate, detoxify and strengthen the lymphatic system; effective at pulling and drawing from the intestinal wall; not as strong as GI-Broom)
- Heal-All Blend (encapsulated) (anti-inflammatory, soothing and helps to heal impactions and reverse intestinal inflammation similar to the Stomach & Bowels formulas)
There are mixed opinions on whether enemas/colonics cause dependency with long-term practice. Again, it is recommended that you do not overdo or rely overly on these practices, and preferably do them alongside an herbal program.
There is a greater chance that peristalsis may be affected if the individual already has compromised adrenal glands and a suppressive reflex influence is triggered from the large intestines (colon).
Now, that said, there are many people who have done enemas daily for years without experiencing any undesired effects as a direct result. The enema bag has especially become an invaluable asset to practitioners of Prof. Arnold Ehret‘s ‘Mucusless Diet Healing System‘.
The following document provides additional information and instructions:
14.) Cancer: In consideration of the emphasis on fruit, are these health programs safe for me?
Please download and read the following document:
A recommended prerequisite video series is available for viewing:
A video series discussing cancer is available for viewing:
15.) Diabetes: Are these health programs safe for diabetics?
Both type 1 and type 2 diabetics have successfully underwent these health programs.
For type 1’s: I highly recommend that you work closely with a detoxification specialist and, preferably, also a medical phycisian who can monitor blood glucose and ketone levels (especially with children), as well as assist in adjusting insulin dosages accordingly.
For type 2’s: Although I suggest cooperating with a practitioner, you may do this without the assistance of one. Review question #3 and do as outlined.
A video playlist has been assembled for all diabetics:
Additionally, you may read the following guideline document:
Blood Sugar Problems & Diabetes
Also, if you’re a type 2 diabetic, you may wish to read the following article about fruit restriction:
And, for inspirational purposes, you may consider investing in this e-book:
16.) Pregnant/Nursing: Can I safely undergo these health programs?
Pregnant and nursing women need to practice caution in how they approach the cleansing process. As a general rule of thumb, Dr. Morse doesn’t encourage pregnant women to detoxify heavily unless it is urgent. But they are still encouraged to consume a diet high in fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, and may also take certain non-aggressive herbal botanicals and nutritive superfood blends.
For pregnant women, the following of Dr. Morse’s herbal formulas (and tea) should NOT be taken unless working with, and advised by, a qualified practitioner:
- All Lymphatic System formulas
- All Lymph Nodes formulas
- Bone Marrow Support (do not take during early pregnancy)
- Circulation (Lower)
- Circulation (Upper)
- Female Reproductive
- Heal-All Tea
- Heart
- Lungs I
- Lungs II
- Parasite G
- Parasite M
- Pituitary
- Prolapsed Organs (now called Connective Tissue Support)
- Stomach & Bowels #3
- Stomach & Bowels #4
- Stomach & Bowels #5
Breastfeeding women should avoid aggressive detoxification, but can still use the lymphatic and anti-parasitic herbal formulas and need not be concerned about toxins being transferred to the child via breast milk. If the nursing mother detoxifies her body, the breastfed child will detoxify along with her.
The trained practitioner is advised to consider some of the following to be incorporated as part of a health regimen for pregnant women:
- Strong Bones formula (effectively counterbalances the effects of low calcium reserves during pregnancy)
- God’s Garden Superfood Blend II (highly nutritive blend; effectively replaces prenatal supplements)
- Parathyroid glandular (strengthens the parathyroid gland to help increase calcium utilization)
- Moringa Oleifera (highly nutritive plant; effectively replaces prenatal supplements)
- Nettle Leaf (daily tea or herbal infusion) (highly nutritive tonic for pregnant women; also strengthens kidneys)
- Red Raspberry Leaf (daily tea or herbal infusion) (historically well-known tonic for pregnant women)
- NORA Tea (Nettle, Oatstraw, Red Raspberry Leaf, Alfalfa) (learn more)
17.) MTHFR Genetic Defect: Won't my impaired methylation interfere with my success with detoxification?
Only to the degree that you will allow it to.
According to a form provided to a patient by their doctor:
“There is NO CURE for MTHFR mutation. If you have the mutation, that’s the way your body is made. You can, however, lessen any risk factors you have by taking B vitamins, Folic acid and baby aspirin in doses prescribed by your doctor. By taking these agents, you can lower your homocysteine levels […]”
The primary issue with these gene mutation concepts is that they ultimately deprive people of self-power through the typical “there is not much you can do besides learning how to treat, manage, and live with it for the remainder of your life” type of arrangement. It’s easy for people to get trapped in this delusion, believing that every single thing that goes wrong with their health, and why they might have a tough time healing, is due to a gene mutation they can never change, and have no other choice but resorting to try and manage their condition in whichever way they can.
Although individually tailored and re-adjusted according to the patient’s needs, the protocols issued by different clinics for the treatment of impaired methylation, rely heavily on few or several of the following supplements and medications:
- Folic acid or (preferably) 5-methyltetrahydrofolate
- Methyl/hydroxo-cobalamin (B12) and other B vitamins
- Acetyl-glutathione
- Trimethylglycine
- Baby aspirin
- Deplin tablets (l-methylfolate)
- Metanx (B vitamins)
Some protocols will also include dietary recommendations aimed at acquiring specific nutrients such as: riboflavin (B2), vitamin B6, folate (B9), cobalamin (B12), glutathione, betaine, choline, and EPA/DHA.
But, as is typical, there is complete absence of emphasis on – or consideration of – the body’s purification system (lymphatics).
Take a step back and contemplate on the simplicity of the human body for a moment:
- Cells (which contain DNA that carries genetic information)
- Two fluids (blood and lymph)
- Two sides to chemistry (acid and alkaline)
If genes are a portion of the DNA stored within a cell, what can you think of would have the greatest influence on altering the genetics of a cell in an unfavorable manner? Something would have to affect a cell negatively to cause this disruption. This can indeed occur from negative and destructive thought patterns, being emotionally distraught, or from acute trauma (which in turn also affects the mental and emotional state).
But the greatest impact, by far, will come from the cellular environment which consists of a river of fluids (blood and lymph). Our primary concern is always with the lymphatic system because it is the lymph fluid that deals with the removal of cellular wastes and chemical residue, albeit the body’s primary elimination pathways must function well for this to take place efficiently. And therein lies our real problem, from a genetic standpoint.
Through countless generations of living discordantly with nature, consuming inappropriate foods (and especially high protein diets), being exposed to ever-increasing pollution in the form of toxic chemicals and heavy metals, and maintaining lifestyles deleterious to our health, the cells comprising our eliminative organs (as well as endocrine system and other tissues) have remained on a downward spiral in their state of health and functional ability – as each generation passes their “weakened” genetics on to the next generation, only for the next generation to continue on the same trend.
With compromised elimination pathways (kidneys mainly) and shallow breathing, comes an inefficient, congested and slow-moving lymphatic system. With a compromised lymphatic system eventually comes increased retention of cellular wastes, build-up of toxins, poisons and heavy metals, and systemic acidosis. This can and often does spawn microbial and parasitic problems as well. The damage and enervation caused to cells in this medium lowers their vitality and efficiency, and will alter their “genetic thinking (cellular memory),” as Dr. Morse refers to it. But this genetic thinking CAN be reversed. However, treating symptoms with supplements, medications, irradiation of tissue or surgery, won’t suffice to produce remedy.
So, are you truly powerless, kneeling at the mercy of a gene mutation? Absolutely not. And you would do yourself an extraordinary favor in forgetting about it entirely, shifting focus and starting afresh. You’re the one in control, always, and should not let gene or “[autoimmune] disease” concepts strip that away from you only to offer a no-hope, dead-end approach in return.
Try not to permit yourself to be defined by the symptoms you experience, or to own or be owned by them. Albeit there can be great difficulty in rising above the condition(s) you’re facing, realize that you’re separate from this condition(s) – that it doesn’t need to become a constant in your life, serve as a sense of security or become your identity, for the condition isn’t who you are.
People who unknowingly or willingly carry these conditions or “disease” labels with them like a ball and chain and orient their lives entirely around this, will have the most difficult time fully healing. They cast blame on their “disease” for whatever may or may not happen, dis-engage from self-responsibility, and compound the problem by manifesting limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns in the mental body, ultimately dis-empowering themselves.
This doesn’t have to be you; you don’t have to be part of the MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) gene defect consciousness only to be told it’s a lifelong predicament you’ll need to learn how to treat and live with for the rest of your life; the choice is yours.
Energy is the foundation for maintaining or creating robust health and is key to all of this. There are various ways in which increased energy can be inspired at the cell level, and spans from the electromagnetic energy of raw plant foods and herbal botanicals to biomagnetism (using magnetic fields to amplify cellular voltage), tissue manipulation techniques as well as exercise-oriented energy arts such as qigong and tai chi (to stimulate lymphatics), abdominal breathing, aromatherapy, glandular therapy, homeopathics, fasting and onward – ultimately removing internal obstructions, purifying, and alkalizing the body; eliminating and replacing irreparable cells; increasing oxygenation to cells; turning on the cellular power generators (sodium-potassium pumps); generating electricity and granting the body the power to heal.
Sometimes people have become weakened, brittle, and sensitive to the point that several of the aforementioned and other congruous methods, techniques and modalities may need to be implemented. Other times a sequencing process is required where certain preliminary steps are taken to deal with one urgent matter at a time, such as:
- Restoring microbial homeostasis (typically to rectify severe fungal infestation); or
- Addressing exposure to mold neurotoxicity; or
- Detoxifying bioaccumulated heavy metals (the difficulty in doing so appearing to be a major concern among those within the MTHFR gene polymorphism realm); or
- Addressing exposure to elevated levels of electromagnetic radiation (EMF); or
- Evicting parasites from the body
The appropriate approach for you to take will be unique to you, and should be tailored specifically to accommodate for your individual strengths and weaknesses.
Reversing decades of disharmonious living is rarely an easy, overnight journey, but the reward of physiological freedom – liberation from sickness and dis-ease – is well worth the time, effort and dedication.
”Don’t let anybody put you in a box – with gene consciousness or anything else – that would suggest that you don’t have the ability to do anything; don’t buy into that – you have all the power you need.” ~ Robert Morse, N.D., from Questions & Answers 240.
A person’s life doesn’t have to be dictated by 1 out of well over 20000 genes that something can go wrong with. Take some time out to learn and understand the encompassing, root cause-oriented system of detoxification and regeneration, as taught by Dr. Morse, and you will come a long way in knowing you have the power to take control of your life and turn things around for the better.
Food F.A.Q.
1.) Organic Produce: What if I can't procure/afford organic fruits and vegetables?
If you have limited access to, or are unable to afford organic produce, then re-prioritize to the degree that you can and try to do the best with what you can find/afford.
Limited availability:
Depending on where on earth you’re situated, and the season of the year, there are a few ways in which you can try to compensate for the limited access to a wide selection of fresh, organic produce.
1.) Make sure you’ve scoured your area (check online) for any possible farmer’s markets or smaller greengrocer that may carry organic produce.
2.) Check for the possibility of ordering organic produce from an online vendor, to be shipped directly to your address, or for you to pick up at a designated, local pick-up facility.
3.) Check for availability of organic, frozen fruits and berries.
4.) Order the required materiel and grow what you can at home (outside and/or indoor). The very simplest you can do, is to grow a variety of sprouts (e.g. alfalfa, arugula, red clover, radish, fenugreek, dill, etc.) indoor. Refer to the Sproutpeople’s website for more information on sprouting.
5.) Forage for wild, edible plants, some of which you can juice; add to salads; include in smoothies; tincture; extract; brew into tea; or dry (and then tincture, make tea of, or powder and encapsulate). The most common and easily identifiable plants include dandelion greens, plantain, nettle, milk thistle, chickweed, burdock, and purslane.
Be sure it’s the right plant you’re harvesting, before ingesting it in any fashion.
A lot of people simply cannot afford to procure exclusively organic produce, if at all. Another percentage of people CAN afford it, but it requires that they prioritize what’s most important and leaving out the unnecessary food items or other things that they really don’t need (but have a hard time giving up).
1.) Again, try to procure organic sprouting seeds, and also get into the habit of harvesting wild plants (basically free food and medicine).
2.) Figure out if it’s possible for you to take advantage of clearance produce at your local greengrocer or grocery store.
3.) Wash your produce thoroughly. Get to know what the most “chemically polluted” vs. cleanest fruits and vegetables are, from the Environmental Working Group’s list of the ‘dirty dozen and clean fifteen‘ fruits and vegetables.
A common suggestion, to limit chemical exposure on a tight budget, is to make sure you purchase the organic variety of the dirty dozen (produce with the most pesticide residue) and conventional variety of the cleanest produce. If that’s not possible, don’t sweat it – but always clean your produce well (whether organic or not). Peel off the skins of fruits that are coated with wax (as commonly seen on apples and cucumbers).
Albeit among the dirty dozen, grapes and apples are still going to be effective allies if you cannot get them organic.
Neurological sensitivity:
Keep in mind that some people are very sensitive to the chemicals sprayed on produce; and by ingesting a greater quantity than they tolerate, can trigger temporary shortness of breath, sudden tremors, anxiety, dilation of pupils, lethargy and various other conditions linked to the autonomic adrenal-and-cerebellum-driven nervous system (ANS) or otherwise.
For more information, see Pesticide Action Network’s ‘Hazards of Common Pesticides‘ reference chart.
Please read the following two documents:
1.) ‘Detoxification on a Budget’
Click Here to Download
2.) ‘Washing the Produce’
Click Here to Download
2.) Frozen Produce (Incl. Store-Bought): Is it okay to consume frozen fruits and vegetables?
Ideally, as-fresh-as-you-can-get-it, organic, fresh fruits and vegetables is recommended for detoxification purposes.
Organic frozen fruit (berries mainly) may comprise a small portion of your diet and overall should bear insignificant or no negative impact.
Fresh to semi-fresh vegetables are usually available all-year-round at the grocery stores and are recommended in place of frozen vegetables.
Organic frozen vegetables, however, are certainly still permissible for the occasional treat meal; be sure they are free of additives and preservatives (which you find more prevalent in frozen vegetables).
3.) Seedless Fruits: Are they okay to eat?
Our community encourages and operates under the principle of “do the best you can with what you have.” And although seedless fruits are not considered the best, nor a very efficacious variety of fruits (compared to seeded), they are better than nothing if preferential options aren’t available at the time and they can still get the job done.
From experience and observation, it stands clear to me (Nichlas) that seedless fruits can be part of a person’s diet up until a certain point where the person feels they aren’t benefitting from such fruits any longer (and one will be able to feel the noticeable difference between a seedless fruit and its seeded counterpart in how one is being affected by each of them; the seeded variety being more powerful). It is similar to when a person plateaus on vegetables and must move on to transcend the plateau; seedless fruits will only take a person so far.
Some people are sensitive to seedless fruits in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable, unbalanced, anxious or jittery, after eating them (unlike seeded varieties). If that is the case, exclude the seedless fruit from your diet and substitute with either the seeded variety (whenever possible) or another kind of [seeded] fruit.
So, how about the good ol’ question that goes something along the lines of: “Organic but seedless or non-organic and seeded; which should I choose?”
I respond to that question from the standpoint of what I would personally do, if it was my decision to make for myself.
I would only choose organic and seedless if:
- I was neurologically compromised or hypersensitive to chemical residues (pesticides, herbicides, etc.) as to best avoid triggering such symptoms as shortness of breath, anxiety, etc.; and
- I had no means of washing non-organic fruit thoroughly (meaning I only had water to rinse it with); or
- There were no better or more appealing alternatives
Nonetheless, Dr. Morse has seen many people successfully detoxify using low quality grocery store fruit, as well as seedless fruit. But always strive to acquire the highest quality seeded and organically cultivated fruit possible, if means permit.
As part of a long-term diet for health maintenance, I do not encourage consumption of seedless fruit (at least keep it to a minimum).
Be sure to thoroughly wash non-organic produce that do not have thick protective rinds, peels, or husks (unlike watermelons, durian fruit, or oranges respectively).
From a philosophical standpoint, there is an increasingly popular thought among a number of health advocates that long-term consumption of artificially induced seedless produce will contribute to infertility in humans. Interesting, although non-verifiable at this time.
NOTE: Seedless is not synonymous with genetically engineered (or genetically modified). Seedless produce is propagated through traditional means of careful plant selection and breeding to yield the desired characteristics and qualities (which, at the end of the day, with this whole seedless endeavor, is an act of exploiting and proliferating plant weaknesses for commercial advantage, only to our own detriment in the long run). This process of cultivating seedless produce is known as parthenocarpy. Introduction of species-foreign genetic material (from, say, an animal or entirely different fruit or vegetable) is not involved in this process.
4.) What is recommended for people who are allergic to fruit? / What about Goitrogenic foods?
The first thing to understand (especially as a practitioner) is that when a person/client says they’re “allergic” to something, this is based upon their (or their doctor’s) perception and interpretation (which is based on what they know at that particular time and what, to them, constitutes as being an allergic reaction) of how their body is responding to the given substance ingested. The reaction that occurs may have absolutely nothing to do with allergies, and everything to do with elimination of toxins and other wastes (or healing crisis).
What Dr. Morse considers a true allergic reaction, is when the body reacts with strong itchiness (rashes), swelling and narrowing of the throat (all of which is often accompanied by a sharp drop in blood pressure). This severe reaction is commonly known as anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock and is very rarely experienced following consumption of fruits, vegetables and herbs.
Most other reactions or intolerances are the result of a compromised lymphatic system (always), as well as organs and endocrine glands (notably liver/gallbladder, adrenal glands and the intestines) compounded by chemical (pesticide, herbicide, fungicide) residues on fresh produce and the accumulation of inorganic sulfur in tissues from use of sulfa drugs, methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) supplementation, and/or other chemical residues.
In a compromised state, the individual can have uncomfortable reactions to literally anything. And sometimes this “anything” unfortunately happens to be various fruits and vegetables.
If you do not cope well with certain fruits and/or vegetables, temporarily exclude the offending items from your diet and continue with fruits and vegetables you can tolerate.
Detoxification is the key to fixing this problem through restoring kidney and/or adrenal gland function enabling the filtration of lymphatic wastes, which is facilitated by the appropriate diet changes and accelerated with astringent fruits, tissue-specific herbs, dry/water/juice fasting and other therapeutic modalities.
See corresponding question under General Health F.A.Q.
You can muscle test (kinesiology) the food item(s) you’re intolerant to, while you work on addressing the underlying problem. The result can be used to gauge when you may be able to consume the food item(s) without adverse reactions.
Goitrogenic Foods:
There is a common concern out there, particularly among people dealing with hypothyroidism, regarding the goitrogen properties of an array of produce (cruciferous vegetables predominantly; see list below). Some people with hypothyroidism attribute the ill feeling they get, following consumption of strawberries and pears, to the goitrogenic properties of these fruits (the high level of pesticide residue on conventional strawberries and pears should not be overlooked). Dr. Morse suggests not to make a big deal out of the goitrogenic matter (understandably so) as it distracts attention away from the actual (and more serious) problem: interstitial lymphatic constipation (which eventually impedes or hyperstimulates thyroid function).
Leave out the foods you cannot tolerate well, fix your body, and incorporate them back in when you can. Muscle test foods if needed, before consuming. If you’re dealing with hypothyroidism, work on strengthening your thyroid gland (conduct the Basal Body Temperature Study first) as part of a holistic health regimen addressing the health of your body systemically with emphasis on the lymphatic system.
List of most common Goitrogenic produce:
- Bok choy
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Collards
- Kale
- Kohlrabi
- Millet
- Mustard
- Peaches
- Peanuts
- Pine nuts
- Radishes
- Red Radish
- Rutabaga
- Spinach
- Strawberries
- Turnips
- Watercress
NOTE: The above food items are considered lesser detoxifiers and more suitable for dietary transitional purposes. A food item being on the above list does not constitute that you have to exclude it from your diet, if you have a weakened thyroid. Observe how your body responds and how you feel following consumption of the above food items. Keep in mind that detoxification, with emphasis on the lymphatic system, is the same course of action that rectifies the root cause of goiters.
Please read the following two documents:
1.) ‘When Fruit is Not an Option’
2.) ‘Detoxification Symptoms; Healing Crisis’
Muscle Testing Instructions
5.) Dietary Hypersensitivities (Extreme): I am unable to tolerate most foods, what do I do?
NOTE: This F.A.Q. response is written under the assumption that the reader has read the Newcomers’ Introduction and any relevant Getting Started frequently asked questions.
As we typically deal with very sick, sensitive and/or highly toxic people, our community occasionally welcomes individuals that bring with them a health history of sensitivities to a variety of foods. Sometimes this list of “forbidden”/”trigger” foods is limited to common offenders including all dairy products, fish, grains, wheat, nuts, peanuts, soy and eggs, most of which ideally shouldn’t be part our diet anyway.
But, other times, it extends to also include many fruits and/or vegetables. The extensiveness of its reach into the produce section will often determine how challenging of a case we’re dealing with.
Sometimes people are diagnosed with a sensitivity to certain biochemical substances found in some or most fruits and vegetables. This often means that the person will henceforth attempt to avoid all produce containing these biochemical substances because consuming them could – hypothetically – cause a problem (which by NO MEANS constitutes that it will).
Putting together an effective approach for these situations will require a process of trial and error, as well as active participation and cooperation on the client’s end, since it will take some worthwhile effort to figure a diet they can cope with and to work them out of this. Leaving behind the medical diagnosis (for your own good, let your doctor keep the “disease” or “disorder” labels) along with the fear and hopelessness attached to it, and developing a positive mental attitude is important for achieving success.
These are the recommended initial steps:
1.) Receive a thorough, Foundational Health Assessment
For this purpose Dr. Morse’s clinic and many of the practitioners in our community use (1) the Self-Assessment Health Questionnaire, (2) Basal Body Temperature Study, (3) an Iris Analysis (based on American/Dr. Bernard Jensen iridology), and optionally (4) an evaluation of any lab work/tests you’ve underwent.
This will grant you a detailed overview of where you stand with regard to the integrity of your various organs, endocrine glands, the lymphatic (immune) system, the gastrointestinal tract, the efficiency (or the lack thereof) of your elimination organs, and more.
2.) Create a List of Tolerated Food Items Starting with “0” and Gradually Expand It
Ideally, you will want to know what you can eat experientially and not from what a piece of paper or a doctor tells you that you can or cannot eat. But how far you should go to figure this out will depend on the severity of the reactions you MAY experience from eating potential trigger foods. If severe, agonizing and/or debilitating symptoms are likely to occur, then you should NOT attempt to experiment with the foods you’re warned against.
If you happen to tolerate [dairy-free] junk foods, then put them on the list. Anything that doesn’t cause an immediate problem you should add to the list, because it may be helpful in quickly finding more appropriate alternatives.
The most important thing is that you eventually create a list, if even a small one at first, of foods that at the very least are not complete junk/overly processed foods, but better yet a list that [hopefully] contains at least some benign fruits and/or vegetables that you can comfortably cope with so you have something to eat when you need it.
Acid and sub-acid category fruits are generally regarded as the most aggressive, thus a considerably sensitive/toxic body can respond in a seemingly adverse manner to these. Non-sweet and sweet fruits tend to be more benign and better tolerated.
Start with non-sweet and sweet fruits first, add any of these that you can tolerate to your list and proceed to sub-acid and eventually acid fruits, as long as you don’t invoke strong reactions.
3.) Read ‘Toxicity Considerations: Introduction‘ and Note Down Any Possible Factors Relevant to Your Situation
There can be multiple interwoven factors to consider in any person’s health situation, which extend beyond diet, and if true, should be identified as early on as possible.
If you come across anything you think might have an influence on your overall health situation, but you’re not sure, then please either contact Dr. Morse’s clinic or join the dedicated support forum and confirm it with members of our community.
4.) Commence the Educational Process
It is beyond question that those who achieve the most success in healing themselves are those who will devote time to learning as much as they can about the process, system, and methodology of which they are about to engage or are already implementing. This is key, because no one else can nor should do the work for you, and, ultimately, no one else will know your body better than YOU.
Increasing your understanding of the system of detoxification as we practice it within this community, which is based on observations of how nature heals the wounded and how wildlife operates, and fusing this awareness with basic knowledge of physics, biochemistry, chemistry, and a basic understanding of the body and how it works, will help lay a solid foundation for which you can build upon as you begin to embrace and learn about all the healing arts and what each of them has to offer.
This website ( offers a good starting-point for the above purpose.
– Begin learning about the different ways you can prepare your food to help you tolerate them better whether in the form of:
- Small but frequent mono-meals
- Smoothies (fruit or green smoothies)
- Sauces (apple, pear, etc.)
- Juices
- Fruit infused water
- Coconut water
- Herbal teas
- Raw or cooked soups
- Fermented food (only if you cannot tolerate anything better)
Occasionally, we’re looking at individuals who’ve gotten their body so compromised that they can hardly eat anything and as a result, if they do, experience either varying levels of pain, cramping and spasms, skin breaking out in hives or rashes, rapid decline in blood pressure/blood sugar, and so forth. We must therefore realize that sometimes we’ll have to do whatever it takes to surmount these complex challenges, so the worst-case scenarios include:
- Spoon-feeding tiny portions at a time, such as a table- or teaspoonful every 5-10 minutes (give or take) or longer of smoothie/juice/powdered herb/tea/fruit infused water, etc.
- Bouts of forced (by nature) water or dry fasting
- Intravenous feeding tube (herbs and juices can and should be used in this case)
Again, should you need assistance, reaching out for support is highly suggested.
– Begin learning about the ways you can support your body’s detoxification and healing processes through mechanical stimulus and external applications:
We place strong emphasis on activating the lymphatic system and restoring efficient functioning back to our elimination pathways (which requires lymphatic involvement), and knowing how to do this lays the foundation for all the healing arts. And although Dr. Morse and our community do center our focus on diet and herbs, there really is one-hundred-and-one ways of stimulating the lymphatics some of which are imperative (deep breathing and movement), some very effective, and many other options that are available should you need them.
As you begin to increasingly fulfill the conditions of health, these dietary challenges will diminish more and more until the cause has been fully reversed.
Deep breathing is a highly-neglected yet phenomenal place to begin, and I suggest you get into this powerful and free practice.
Suggested Reading:
- ‘The Detox Miracle Sourcebook‘ by Robert Morse, N.D.
- ‘The Golden Seven Plus One‘ by C. Samuel West, D.N., N.D.
- ‘The Mucusless Diet Healing System‘ by Prof. Arnold Ehret (annotated, revised, and edited by Prof. Spira)
- ‘Rational Fasting‘ by Prof. Arnold Ehret
Read more:
1.) ‘When Fruit is Not an Option’
2.) ‘A Gradual Transition’
6.) Winter Season: It's difficult maintaining a raw plant-based diet during cold seasons, what can I do?
Only the fewest of disciplined people experience an easy time maintaining a strict raw food diet during winter season due to reasons including lack of variety, reduced quality, as well as increased expense of the available fresh produce. Outside of this there is also the common issue of periodically or constantly feeling cold (which can resolve itself in due time) and unsatisfied regardless of quantity of raw fruits and vegetables consumed. If you can succeed with it, and it’s serving you well, that’s phenomenal – keep it up. We just encourage everyone to do the best they can. More important yet, stress should not be produced as a result of the attempt at sticking with a diet that is ultimately too strict for oneself – as it will be counterproductive to one’s long-term success, let alone subduing any will to continue.
The needs, circumstances, and any additional data unique to every individual, and what the individual themselves are personally willing to do, should always dictate the most balanced yet productive approach for moving them forward within or outside of the detoxification scenario. The variables are always in fluctuation, and so the approach should always shift and adjust accordingly. If you develop a firm grasp of this, it will help you circumvent typical pitfalls such as the widespread aversion to all food processed with heat beyond a certain temperature (notably in favor of enzyme preservation), or the fear of foods rich in fatty acids, as is commonly seen in this sector of the health field.
Understand also that, from a dietary and environmental perspective, as well as the psychological effects commonly involved (think winter depression), the winter season is not a proper, easy, nor motivational time for deep tissue cleansing work although it can still be necessary for some people to buckle up and do whatever it may take to turn their health around.
“I agree that cold food in cold weather is a little out of balance.” ~ Robert Morse, N.D., from Questions & Answers 216.
During this time, cooked or mildly warmed dishes can and often do play an essential or at least a significant role in serving to help keep a person on track. Such dishes are simply another set of tools we can use to work ourselves through the situations and trying times we encounter, such as winter, until no longer necessary. Cooked food can also form part of a longer transition period as a means of easing one’s way into an exclusively raw plant-based diet.
Stewed or baked fruit; steamed, boiled, or baked vegetables; vegetable soups*; and herbal teas/infusions. These are all options to be explored for keeping warm and satisfied.
*Once soup has finished cooking, add the contents to a [sufficiently powerful] blender and blend it all together into a nice consistency, which allows for better digestion in consideration of proper food combining. Alternatively, consume the liquid portion first, allow 15-20 minutes to pass, then consume the solid portion.
CAUTION: When processing hot liquids in a blender, be sure to keep the lid on and securely sealed. While carefully removing the lid, do not position your face over or near the top of the blender, as facial contact with the escaping steam can produce scalding.
Fats and Spices:
In the attempt at maintaining an exclusively raw plant-based diet, during cold seasons, some people prioritize a high intake of sprouted grains, foods rich in fats – herein nuts, seeds and various oils – and also use spices (e.g. cayenne pepper, ginger, turmeric, ceylon cinnamon, cloves, cumin, nutmeg, mace, saffron, etc.) to stay warm.
Again, all the above are [dietary] tools we can work with to be used at the right time. What, when, how much, and how often to consume or make use of these food items is best determined by your individual situation.
As general rules of thumb, we don’t recommend:
- Nuts and seeds if in pain, if trying to reverse kidney damage, gastrointestinal problems, if attempting to rebuild the liver/gallbladder, or if working on health problems related to the nervous systems
- Sprouted grains if dealing with gastrointestinal issues, and preferably neither if in pain
- High (amount), frequent, or otherwise inappropriate or unnecessary internal use of hot spices (cayenne, black pepper, etc.), as these act as irritants on mucosal tissues yielding excess mucus production
- Frequent internal usage of oils if dealing with a distressed liver/gallbladder
Apart from that, the above items can easily form part of your diet. Unless undergoing some form of a specific cleanse, then, if possible, always aim to have fresh fruit as the first meal of the day and as snack foods throughout the day.
When eating nuts/seeds, have them together with dried fruit or as part of a salad to facilitate better intestinal transit and elimination of the digested nuts/seeds.
Remember that you can warm your raw salads and soups (use oven or a dehydrator). Some also warm their bowl(s)/plate(s) they’ll use prior to serving.
Favorable oils one can use include:
- Almond oil
- Argan oil
- Avocado oil
- Coconut oil
- Evening primrose oil
- Hemp oil
- Olive oil (stone-crushed)
- Pumpkinseed oil
- Sacha inchi oil
- Walnut oil
- Borage oil (treated as supplemental oil)
- [Nigella sativa] Black seed oil (treated as supplemental oil)
Diet aside, keep your home warm, stay well-clothed for insulation, and be sure to inspect the condition of your thyroid gland (which may require pituitary and/or hypothalamic considerations) for optimal body temperature, which, apart from anemia, ultimately determines how easy or difficult of a time you’ll have staying warm.
Should the option of relocating to a warmer (perhaps tropical or subtropical) climate in the future ever become viable, then do take the time to consider the opportunity.
7.) Caffeinated Beverages: What can I do to completely wean myself off of these?
Different groups of people have different reasons for consuming caffeinated beverages. Some have developed a liking for the taste of the beverage(s) in question, others do it as part of social interaction, while a great many have come to rely on the stimulating nature of these beverages as an energy crutch to help get them through the day.
The problem with stimulants is that they “excite” more activity out of the central and/or peripheral nervous systems, while all stimulants also affect the adrenal glands in a similar fashion. But excess stimulation (innervation) eventually results in increasing degrees of enervation (exhaustion/depletion). At this point you become gradually more dependent on caffeine and, to compensate, the “dose” must be increased until the limit has been reached and the “drug” no longer produces any desired effects (i.e. coffee or Red Bull no longer gives you a temporary jolt of energy). Chronic fatigue may well be on the horizon from here on out.
In the U.S., an estimated 54% of the population over the age of 18 consume coffee daily. And this is JUST coffee. Now add in caffeine-rich teas (e.g. black tea; instant teas), carbonated drinks, and energy drinks (e.g. sugar free Red Bull), as well as salt.
With our high-stress, often rest-deprived lifestyles, and excessive overindulgence of and reliance on stimulants, it should come as no surprise as to why adrenal fatigue has become a significantly widespread problem, which generates an even greater dependency on stimulants. So it can sometimes be a very challenging task to break free from the coffee or Red Bull habit (and to rebuild the adrenal glands for that matter)
There are generally two different methods of breaking away from your reliance on caffeinated beverages: (1) Stopping “Cold Turkey” and (2) Progressive Weaning.
Stopping Cold Turkey
Through this method you simply stop your consumption of caffeinated beverages at once (replacing with a non-caffeinated beverage if needed).
Although this is the fastest way, it’s also the least successful, as most people are unable to pull it off permanently once the cravings and withdrawal symptoms set in and become pronounced enough.
Progressive Weaning
This method takes longer – but is easier – and gives us room to work with more tools and undergo various lifestyle and dietary changes all of which contributes to helping us successfully break the dependency on a permanent basis. The withdrawal symptoms are also less intense and more easily controlled.
If you haven’t started already, begin by changing your diet, which is addressed in the Getting Started F.A.Q. sub-section and in guideline documents located on the Practitioner Resources page, but, if possible, invest in a juicer and place greater emphasis on incorporating green juices of which recipes can be found aplenty on the internet, YouTube, and also a few are outlined in the ‘Simple Juice Ideas‘ PDF.
At this point it is be good to know our blood pressure on both arms along with any other indicators that can illuminate the state of our adrenal glands. Based on what you find out, you can proceed to finding the best way for you to support your adrenals. We generally utilize herbs, organic bovine glandulars, and encourage people to rest sufficiently and, to the best of their ability, try to reduce their overall stress load daily.
But there are other things one can do to complement the above, such as meditation, massages, yoga, and so forth.
The goal is to gradually reduce your caffeine intake. Whether you reduce your beverage intake by quarter, half, or full cups at a time is up to you, but slow and steady wins the race.
To help keep nerves settled, the Brain & Nervous System Tonic (number 1 or number 2) formulas can be used.
Coffee Alternatives
If coffee is what you’re weaning yourself from, there are a number of popular and caffeine-free herbal coffee alternatives available on the market which may make the transition easier. Some of these include:
Herbal Infusions and Teas
The following herbal infusions and teas can also help:
8.) Salt: Can I include salt in my diet?
In general, light usage of appropriate salts is permissible during transitional phases and also as part of salads or veggie meals and otherwise as needed. Depending on your current approach/protocol, consider supplementing your diet with green juices.
When the adrenal cortex (where steroid production takes place in the adrenals) is compromised, this often results in decreased output of mineralocorticoid steroids and thereby loss of sufficient sodium (amongst other minerals) utilization, leading to salt cravings. As people respond to these cravings by increasing their salt intake, they can feel much better and falsely believe that the salt is strengthening or rebuilding their adrenals, when in reality the salt is only serving as a form of temporary stimulation.
If you’re experiencing salt cravings you can still use salt, just don’t overdo it. You can also sprinkle a pinch on some of your fruit meals (as is popularly done with oranges, grapefruit, pineapple to help you along as a crutch, should you need it. But remember to strengthen the adrenals through diet, necessary lifestyle changes, therapeutic practices, and other tools which may include botanical products (herbs), glandulars and the like. Once adrenal performance is increased, salt cravings will subside. As you continue working on your body with clean foods, your taste palates will change and there will come a time when salt will be too intense and unpalatable. You will automatically reject added salt and no longer need it at this point, as the unenhanced, unadulterated, subtle flavors of fruits and vegetables will suffice for your enjoyment.
Recommended sources of sodium:
- Celery (especially juiced)
- Seaweeds (e.g. kelp powder or dulse flakes) (carefully sourced)
- Hawaiian ‘alaea sea salt
- Himalayan pink crystal salt
- Celtic sea salt
General Health F.A.Q.
1.) Calories: How many should I consume per day for my age and weight?
As a general rule of thumb, partake of fresh fruits and vegetables until you’re satisfied and consume several smaller meals throughout the day, especially if dealing with low blood sugar problems. For the purpose of allowing the body to perform its internal house-cleaning most uninhibited, it is recommended to remain on the slight side of hunger and not eating in excess for the sake of calories (which Dr. Morse doesn’t recommend counting/tracking).
How much you will need to consume depends on multiple factors including:
1.) How thoroughly your body can digest and process the food you eat (starting with proper chewing).
2.) The degree to which your body can absorb the nourishment from the food you’ve [hopefully] been able to digest properly.
3.) How efficiently your body utilizes the nourishment, which is reliant on steroid and hormone factors (thus the health of the endocrine system).
If you require to eat more as a result of physically demanding activities (sports, job, etc.), feel free to do so.
Bananas, papaya, durian fruit, jackfruit, mangoes, an avocado in the evening (preferably as part of a salad), etc. are all excellent and filling fruits.
Depending on your current health regimen, a nut/seed and dried fruit combination (one kind of each) may also be enjoyed preferably as the last meal before your evening salad.
Example: hazel nuts + raisins.
Additionally, you can incorporate a quality superfood blend like God’s Garden Superfood Blend II.
“There has always been the question of: ‘How much and how often should a person eat?’ It is my personal opinion that we should eat only one-to-three different foods at a time, and eat as often as we like, but only when we are hungry.
Our society recognizes eating only three times a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Because of this, we tend to overeat and combine many different types of foods at the same meal. This only serves to overwork the GI tract and digestive organs, causing mal-digestion and malabsorption of our nutrients. Thus, people in our culture ‘live’ mostly on fermentation and putrefaction by-products.” ~ Robert Morse, N.D.
2.) Liquid Intake: How much should I drink per day?
Dr. Morse recommends drinking water when you’re thirsty and until no longer thirsty. Drink more if you need to (e.g. being situated in a very warm climate, engaging in physically demanding activities, etc.).
Most people, unless highly acidic internally, will not be thirsty, as a result of consuming plenty of high water-content fruits and also vegetables (especially in the form of green juices). Some people make it a habit to have 8-16 oz. of lukewarm water with fresh-squeezed lemon juice first thing in the morning.
If you’re constantly thirsty be sure to evaluate adrenal and kidney function.
Dr. Morse looks at dehydration a little differently than most people, and understands dehydration to be a much deeper problem than one would otherwise think.
The color of urine is often irrelevant; but what truly matters is whether you’re filtering your lymphatic system or not.
Proper hydration is a lymphatic experience. When the lymphatic system is obstructed, lymph fluid begins to dehydrate and coagulate as a result of the internal environment changing from alkaline (cationic) to progressively more acidic (anionic).
An internal anionic environment effects dehydration, and this is not a form of dehydration that can be simply reversed by drinking 8 glasses of water daily; half your body weight in ounces daily; or until your urine is clear, as is commonly perpetuated.
It can and often does take a while to rehydrate the body properly. It requires the elimination pathways to be opened up and to bring in the astringent water-rich foods that will speed up the process.
1. a magnetic condition created by negative ions or an acidic environment that creates
coagulation. 2. to solidify, bond; similar to anabolic; 3. in reference to acidosis.
1. state of flux and breakdown whereby nutrients and elements are dispersed systemically; similar to catabolic; 3. in reference to alkalization.
3.) Calcium, B12, Iron, etc.: Where will I get XYZ nutrient(s) on a plant-based diet?
The same place some of the most powerful animals in the wild do. Plant foods.
Now, in case you haven’t acquired Dr. Morse’s book or had the opportunity to study the available educational videos and material, let’s take a step back for a moment; because nutrition doesn’t always equate to simply ingesting a given nutrient(s) and then you’re fine.
In our modern industrialized society, many of us have fallen victim to the fear-driven deficiency consciousness where “more is better”, when in reality, the opposite is true in most cases. We’ve been convinced that we need to add this and add that to our health maintenance regimens or otherwise we’ll succumb to ailment(s) resulting from an inadequate supply of a given substance(s), be it calcium, protein, B12, sulfur, iron, omega fatty acids, fiber and so forth.
This has spawned widespread, unnatural and erratic dietary behaviors and an almost fanatic obsession with, and over-complication of, nutrition. Try bringing up a protein-objection, particularly within most “health conscious” circles, and see for yourself what happens. Best be prepared to defend your case against a mountain of ignorance and complete absence of curiosity; but better yet just plant the seeds and move on.
It is necessary to ponder how the physical substance of the human organism can demonstrate with sometimes seemingly “miraculous” acts of healing, strengthening of tissues, and even the rectifying of “nutritional deficiencies” during times of receiving the LEAST in form of nutrition, in other words, water or dry fasting (conducted properly).
It’s also interesting that some people have experienced both the detoxification followed by the rebuilding processes on the exact same diet of just one and the same fruit (such as grapes).
But why is that not the case for every person at all times?
See, that relates to the aspect of health and nutrition that’s seldom ever considered; and that is the aspect of factoring in the individual’s overall constitution (genetic strength), tissue weaknesses, degree of toxemia and acidosis, and level of lymphatic congestion.
The above factors determine an individual’s ability to:
- Digest their food efficiently
- Absorb the nutrition from the food they were hopefully able to digest
- Utilize (an often overlooked “precursor” to assimilation) the absorbed nutrition
- Eliminate the metabolic by-products (both digestive and cellular wastes)
A person deemed too toxic or too weak, as an example, should think twice about an extended water fast and may be better advised to undergo a systematic and progressive transition.
Chronic tissue weaknesses and extreme malabsorption, where a fast may not cut it, can be gradually reversed and strengthened with the help of tissue-specific herbs and glandulars where applicable.
There is a broad lack of understanding of the impact that the lymphatic system has on the health of the human body and its tissues, compounded by almost complete disregard for the nutrient utilization factors facilitated by the endocrine system. Due to this, many are unknowingly trying to remedy a health problem(s) that originated out of a compromised lymphatic and endocrine system, with nutraceuticals and supplements of all kinds in the form of powders, tablets, capsules, liquid solutions, patches, sublinguals, sprays, injections and onward, most of which disrupt the body’s chemical homeostasis with long-term use.
A glimpse of some of the things I used to take throughout 2011 and up to January 2012. This was after I ditched the supplementary nutrient isolates in favor of whole-food concentrates. Although I didn’t experience much difference from taking these products, I am glad to have went through this phase as an educational experience. The big white bucket, you ask? Protein powder…
So, before asking, “what nutrient am I missing and where do I get it?” ask yourself what kind of foods comprise your diet. Are you consuming a diet predominated by processed, “dead, denatured and dysfunctional” foods or one rich in natural, organic whole foods (preferably predominated by fruit and leafy green vegetables)?
Then proceed to evaluate whether or not you’re efficiently digesting, absorbing and utilizing what goes into your body. Once that has been addressed, you will come to experience and understand how little nutrition the body actually requires.
A diet rich in organic produce provides more than ample nutrition for your body. But don’t forget where the true problems lie, for rarely is it ever a nutritional problem we’re dealing with in the first place. As a matter of fact it’s much more serious than that.
You’re encouraged to take the time out to study, absorb and learn the rare, self-empowering and invaluable information Dr. Morse has dispensed for us, much of which is available through
If you’re concerned about nutrition, start with a change of diet. Begin replacing the foods that won’t serve you well in any way, with fresh, preferably organic fruits and vegetables.
Get into the habit of juicing and making smoothies and/or incorporate a quality superfood blend into your health regimen.
If you’re looking for specific sources of much nutrition, although it is recommended not to lose sight of the bigger picture in this manner, here are a few tidbits that have proven useful as part of detoxification or rebuilding protocols where needed:
- Alfalfa (plant and sprouts; superb source of amino acids; highly recommended for athletes)
- Burdock (rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron; used as an overall skin tonic, and to heal burns by topical application of burdock leaves)
- Coconut meat and water (used as a delicate source of electrolytes and fatty acids)
- Kelp (used to support the thyroid and for its rich content of iodine, calcium and magnesium; contraindicated for hyperthyroidism or goiter)
- Moringa oleifera (rich in nutrition, great source of amino acids, calcium, and iron; used with or without fennel to promote healthy milk production)
- Yellow dock root (used for its liver supporting properties and rich iron content)
It is highly suggested that you read the following three documents:
1.) ‘Fruits vs. Vegetables; Nutrition; Balance’
2.) ‘Vitamin B12’
3.) ‘Supplementary Isolates & Nutrition’
4.) Vitamin D: If I'm getting limited sunlight exposure, should I supplement?
Outside of the tropics, where it would be possible to get sunshine all year-round, it can be tricky to make up for insufficient exposure to natural sunlight. Dr. Morse doesn’t deem it imperative to supplement with vitamin D, but you may do so, if you feel it necessary. At the very least try to get as much indirect sunlight as you can get, especially if you’re also sensitive to direct sunlight.
Understand, however, that supplementing an isolated nutrient has an unbalancing effect on the body’s chemistry. In the case of vitamin D supplementation, you can encounter problems from magnesium levels being impacted negatively from vitamin D supplementation.
To circumvent this, some people suggest always taking both vitamin D and magnesium together; but then the question becomes what other nutrients are now going to be affected as a result of supplementing magnesium?
This is precisely why supplementing isolates is not a game worth playing, because not only are you exclusively treating a symptom(s) on one hand, you’re also engaging in the process of creating a new problem down the road simultaneously from interfering with and altering the body’s chemistry in an unnatural way. So, with that in mind, you must understand that any supplementation in this fashion should be short-term only in a time of near-destitute.
Before you decide on supplementing (especially with isolated vitamin D3), double-check for possible contraindications first. If you arrive at green lights, proceed to have your vitamin D levels tested to evaluate where you’re currently at and – if designated necessary – what quantity you should supplement with.
The most accurate test is called:
- 25-Hydroxy-Vitamin D; also referred to as
- 25(OH)D; or
- Vitamin D, 25-OH, Total.
The other, more inaccurate test is called 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D. This test is not recommended because calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D) tends to fluctuate in accordance with dietary calcium intake hence misleading results can be achieved.
While supplementing, be sure to have your levels re-checked every 2 months to determine if progress is being made or if it’s time to decrease/increase the amount supplemented or discontinue taking the vitamin D entirely.
More information (including usage recommendations) can be found on the Vitamin D Council’s website.
The following are vitamin D3 product recommendations:
- Vegan vitamin D3 supplements by Vitashine (vegan friendly)
- Ddrops® (1000 IU) by Ddrops Company (through (non-vegan)
- Vitamin D-3 Drops (4000 IU) by Nature’s Answer (through (non-vegan)
- Vitamin D3 Vegan (1000 IU) by Nordic Naturals (through (vegan friendly)
- Whole Food Vitamin D3* (2500 IU/veggie capsule) by Source of Life (through (vegan friendly)
*Will not disrupt and disbalance the body’s chemistry unlike isolated vitamin D supplements.
Remember to always enhance and maintain the health and integrity of your endocrine glandular system with emphasis on the adrenal glands, thyroid and parathyroid glands, in order to optimize nutrient metabolism and utilization factors. In addition, make sure your body is not impeded in its ability to efficiently digest food and absorb the incoming nutrition through the small intestines. Otherwise supplementation may prove highly futile.
How might you go about this?
1.) Go through the Self-Assessment Health Questionnaire
2.) Go through the Initial Client Assessment document
3.) Get your blood pressure checked on both arms, record results and compare them against the preferred range
4.) Conduct the Basal Body Temperature Study to evaluate thyroid function
5.) Optionally do the Iris Contraction Test (adrenal assessment); instructions follow
Equipment required:
- Chair
- Small flashlight
- Mirror
- Watch (with a second hand)
- A dark room
Situate yourself on a chair in front of a mirror in a very dim-lighted or fairly dark room.
Holding the flashlight at the side of your head, shine it across one eye (not into the eye). Observe how your pupil responds in the mirror.
You should see your pupil contract immediately after the light hits the eye. The pupil will normally stay contracted, but if your adrenal glands aren’t functioning up to par, the pupil won’t be able to hold its contraction and will begin to dilate.
This dilation will take place within 2 minutes and last for about 30-45 seconds before it contracts again. Time how long the dilation lasts and record it along with the date. Retest monthly as it serves as an indicator of recovery.
6.) Now that you have a more clear idea of what you’re dealing with, decide on how to best proceed with addressing these weaknesses both short and long-term; seek out and cooperate with a qualified practitioner if needed
In the final analysis, you’ll reap a whole lot more benefits than just seeing your vitamin D levels climb into range, as you begin to increasingly align yourself with your biological imperatives.
5.) Protein: How will I meet my needs on a plant-based diet?
Substitute the word “protein” with the term “amino acid”. The human body does not have a requirement for protein, per se, which is evident from the digestive process which complex protein structures go through, to be broken down into amino acids, before absorption takes place. On the other hand, the body does require the absorbed amino acids for nutrient transportation and tissue-repair purposes among other physiological functions. And whether the body requires foods or food combinations with “complete amino acid profiles” is also questionable.
A diet constituted of fresh fruits, tender leafy greens, sea vegetables, sprouts and medicinal herbs, as well as nuts and seeds, will easily satisfy whichever needs an unobstructed body may have.
Familiarize yourself with and understand the following:
1.) The organs and endocrine glands involved in and responsible for digestion, absorption, utilization and elimination must be restored to optimal functioning. This MUST be taken care of before even considering “nutritional deficiency” or resorting to blame the quality of the produce or the top soils of which it was cultivated in.
Notable organs and endocrine glands to focus on:
- Stomach
- Intestines (small, primarily)
- Pancreas
- Liver/gallbladder
- Adrenal glands (also consider pituitary)
- Thyroid/parathyroid glands (also consider pituitary)
2.) Amino acid requirements will be elevated (for tissue repair) in a state of systemic acidosis, and significantly less so in a lymphatically unobstructed body.
3.) Fruits, vegetables and medicinal herbs will adequately supply the amino acids needed, while at the same time assisting to resolve the underlying root problem.
Some people, [those] not deterred by “excessive” weight loss, have experienced initially losing a lot of weight on a mono fruit diet (most commonly grapes), plateaued in weight loss, and then began gaining healthy weight (muscle tissue) on the same diet of a single variety of fruit. Although this may not be recommended for every individual at all times, it does place significant question marks next to the protein theory and caloric concept.
Additionally, Dr. Morse has had clients experience growth of new nerve pathways on diets devoid of “complete” protein.
Post Detoxification
If you’re taking a break from (or are finished with) focused detoxification and want to build up again, you can do the following:
- Incorporate or increase intake of green juices (particularly including alfalfa plant or sprouts).
- Acquire the seeds, cultivate and make alfalfa and other variety of sprouts a part of your diet.
- Incorporate a decent superfood blend and/or moringa oleifera leaf powder as part of your dietary regimen.
- If you’re an athlete, consider taking the ‘Ultimate Immune Tonic’ herbal formula.
- If introducing nuts and seeds into your diet, do so slowly and pay attention to any pains that may occur in the kidney region of either side of the body. If pain occurs, decrease or remove the nuts/seeds from your diet and focus on strengthening the kidneys. Remember to check blood pressure on both arms; the kidney region of the iris and serum BUN/creatinine levels.
Recommended books to read:
- ‘Mucusless Diet Healing System’ by Prof. Arnold Ehret
- ‘Rational Fasting’ by Prof. Arnold Ehret
- ‘Spira Speaks: Dialogs and Essays on the Mucusless Diet Healing System’ by Prof. Spira
“As I mention above, fasting is relative. When Brother Air—who has practiced the Mucusless Diet for over 30 years—dry fasts, it is very different from when other health seekers do it. Having removed the obstructions from the cells of his body, he is ready to dry fast and truly benefit from it on a long-term basis. I think his longest stint was over 40 days dry [fasting] and he often does shorter ones regularly. It is just not a big deal for him at this point. In fact, he has been shifting between dry and juice fasting for the past couple of months and endeavors to do another extended fast.” ~ Prof. Spira, ‘Spira Speaks: Dialogs and Essays on the Mucusless Diet Healing System‘, 2nd ed, p. 146
“One must try and stay as focused as possible because it is easy to get sidetracked. Please remember that certain members of our community, like Brother Air, have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the nutrition theory, vitamin theory, protein theory, and any other theories about the health and wellbeing of the human body established by the medical ‘witch’ science are totally wrong. On our own bodies we have proven that it [the body] is indeed an air-gas engine, and that the only way to return back to this state is to retrace our steps through transitioning from whence we came. Understand that the use of food loosens and eliminates dead matter from the body enabling the blood stream to more effectively use oxygen. As the blood stream is oxygenated it is truly cleaned—so in essence food only helps get rid of waste that prevents the blood stream from cleansing itself. Once the blood stream is clean enough, air alone will be the only stimulant that you need.” ~ Prof. Spira, ‘Spira Speaks: Dialogs and Essays on the Mucusless Diet Healing System‘, 2nd ed, p. 180
6.) Macronutrient Ratio: What's the best (carbohydrates/proteins/fats) ratio to follow?
The short answer is that there is no single definitive answer to this, nor could there ever be, for it overlooks the fact that each individual is in a unique situation in relationship to their health. Like many often feel compelled to assert, “What works for you, may not necessarily work for me” and vice versa.
This matter is discussed furthermore in the following document:
7.) Fevers: Should I take an antipyretic or attempt to stop them any other way?
Fever Temperatures
Note: Temperatures taken rectally are the most reliable when checking for a fever. Temperatures stated throughout the following information is based on rectal readings in Fahrenheit.
More information on taking a baby’s temperature can be found here.
A fever, typically associated with the cold and flu, is one of the body’s natural attempts at cleaning and purging itself through the skin by raising body temperature and thereby increasing perspiration. It serves to help eliminate undesired microorganisms, mucus, parasites, toxemia and venoms, and unwanted cells.
Other [often associated] symptoms of elimination include coughing, mucus discharge and diarrhea.
Fevers are not a process you should attempt to stop, rather, it is a process that should be monitored and kept under control while it runs its course. Antipyretic (and liver damaging) medications like Tylenol and Ibuprofen should only ever be used as an absolute last resort if a fever spikes too high for a prolonged period of time. But in most cases this never happens, while, at the same time, these situations can often be alleviated through natural means (e.g. using herbs with refrigerant and diaphoretic properties, homeopathic remedies, and keeping the body hydrated and cooled down with baths and cold applications on back of neck or forehead, etc.).
The key to fevers is to stay hydrated and not panic. Babies/children should always be under supervision and cared for during this process.
Adults – What to do
Unlike babies and children, adults tend to stay below 104 °F. Fevers reaching ≥103 °F in adults should be controlled through cool baths and washcloths. Remember to stay hydrated and resort to diaphoretic herbs, if needed, following the instructions outlined below using Elderflower and/or Catnip leaf/flower.
Make a standard herbal infusion of the aforementioned herbs:
1.) Measure 1 ounce of Elderflowers OR Catnip leaves/flowers (or ½ ounce of each herb, if mixed together)
2.) Put plant material into a sealable 32 oz. (1 liter) mason/preserving jar preferably made of glass
3.) Pour 32 oz./1 liter of boiling water into the jar, stir the contents, then cap and seal the jar
4.) Allow plant material to steep for 1 hour before consuming
Drink 4 cups (totaling 32 oz.) of the infusion throughout the day (or as needed); infusion should be consumed within 36 hours.
Infants/Children – What to do
It is very common for infants (3-12 months) and toddlers (1-4 years) to hit 104-105 °F and should not be cause for concern. However, with newborns (meaning younger than 3 months), the temperature should not be allowed to exceed 100 °F.
- Make sure to keep the child hydrated, preferably with fresh coconut water (not canned) (coconut water is considered excellent for replacing lost electrolytes from sweating) or fresh-pressed and diluted grape juice
- Keep the child cooled down with baths, soaked washcloths on the forehead or a cold application on the back of the neck
- If needed, use refrigerant and diaphoretic herbs such as Elderflower or Catnip leaf/flower (both Elder and Catnip can be combined for best results; Catnip, like coconut water, will also help replace lost electrolytes) to lower body temperature (herbal infusions are excellent for this)
1.) Measure 7 grams (roughly quarter of an ounce) of Elderflowers or Catnip leaves/flowers (or 3.5 grams of each herb)
2.) Put plant material into a sealable 8 oz. (236 ml.) mason/preserving jar preferably made of glass
3.) Pour 8 oz./236 ml. of boiling water into the jar, stir the contents, then cap and seal the jar
4.) Allow plant material to steep for 1 hour
5.) After 1 hour, pour some into a small drinking bottle (for infants and toddlers) or just pour into a cup for children
Note: For newborns, infants and toddlers, you can also soak a clean cloth in the herbal infusion and let the baby suck on it.
Note: To enhance the taste of the Elderflower infusion one can add Peppermint (makes taste more pleasant) and/or Rose hips (adds sweetness to the infusion).
Note: The infusion can also be added to a bathtub/baby bathing tub that the baby can be held/sat in allowing their body to soak in the infusion through the pores. If using infusion for bathtub, consider making a standard infusion of 1 ounce of plant material to 32 oz. of water (using a quart jar instead, basically quadrupling the above recipe). Use the infusion within 36 hours.
Internal usage: 1 tablespoon of infusion 3 times a day for infants and toddlers. Older kids can drink half a cup (4 oz.) 2-3 times per day.
If using tinctured Elderflower or Catnip, use roughly 1 drop of tincture for every pound of bodyweight.
If you’re new to Dr. Morse and the dietary recommendations put forth in his educational material, please understand that Dr. Morse does not ever recommend the consumption of any dairy products (or commercial baby formulas), and especially so for children, as these are the very foods that contribute largely to all the common issues infants and toddlers often have including:
- Fevers
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Symptoms of colic (gas and GI-tract distress, etc.)
- Earache
- Mucus problems
- Pink Eye/Conjunctivitis
- Etc.
Grains (non-sprouted in particular) are also considered acidifying, non-nutritive and damaging to the body and also contribute to the above health problems in children. In light of this, common “baby’s first food” items such as infant rice cereal and oatmeal are not recommended.
If your child is fed any such food products, please reconsider continuing to do so and begin exploring and learning about the healthier options available.
The following food choices are favored for babies (once weaned) and children:
- Coconut water (young coconuts)
- [Fresh & Homemade] Coconut milk (example here)
- [Fresh & Homemade] Hemp milk (example here)
- [Fresh & Homemade] Fruit juices (e.g. orange juice, grape juice, apple juice, etc.) (dilution is recommended)
- [Fresh & Homemade] Fruit smoothies
- [Fresh & Homemade] Pear purée (excellent first baby food)
- [Fresh & Homemade] Green juice
- Mashed berries or berry purée (example here)
- Quality super food blends and/or small amounts of moringa oleifera
Acquiring Herbs:
Refer to the Botanical Reference section or the Shopping Guide for suggestions on where to purchase herbs.
Homeopathic Remedies:
There are also homeopathic remedies that can be utilized. Information on this can be found here.
8.) Flu (influenza vaccine) Shots: Are they recommended?
According to the Mayo Clinic, influenza (flu) is “a viral infection that attacks your respiratory system — your nose, throat and lungs. Influenza, commonly called the flu, is not the same as the stomach “flu” viruses that cause diarrhea and vomiting.”
They also state that, “Your best defense against influenza is to receive an annual vaccination.”
Dr. Morse is inclined to disagree with both of the above statements since:
1.) The body’s internal sewer (lymphatic) system is not taken into consideration (keep in mind that the lymphatic system IS your main “immune system” as it, among other things, consists of the bone marrow, lymph nodes and thymus gland).
2.) Flu shots (and vaccines in general) do not help clean and optimize the body’s internal environment (also referred to as inner terrain or culturing medium).
3.) Flu shots are essentially an attempt at suppressing the body’s ability and effort to clean and expel congestion from itself. This is something that, as with the practical application of the lymphatic system, has been poorly understood by the medical profession and is thus why germs and viruses – still to this day – receive the blame when they (bacteria especially) are merely present to clean up the mess we continue to make through inappropriate lifestyle habits. We, humankind, have a deep propensity to blame everything but ourselves.
A cold and flu is a grand opportunity for the body to expel large quantities of mucus congestion (you may’ve wondered where all the phlegm is stored) and toxicity. This is often coupled with temporary fevers and in some cases also diarrhea all of which add to accelerating the cleansing process.
As you undergo detoxification, you will eventually recognize that the cleaner the body gets, the more difficult it is to produce “cold and flus” whether in cold or warm climates, not necessarily because of a “stronger immune system” but because there is no longer a significant quantity of mucus congestion – exceeding the body’s threshold – needing to be expelled, if diet is kept clean indefinitely.
Flu shots are not necessary, have an effect on the body opposite of what is desired, and Dr. Morse does not recommend them.
You are of course still encouraged to do your own due diligence and research to make an informed decision. Make sure to research the ingredients of the flu shot you’re contemplating on getting and develop a thorough understanding of the impact these ingredients may have on your health.
Whenever needed, never forget Nature’s supply of antiseptic, antimicrobial and also vermifuge herbs most of which are easy to acquire through bulk herb stores such as Mountain Rose Herbs. Dr. Morse’s Parasite G and Parasite M herbal formulas both contain such herbs.
Some people have also successfully relied on a natural beverage recipe called Nature’s Flu Shot.
9.) Allergies: What can I do about them?
Allergy = An abnormally high sensitivity to certain substances, such as pollens, foods, chemicals, or fur
Allergies of all kinds are formed when the body’s purification system – the lymphatic system – becomes overburdened from mucus congestion and toxicity, inhibiting prompt removal of antagonistic proteins. A person can become hypersensitive to anything from your common allergens like eggs, dairy, wheat (and any other foods containing gluten), corn, nuts, peanuts, soy, and various medications, to dust, sulfites and sulfonamides (i.e. sulfa drugs), metals, grass pollens (think hay fever), fur and even some fruits and vegetables.
Inadequate adrenal function will only compound the problem, as the adrenal glands will perform poorly in mediating the triggered histamine response that occurs following exposure to an allergen.
Histamines are basically chemical substances created – along with other pro-inflammatory chemicals – in response to an allergen, which in turn creates inflammation.
With properly functioning adrenal glands, sufficient anti-inflammatory steroids (cortisone, dehydroepiandrosterone, and pregnenolone) will be produced to settle the inflammation. This will lessen or completely prevent symptoms from occurring. The weaker the adrenals, the worse allergic reactions tend to be.
Anaphylactic shock (or anaphylaxis) is considered the most extreme form of an allergic reaction and is characterised by swelling and closing off of the throat (leading to difficulty swallowing and breathing), is associated with swelling and itching of the face, and can be accompanied by cramping, diarrhea, vomiting, moderate to sharp decline in blood pressure, and rapid heart rate (tachycardia). Emergency medical attention should be sought out immediately if symptoms make you suspect anaphylaxis.
The adrenal glands also control kidney filtration of the lymphatic system, through the autonomic (involuntary) nervous system, which is essential to help reverse any allergies.
A compromised liver and/or thymus is also considered in some circles to be involved in allergies, as some people have found relief by working exclusively on either of these organs.
Allergic reaction vs. detoxification symptom:
It should be fairly easy to distinguish between being overly sensitive to a fruit, herb or vegetable, or it being a general cleansing effect resulting from a detoxifying diet. Many times people mistaken various cleansing effects for allergic reactions.
But the following are a few signs to look for:
- Symptoms occur very soon following consumption of the food (within 30 minutes to a few hours)
- It’s always the same food(s) that trigger your symptoms (e.g. oranges trigger a reaction, but any other citrus fruit doesn’t)
- Brief skin contact with the food produces a reaction
- The symptoms are typical, such as itchiness, watery eyes and skin irritation
Remember, as stated initially, that these sensitivities spawn out of a congested, toxic lymphatic system. This is why Dr. Morse really only considers anaphylaxis to be a “true” allergic reaction.
Until the underlying cause is addressed, try best to abstain from the foods, chemicals, metals and other substances that induce allergy-like reactions, and stay with the detoxifying fruits, herbs and vegetables that you can tolerate comfortably.
Clean your lymphatic system and restore the health and integrity of your adrenal glands. It won’t hurt to address the liver and thymus either. Learn about the system of detoxiciation and regeneration, and make the necessary diet and lifestyle changes needed to accomplish the aforementioned.
Acute need:
There are some things you can do to alleviate or stop an allergic reaction in its tracks. In severe cases, call the emergency line for medical attention first, then proceed to use any appropriate remedy.
NOTE: If you’ve acquired a self-administrable epinephrine auto-injector (like Allerject) and have it available during a serious, acute situation (anaphylaxis), follow the guidelines provided with the unit and administer it immediately, then call the emergency line.
1.) Osha root (ligusticum porteri) (high quality, organic tincture only)
Osha root, as a histamine receptor site blocker, has demonstrated to be very effective at stopping allergic reactions including anaphylaxis, completely, and sometimes within seconds, if used immediately. This is done by placing 5-10 drops of the tinctured herb under the tongue allowing it to absorb into the blood stream for rapid circulation.
You can try osha root for any allergic reaction.
You can purchase tinctured osha root here.
2.) Cypress essential oil (cupressus sempervirens) (high quality and first distillation only)
Cypress essential oil is not a well-known remedy for allergy attacks, but is very useful for this purpose if you don’t have anything else on hand.
Add 1 drop (no more than 1 drop) of the essential oil to 4 oz. of room temperature water and drink all of it.
If you’re concerned about using an essential oil internally, then just make sure you have tinctured osha root laying around instead.
You can try cypress essential oil for any allergic reaction.
You can purchase cypress essential oil here (scroll down the landing page).
As an alternative to antihistamine medication, you can make an infusion of nettle leaf to benefit from its natural antihistamine properties, as well as kidney and adrenal enhancing, trophorestorative attributes. Have up to 32 oz. or more daily.
Additionally, you can also make a decongenstant and antihistamine lemon balm tea.
Karuna’s AllerEze:
This formula, inspired by and based on the widely used Traditional Chinese Medicine formula (for cold and flus) called ‘Minor Blue Dragon,’ is comprised of a unique blend of herbal concentrates that synergistically work to alleviate allergy symptoms and can be used as you work on addressing the underlying causative factors.
Panic and tachycardia (rapid heart rate):
Anaphylaxis is a very frightening experience to go through and often will lead to panicking. Sometimes tachycardia is also involved.
Passionflower tincture can be added to water (30-40 drops in 8 oz. of water) to help the individual calm down from the panic. Allow the person to slowly sip all the water down.
You can purchase passionflower here.
If you have tinctured motherwort, proceed next to add 20-30 drops to 2-4 oz. of water and drink it. This is to sedate the uncomfortable, racing heart.
You can purchase motherwort here.
10.) Headaches (cephalgia): What can I do about them?
Headache = pain situated anywhere in the head or neck region; commonly occurs behind or above the eyes or ears, around the occipital, or in the back of the upper neck
Headaches can occur periodically and aperiodically, at varying intensities of pain. Depending on the cycles they occur in, what triggers them (if can be identified), and how they affect the person, they’re going to be referred to as either migraine headaches, tension headaches, cluster headaches, rebound headaches, sinus headaches, cervicogenic (neck related) headaches, stomach headaches, and so forth.
Headaches are also commonly experienced during the detoxification process in which case they typically pass within hours or days after first occurring (and the person tends to have no prior history of significant headache problems).
A compromised and congested lymphatic system will, as the years go by, inevitably result in acidosis, toxification and alteration of body tissues (in the form of hyperactivity, hypoactivity, hypertrophy, atrophy, dehydration, tension, sclerosis, and misalignment), as well as lowered vitality and potentially spawn chemical and protein (allergen) sensitivities. Because of this, there are many different things that can spawn a headache.
Headaches can occur from but are not limited to:
- Air travel (EMF radiation)
- Cerebral (brain) edema
- Dehydration (acidosis)
- Electromagnetic frequency fields
- Fluorescent lamps
- Frequent use of certain medications
- Gastrointestinal problems (notably stomach and colon); usually results in frontal headaches
- Hyperactive thyroid
- Inhaling toxic fumes (from off-gassing material, perfumes, gasoline, etc.)
- Lymphatic pressure in the head (interstitial lymphatic constipation)
- Mucus congestion
- Neurological spasms occurring from inadequate mineral utilization (notably of calcium, magnesium, and manganese) or neurotoxins
- Neurotoxic substances (e.g. mercury, monosodium glutamate, aspartame, etc.)
- Off-gassing material (paint, new furniture, particle board, etc.)
- Silver amalgam fillings
- Sinus pressure (mucus and lymphatic congestion; also influenced by intestinal health); results in frontal headaches
- Skeletal misalignment
- Starring at screens for too long
Check List
If you experience reccurring headaches, take the time out to go through the following questions:
- Is there a common denominator between each bout of headache (headache occurring during or X number of hours after a specific activity or event; spending time in a specific location or room; eating a certain food(s); inhaling or working with or around specific chemicals, smoke, or fumes; etc.)?
- Does your diet consist predominantly of water-rich fruits and vegetables or dry, dehydrated and/or cooked food (percentage-wise e.g. ≥80% cooked/dehydrated food vs. ≤20% fresh and water-rich food)?
- Do you have any present or prior history with silver amalgam (mercury) fillings?
- Are you taking any chemical medications? (Check the listed side-effects and adverse reactions associated with the drug)
- Do you experience stiff neck/tight shoulders/spinal misalignment problems?
- Are you having at least 2-3 bowel solid movements per day?
Should the answer to any of the first 5 questions be “yes,” then it is important that you begin taking steps toward rectifying the issue(s).
Regardless of the trigger, the best long-term course of action is to address the cause of your susceptibility, starting with a change of diet and personal care products.
Key target areas to work on include the:
- Lymphatic system
- Gastrointestinal tract (colon in particular)
- Endocrine glands
- Kidneys
- Head (draining mucus congestion; see related question under Detoxification F.A.Q)
In many cases, headaches – even severe ones – can be relieved within hours (if not sooner) or days, in which case one should understand that only the symptom (effect) has been dealt with but the underlying problem (cause) remains to be addressed to prevent future headaches from ever occurring again.
Alleviating Headaches
As you begin to phase out any potential triggers and work toward addressing the problem at the root level, there are many, many steps that can be taken to make an attempt at attaining relief of symptoms.
Dr. Morse has seven herbal formulas that may prove helpful for short and long-term situations:
- Cayenne/Garlic Combo (to dilate blood vessels; notably effective if high blood pressure is involved; check blood pressure before using)
- Herbal Antispasmodic (to control vascular spasms and decrease pain)
- Pain (to decrease level of pain)
- Brain & Nervous System Tonic I (to control vascular spasms)
- Brain & Nervous System Tonic II (to control vascular spasms)
- Stomach & Bowels Tonic #1-5 (choose the appropriate strength for your needs)
- The GI-Broom (begin with the Stomach & Bowels formula(s) first, then incorporate the GI-Broom from week 4-5 and onward; do not use this formula if constipated)
Which of the above you should choose will depend on affordability and your current situation and state of health. A person can begin with:
- Cayenne/Garlic Combo
- Herbal Antispasmodic
- Stomach & Bowels Tonic formula
One of the simplest practices to try is controlled, proper breathing. It is a wonderful, FREE, easy, and very important practice to integrate into one’s life. Although there are many different breathing techniques and breathing exercises, the most important aspect to understand, is that deep breathing or yawning – to the point of expanding the lungs to full capacity – not only induces full oxygen exchange (greater influx of oxygen and outflow of carbon dioxide) but also compresses the largest lymphatic vessel located in the chest of the body (trunk of the tree), known as the thoracic duct. This relieves the pressure off of the lymphatic system’s one-way check valves (these prevent lymph fluid from flowing backwards), producing a vacuum effect within the lymphatic system that propels lymph fluid.
This also forces stagnant lymph fluid in the thoracic duct (from shallow breathing) to be propelled, and is ultimately why breathwork has benefitted a vast number of people – and why proper breathing is equally, if not more important than physical movement, for activating the lymphatic system.
Deep breathing, to the point that it is tolerated by the individual, should be part of any health regimen or approach to healing.
Simple Breathing Technique:
- Inhale through your nose for one count (tongue against the roof of your mouth)
- Hold for four counts
- Exhale through your teeth (creating a “SHH” sound) for two counts
A preferable ratio is one inhale count to two exhale counts. For example: if you take four counts to breathe in, hold four counts and exhale eight counts. The longer period of time it takes you to breathe in and out, the better.
Try using the above breathing technique for at least 1 week. You can do it in one of the following ways:
- Do 5 minutes of continuous deep breathing as instructed in the morning and at night.
- Do 10 repetitions of deep breathing as outlined above, 3 times a day.
Neurolymphatic Reflex Massage
An effective massage technique, which Dr. Morse explains and demonstrates in the following video:
Enemas and Colonics
Many have found that one or several sessions of colon irrigation has relieved them – sometimes entirely – of pain and symptoms. This would indicate large intestinal distress to be the problem, and continued gastrointestinal work should be done using diet and herbs to clean and restore healthy, non-obstructed bowel tissues and bowel function.
You may read the ‘Bowel Care; Enemas; Colon Hydrotherapy’ PDF.
Ginger Root Herbal Infusion
Ginger root has been utilized as a widely known remedy for nausea, stomach aches, diarrhea, as a digestive aid and so on, but also as a specific and popular herb for headaches (notably migraine headaches).
Instead of a weak tea, try a potent ginger root infusion; up to several cups (4 at most) each day.
What you’ll need:
- Pint (16 oz.) sealable mason/preserving jar (preferably made of glass)
- ½-1 ounce of cut & sifted Ginger Root (always start on the low side, if new to using ginger)
- Something to bring 16 oz. of water to a boil (pot, electric water boiler, etc.)
- Pour plant material into pint jar
- Fill the entire jar up with boiling water (make sure all the plant material is submerged)
- Give the plant material a good stir
- Cap and seal the jar and allow the plant material to infuse/steep for 1 hour
Once ready, the infusion may be consumed within 36 hours.
Start with 16 oz. (2 cups) per day, and move up to 32 oz. (4 cups). Increase quantity of ginger root used as tolerated (1 ounce max).
[Starwest Botanicals] Cut & sifted Ginger Root can be purchased here.
[Frontier Natural Products] Cut & sifted Ginger Root can be purchased here.
Lavender and Peppermint Tea & Aromatherapy
Lavender and peppermint have also been taken or applied together for relief of headaches (most successfully with tension headaches).
You’ll need (per 1 cup):
- 8 oz. of boiling water
- Fresh (1 teaspoon) or dried (1/2 teaspoon) lavender flowers
- Fresh (1 1/2 to 2 tablespoons) or dried (2 teaspoons)
- Combine the lavender and peppermint in a preserving/canning jar or teapot
- Pour boiling water over the plant material and allow to steep for ~5 minutes
- Serve and enjoy
Tension headaches and sinus headaches can be relieved by inhaling the aroma of lavender and peppermint essential oils.
Simply add 2-3 drops of each into a cotton ball, and gently inhale for several minutes at a time.
Detoxification F.A.Q.
1.) Lymphatic System: How do I “move my lymph”?
Decongesting and maintaining steady propulsion of the lymphatic system (the body’s main immune system) is vital to restoration and preservation of good health.
The lymphatic system receives and deals with the elimination of most internal waste material including:
- Cellular, microbial and parasitic waste by-products
- Chemical residue
- Heavy metals (which may not be revealed depending on the test used)
- Radiation
- Poison and venom
So, the question often arises, “What’s the best and most effective way to move lymph?”
First things first: We must familiarize ourselves with the lymphatic system’s primary exit routes; for it is through these pathways that lymph, along with its content of acidic waste (mainly metabolic waste by-products from cells), will be expelled to the outside world.
These exit routes are:
- Kidneys (urine; forming visible sediment)
- Skin (sweating)
- Colon (stool; dealing with its own lymphatic system)
To avoid having to endure several adverse healing crises, urinary tract “infections,” or overburdening the skin, it is important that these gates of elimination be opened up prior to making an attempt at pulling lymph aggressively and thrusting acid wastes toward these pathways. This is not to imply that all major healing crises are entirely preventable, but the amount and severity of such events can be lessened considerably.
In short, kidney function can be restored and boosted through the use of fruits, vegetables, herbs and glandulars that possess positive attributes and frequency resonance toward this set of organs. The kidneys must also receive the necessary neurological “electrical signals” from well-functioning adrenal glands (through neurotransmitters) for filtration to take place.
Popular foods include:
- Asparagus root
- Beetroot
- Corn silk
- Dandelion greens
- Juniper berries
- Parsley
- Watermelon
See also the Urine Sediment page.
Ways to assess kidney function and health include:
- Blood pressure (diastolic/bottom number; always check both arms)
- Blood urea nitrogen*
- Creatinine*
- Iris analysis
- Sediment (or the lack thereof) in urine
*See Blood Test Reference Ranges page.
When the skin becomes congested at the subcutaneous level, various skin problems will begin to surface at the dermis (second layer) and epidermis (first layer; top of skin). Over time, a deep blue/dark ring (known as a scurf rim or skin ring) will form around the periphery of the iris of the eye. The larger the scurf rim, the greater the subcutaneous obstruction.
The skin will take on a greater burden when the kidneys don’t function optimally in terms of lymph filtration.
The ability of the body to induce a sweating – as needed – is determined by the state of health of the thyroid gland, as this gland presides over the regulation of body temperature based on input from the hypothalamus and pituitary (master) gland. Sweating is imperative for the skin to efficiently eliminate wastes; hence the significant benefit of sauna therapy.
Read the ‘Skin Relief & Burns’ PDF.
Thyroid enhancing foods include:
- Kelp, bladderwrack, and other seaweeds
- Eleuthero root
- Saw palmetto
Ways to assess thyroid function and health include:
- Ability (or the lack thereof) to sweat
- Basal body temperature (most accurate) (see the ‘Basal Body Temperature Study‘ PDF)
- Iris analysis
Also check the ‘ THYROID/PARATHYROID’ section of the Self-Assessment Health Questionnaire.
Colon (large intestines)
The colon deals primarily with digestive waste and draining its own lymphatic system.
In addition to compromised kidneys, most, if not all people also possess some degree of unhealthy, deteriorating intestinal tracts. There exists an extensive history of the importance of colon health being stressed by healers, physicians and the like.
When the colon begins draining optimally, stools may contain mucus strings; foam; and/or sulfur (if there bioaccumulated sulfur in the gastrointestinal tract; will appear yellow or orange). Impacted fecal matter, mucoid plaque, and parasites may be ejected from the colon.
Read the ‘Bowel Care; Enemas; Colon Hydrotherapy’ PDF.
Moving Lymph
Energy is at the core of health and healing. It takes energy to turn on all the body’s systems, including those with primary and secondary involvement in the detoxification process, and it takes energy to activate the lymphatic system.
“Energy moves lymphatics.” ~ Dr. C. Samuel West, D.N., N.D., during the presentation: ‘Introduction to Lymphology‘
On the dietary side, raw fruits and non-hybrid herbs possess the highest electromagnetic properties of all foods; acid and sub-acid fruit and astringent herbs being the most conducive for moving the lymphatic system, only superseded by water fasting and dry fasting, when the proper preparations have been made prior to commencing such fasts.
Certain fruits are commonly used for their astringent value and the detoxifying effects they have on the body, and, for this purpose, may often constitute the entirety of one’s diet for an extended period of time. Such fruits include:
- Grapefruit (can be mixed with oranges)
- Grapes (commonly used in cancer detoxification protocols) (optionally purchase and read Johanna Brandt’s ‘The Grape Cure‘)
- Lemons/lime (lemonade fast or cleanse)
- Oranges (can be mixed with grapefruit)
- Watermelon (notably used for various kidney problems)
The above fruits are excellent for moving the lymphatic system.
Conservation of energy, through adequate rest and deep sleep, is also important to the healing process and granting the adrenal glands a well-deserved break and recuperation period. Rest is emphasized over physical activity in the initial stages of detoxification and especially up until the kidneys begin filtering.
Apart from diet and herbs, there are various ways in which one can activate the lymphatic system, some of which are outlined below.
One of the simplest practices to try is controlled, proper breathing. It is a wonderful, FREE, easy, and very important practice to integrate into one’s life. Although there are many different breathing techniques and breathing exercises, the most important aspect to understand, is that deep breathing or yawning – to the point of expanding the lungs to full capacity – not only induces full oxygen exchange (greater influx of oxygen and expelling of carbon dioxide) but also compresses the largest lymphatic vessel located in the chest of the body (trunk of the tree), known as the thoracic duct. This relieves the pressure off of the lymphatic system’s one-way check valves (these prevent lymph fluid from flowing backwards), producing a vacuum effect within the lymphatic system that propels lymph fluid.
This also forces stagnant lymph fluid in the thoracic duct (from shallow breathing) to be propelled, and is ultimately why breathwork has benefitted a vast number of people – and why proper breathing is equally, if not more important than physical movement, for activating the lymphatic system.
Deep breathing, to the point that it is tolerated by the individual, should be part of any health regimen or approach to healing.
Simple Breathing Technique
- Inhale through your nose for one count (tongue against the roof of your mouth)
- Hold for four counts
- Exhale through your teeth (creating a “SHH” sound) for two counts
A preferable ratio is one inhale to two exhales. The longer period of time it takes you to breathe in and out the better. For example: if you take four counts to breathe in, hold four counts and exhale eight counts.
Try using the above breathing technique for at least 1 week. You can do it in one of the following ways:
- Do 5 minutes of continuous deep breathing as instructed in the morning and at night.
- Do 10 repetitions of deep breathing as outlined above, 3 times a day.
Neurolymphatic Reflex Massage
An effective massage technique, which Dr. Morse explains and demonstrates in the following video:
Bouncing (incl. rebounding)
This activity is very popular in the natural health care field and was originally popularized by now deceased Dr. C. Samuel West, D.N., N.D., who founded the International Academy of Lymphology (I.A.L.), which is now presided over by one of his children.
Dr. Morse states that one should prioritize filtration of the lymphatic system through the kidneys, first, prior to commencing rebounding exercises. In other words, achieve filtration of lymph resulting in sediment in the urine before incorporating rebounding into your regimen.
Dr. West taught that bouncing should be done gently and properly (meaning it’s not just about jumping in whichever manner on any given trampoline, but that there is a correct and appropriate way to do it and that some trampolines are more beneficial to use than others). He coined one of these techniques the ‘Bio-Electric Gentle Bounce for Health’.
A rebounder is not required. One can also use a backyard trampoline; a bounce back fitness chair; can sit bounce on a yoga ball, or on the edge of a bed.
The I.A.L’s recommendation is to “start with just 5-15 minutes several times a day or even as often as every hour until you experience relief of [health] symptoms.”
To learn the proper “lymphasizing” techniques (and much more), it is recommended that you purchase and read C. Samuel West’s book ‘The Golden Seven Plus One‘.
Miscellaneous Physical Activity
Includes gentle:
- Swimming (in non-chlorinated, non-fluoridated water)
- Stretching
- Creative movement and energy arts (such as dancing; qi gong; tai chi)
The following is an answer given in response to a similar question asked by one of our forum users:
“There is almost an infinite combination of ways of ‘stimulating’ the lymphatic system systemically or in a localized area, which include:
- Deep breathing (yawning included) (lymphologist, Jack Shields, M.D., discovered 35 years ago (1979) that deep breathing propelled lymph fluid much more effectively than muscular movement, when he photographed the flow of lymph fluid inside the body (lymphography) during an experiment);
- Muscular movement (according to Jack Shields at the time, it does NOT activate the lymphatic system enough to keep you alive and healthy in the long run, as opposed to expanding the lungs through deep breathing);
- Bouncing (such as proper rebounding on a quality trampoline, a yoga ball or the edge of one’s bed);
- Tissue-manipulating techniques (massage, neurolymphatic reflex massage, stroking, compression of tissue (isometrics), stretching, percussion, vibratory techniques, contraction and relaxation, suction cups, etc.);
- Energy
I’m not sure I would count sauna therapy as ‘moving lymph,’ but it certainly helps move wastes out through perspiration, and is quite beneficial for that purpose – given – that the individual can tolerate the heat.
Energy encompasses raw foods (fruits and chlorophyll-rich, astringent greens and sprouts at the top), herbs, light/color therapy, negative electromagnetic polarity (such as from utilizing biomagnetic therapy), healing with the bio-electric energy generated by the cells (using the hands and fingertips; ‘the laying on of hands’), magnifying the thought-waves, implanted electrodes, reiki, reflexology, tai chi, acupuncture, chi machines, and every other healing modality or product/device/machine that deals with energy.
All the above accomplish the same thing within the body at one level or another and, while some methods do work better than others, they all have their place depending on the circumstances surrounding the individual in question, as well as personal preference.
Now, unlike most practitioners one may encounter out there, we place strong emphasis on there being a “way out” for the lymphatic wastes once we begin our attempt at decongesting and moving the lymphatic system, as to avoid adverse reactions (e.g. urinary tract “infections”) and, if at all possible, also to avert strong healing crises. This in itself can be balance between cleaning out these organs (and/or glands) lymphatically as you try to strengthen them.
My personal favorites apart from diet and herbs are:
- Deep breathing (5-minute sessions as often as desired, and deep, slow inhales whenever I remember throughout the day)
- Stretching and yawning for 5-15 minutes each morning before getting up from bed
- Improvised creative movement
Bouncing would make it on my list if I had the appropriate trampoline or yoga ball to do it on.
Energy conservation is the other side of this. Foods that digest quickly and demand little energy for metabolism, such as most fruit, along with liquid fasting and dry fasting (the latter being the deepest level of permitting the body to clean and heal itself) are the best ways of conserving energy that the body can use for detoxifying and regenerative purposes.
During Jack Shields’ lymphography experiment in 1979, he also discovered that walking didn’t make much difference in propulsion of lymph fluid and that exercising (jogging) only improved lymph flow slightly. Dr. C. Samuel West was later noted for stating that walking (without deep breathing) only improved lymph circulation “enough to keep you alive-sick, but alive!” (‘The Golden Seven Plus One’ p. 145) Hence why shallow breathers are in trouble, for they will compromise blood oxygenation and lymph circulation (thereby also elimination of toxic debris).
We may then understand that whether we walk, exercise, or engage any other form of muscular movement or tissue-compressing activities, apart from rebounding, these are all comparatively ineffective methods of activating the lymphatic vessels if not combined with deep diaphragmatic breathing. Deep breathing single-handedly activates the lymphatics more effectively than anything else we can do. In terms of physical activity, proper bouncing – or rebounding – on a quality rebound device offers exceptional benefits for those who integrate this form of “lymphasizing” into their lives and combine it with deep breathing.
Bouncing on a quality rebound device provides, among a myriad of significant and health conducive effects (as expounded in a NASA Study), a way of compressing tissues (which pumps fluid out of the interstitial spaces) without added negative stress on the joints. It conditions and tones all the cells of the body by generating a positive form of stress which each cell adapts to by becoming stronger, and it also massages the millions of one-way check valves that line the lymphatic vessels (these prevent lymph fluid from flowing backwards) to increase lymph circulation. This happens as a result of the pressure generated below the valves at the top of every bounce, causing the valves to open, propelling lymph fluid forward.
Apply all the above within the context of transition (meaning go slow and steady and don’t rush it) and progressively increasing the function of all pathways of elimination, from the kidneys to the colon and skin. The lymphatic system is a slow-moving system (~1 1/3 tablespoon per minute), so it’s a process that requires patience.”
2.) Urine Sediment: How do I know if I'm filtering and what does it look like?
When the kidneys begin filtering you will begin to see:
- Cloudiness of urine
- Threads, strings and specks of mucus
- Shaken snow-globe-like appearance
To check if you’re filtering:
Pee into a jar and let it sit for at least 4 hours allowing the sediment [if there is any] to settle at the bottom. You can leave the jar overnight in the refrigerator, but the best time to check for sediment is first thing in the morning.
Further details can be found below:
3.) Physical Activity: Should I exercise (jog, rebound, bodyweight exercises, etc.) while detoxifying?
In the initial stages of the health programs, REST is emphasized over physical exertion. Allowing the body to conserve as much energy as possible is prudent for internal ‘housecleaning’.
Let it be clarified that some people, depending upon their state of health, may benefit tremendously from gentle walking, light swimming, qigong, tai chi, yoga, and similar practices, while others are encouraged to give their body a full break for an indefinite period of time.
Click here for some simple exercises you can engage in.
Please download and read the following document:
4.) Very Thin/Underweight: Is it a good idea for me to eat the recommended plant-based diet?
Excessive thinness/malabsorption can be a big problem for some people. But it is still a diet of raw fruits and vegetables with the addition of astringent and tissue-specific herbs that it will take to address the root causes of the problem.
Depending on the individual case, it is okay to speed up and slow down, when appropriate. In other words, if you need to take a temporary break from, say, a high or all-fruit diet rich in high water content fruits and increase intake of dense fruits, green juices, olives, avocado, coconuts, raw salads, and the occasional cooked vegetable meal – in an attempt to “build up” – then don’t hesitate to do so. When you feel comfortable enough, jump back into the more aggressive levels of detoxification. A decent superfood blend is always a plus.
Please download and read the following document:
5.) Gaining Weight: Why does this happen on a diet of mainly raw plant-foods and fresh juices?
An increase in body weight is absolutely possible following the dietary changes. The key is to understand why it only happens with some individuals and not every person.
A most relevant consideration is of the degree of inflammation (acidosis) present throughout the individual’s body at the time of dietary change. The greatly elevated level of fluids coming into the body, from high water-content raw plant-foods and juices, will permit the body to retain and use this additional fluid to help buffer the inflammation as a first line of defense. The result is eventually referred to as bloating and edema. This fluid retention will lead to an increase in body weight.
Compromised adrenal glands (and kidneys) are usually always implicated in such cases leading to inadequate cortex production of anti-inflammatory corticosteroids. This further prompts the body to use water as a buffering medium.
Note that body weight can fluctuate up and down throughout the journey and doesn’t necessarily deserve significant attention.
Now, if weight gain happens to continue month after month without plateauing, the case should be looked at more closely to determine what might be going on and what steps to take next. This is also where inadequate sugar metabolism (resulting again from low corticosteroid production) should be considered. This leads to unstable blood sugar fluctuations, fermentation of sugars (breeding fungal problems) and stored fat.
Times of increased stress (frequent travelling is a big one; increased workload) and lack of rest and recuperation, as well as incidents of trauma and emotional challenges all have a suppressive influence on the adrenal glands.
Some people also adopt a high fruit diet while carrying over the idea of needing to consume “x” number of calories each day regardless of their lifestyle and state of health. And to meet these daily caloric goals, the person is often pushing themselves to consume what often is an excess of food (relying often on bananas and dates; typically blended into a smoothie). When trying to detoxify, they may substitute the dense fruits for high water-content alternatives, yet needlessly still try to aim for a similar caloric intake.
Having an individual with compromised adrenals and/or thyroid gland – to which systemic acidosis can often be added to the equation – follow such guidelines, is counterproductive to reversing edema and achieving weight loss and will in many cases result in the exact opposite. To claim, as some do, that it is not possible to gain weight on a fruit diet is not exactly accurate, for remember, it only takes a mixture of the “right” tissue weaknesses to make this happen, and especially so, if the person is unknowingly over-eating.
These are also the very individuals that should try best to limit or refrain from starches (complex carbohydrates) including:
- Rice (substitute with wild rice)
- Potatoes (substitute white potatoes with sweet potatoes)
- Pasta
- Bread
- Quinoa, millet, amaranth, etc.
- Rye, oats, wheat, spelt, etc.
Dr. Morse does not advocate calorie counting (refer to the corresponding question under General Health F.A.Q.) nor eating exorbitant amounts of food as it is not deemed necessary.
Do note that we deal with health primarily within the framework of detoxification, and not so much as in regard to what to do for one’s overall lifestyle. That said, there are detoxification specialists who do offer services helping people create a successful maintenance lifestyle, outside of detoxification, for those interested.
6.) Fatigue: I have low energy when I consume a plant-based (raw/cooked/mixed) diet. What’s wrong?
Ideally, you should not experience fatigue or a decrease of energy in a ‘reasonably’ healthy body regardless of the diet consumed.
Energy should occur dynamically from within the body itself, and not as a result of external stimulation of any kind.
Your body comes equipped with a set of internal batteries. These are:
- Adrenal Glands
- Thyroid Gland
Energetically, your adrenal glands contribute with adrenaline neurotransmitters (epinephrine and norepinephrine) and the steroid hormone cortisol (a glucocorticoid) all of which impact and regulate energy levels.
When a sudden increase of energy is needed, the adrenalins induce the “fight-or-flight” processes through the sympathetic nervous system which, among other things, will increase the rate of glucose and ketone metabolism for energy (through conversion of stored glycogen to glucose, and fats being broken down into ketones).
Cortisol increases blood sugar levels through stimulating the liver into converting glycerol (broken down fats) and amino acids into glucose, and also by causing glucose to be conserved in the blood stream (essentially opposing the effect of insulin).
The thyroid gland produces the hormone T4 (thyroxine) which is then converted to the active thyroid hormone T3 (triiodothyronine) and RT3 (reverse T3).
T3 increases the rate at which your body’s cells will use carbohydrates for energy, while RT3 slows this down, when needed.
If your energy levels fluctuate in the following manner:
- Energy levels decrease as a result of discarding meat products from diet.
- Energy levels increase again as a result of incorporating meat products back into diet.
- Energy levels decrease or crash as a result of consuming fruit.
… then you should consider the potential for adrenal gland weakness. In Dr. Morse’s clinical experience, he has found the adrenal glands to always be involved in such cases.
The thyroid can be involved to some degree or another, and should definitely be considered if dealing with chronic fatigue.
It is recommended that you:
- Check your blood pressure on both arms (adrenal evaluation)
- Check your blood sugar levels (adrenal evaluation)
- Check your basal body temperature (thyroid evaluation)
- Fill out the Self-Assessment Health Questionnaire
Regarding the return of energy as a result of resumed meat consumption, this involves the adrenaline neurotransmitters contained in the meat. The catch here is that it will temporarily grant you more energy, but will cause the adrenals to progressively weaken and atrophy over time. The problem is addressed by strengthening the adrenal glands.
Also when toxins stored in tissues (including chemicals from medications) begin to break loose and enter the blood system this can result in loss of energy.
Malabsorption, due to the lymphatic system backing up in the tissues of the small intestines, is another factor to be considered.
Please understand that Dr. Morse does NOT focus on vitamin B12 supplementation (treatment-based approach), as it would bring us right back to the adrenal glands just the same.
7.) Compromised Digestion of Raw/Fatty Foods: Can I still undergo these health programs?
One of the focal points of the detoxification process is to address and fix what your body cannot do, but should otherwise be able to do under normal circumstances.
Any person should be able to digest raw fruits, tender leafy greens and sprouts, with ease. They should also be capable of digesting most other vegetables to the degree that they do not see undigested food particles in their stools (with the exception of corn). Same goes for higher fat-content foods (nuts, seeds, avocado, olives, durian fruit, etc.).
If that is not the case for any individual, then there are some possible weaknesses which should be looked at. First and foremost, we must assess the state of health of the:
- Stomach
- Pancreas (problems digesting carbohydrate foods?) (also consider inadequate production of sodium bicarbonate to neutralize hydrochloric acid)
- Liver and gallbladder (problems digesting fatty foods?)
- Small intestines
While also considering:
- Proper food combining
- Chewing one’s food thoroughly enough
Sometimes this does mean that the person will have to work their way through with juices, fruit smoothies, raw or warm soups and the like, while strengthening the organs and/or glands involved until they can properly digest their food again.
Go through the Self-Assessment Health Questionnaire and chances are you will have a better idea of what’s going on.
8.) Urine pH: My urine tests alkaline/acidic. What does this indicate?
Urine is favored within the range of ~6.2-6.7 pH. It will typically be most acidic in the morning and higher in the evening, depending on diet.
If urine tests <6.0 pH, indicating greater acidity than the urinary tract will be able to cope with long-term, it is suggested that the individual:
1.) Checks to see if there is any sediment in the urine.
2.) Checks blood pressure on both arms to help determine adrenal and kidney function.
A urine pH of ≤6.0 can be temporary thus testing frequently is advised. In the meanwhile, one can abstain from acid category fruits* and prepare soothing beverages such as Marshmallow root cold infusions and fresh juices containing celery and cucumber.
If you’re experiencing burning sensation upon urination, urinary tract “infections”, bladder pain, or interstitial cystitis, you should take a few minutes to peruse the following document:
If urine tests ≥7.0 pH, this indicates not only lack of filtration of sediment but also the possibility of electrolyte excretion due to systemic acidosis. If this is the case it is suggested that the individual:
1.) Checks saliva pH (acidic saliva pH and alkaline urine pH is highly indicative of electrolyte loss).
2.) Checks blood pressure on both arms to help determine adrenal and kidney function.
The diet can be complemented with green juices, and abstaining from acid type fruits* is recommended (due to the saliva already being acidic) to minimize negative impact on the teeth and other oral tissue.
*Acid Fruits:
- Cranberry
- Grapefruit
- Kiwi
- Kumquat
- Lemon
- Lime
- Orange
- Pineapple
- Pomegranate
- Strawberry
- Tangelo
- Etc.
9.) My skin feels dry - and especially so - when consuming a high fruit diet. Why is this?
This is normally seen in individuals where one or more of the following is true:
1.) Kidneys are not filtering sediment.
2.) The body is highly acidic lymphatically congested (check irides if adept at iridology).
3.) Basal body temperature is <97.8°F/<36.55°C (indicative of thyroid weakness).
4.) A scurf rim (skin ring) is present in the irides signifying congestion of the subcutaneous skin layers (see black rim circling the periphery of the iris in this picture).
Astringent fruits (citrus fruits, watermelons, grapes, pomegranates, etc.) and lymphatic herbs will induce movement of lymph fluid sometimes faster than the kidneys can cope with. In this case the skin will have to compensate by taking some of the burden. If the thyroid is compromised (hence the individual’s inability to produce a decent sweating), the acid wastes will protrude and penetrate the skin very slowly. It is under such conditions that dry and flaky skin, dandruff, hives, rashes, rosacea, psoriasis, etc. develop.
While restoring the health of the body as a whole (with emphasis on the kidneys and thyroid), one can do one or more of the following to assist the body in drawing out the acidity (and toxins):
1.) Heal-All Tea baths (see instructions in document below).
2.) Gua sha skin cleanses (see instructions in document below).
3.) Steam saunas aided by the appropriate essential oils.
Relevant instructions are contained in the following document:
10.) Hair Loss during Detoxification: I have started losing hair/nails while detoxifying. Why is this?
These reactions – the loss of hair in particular – are some of the more common ones experienced, especially with females.
Dr. Morse considers this a shedding and replacing of compromised, dying hair follicles with new, stronger cells. Same goes for the nails. Both hair and nails will grow back stronger than they were prior to the shedding.
The Healthy Circulation (Upper) formula can be incorporated to speed up the process of hair regrowth. But don’t forget to focus on your:
- Kidneys (to filter the lymphatic system)
- GI-tract (for helping the head area to drain lymphatically)
Addressing those tissues will speed up the overall process.
To support hair growth, you can implement rosemary hair rinses and/or horsetail infusions (horsetail tea or tincture will suffice also).
11.) I’m having problems with my teeth on a fruit predominant/exclusive fruit diet. What can I do?
The course of action to take will depend on your health situation. The following tips are based only the premise that a dental issue is the only health complaint you’re dealing with.
First, have the following figured out:
- What class of fruits predominate the fruit portion of your diet? (acid, sub-acid, sweet or non-sweet fruit?) (see table below)
- Are they unripe, ripened after being picked unripe (true for most imported fruit), or fully tree-ripened? (this is especially important to consider concerning citrus/acid fruits)
In this situation, make sure to limit intake of unripe fruits. As acid fruits, citruses in particular, are considered more aggressive than most other fruits, they are generally the first to expose any underlying dental weaknesses. Put another way, if there were not already an underlying problem, fruits would not give any trouble (unless consumed unripe over long periods of time). But if there is a weakness that needs to be dealt with fruits have a tendency to make you aware of it. It all comes down to identifying, supporting and strengthening any given weakness.
It is generally not an issue if you temporarily need to rely more on greens until you can better tolerate a fruit predominant/exclusive fruit diet.
Now here’s what can be done:
Dental Sensitivity:
- Temporarily abstain from acid fruits (some people will have to rely on sweet and non-sweet fruits for a period of time)
- Increase intake of greens (preferably through green juices)
- Swish and hold (3-5 minutes, spit out and repeat) with Heal-All Tea / Alfalfa juice / Wheatgrass juice
- Oil pulling (with coconut or sesame oil) starting with 5 minutes, moving up to 15-20 minutes each session (once per day; preferably in the morning before breakfast)
If coconut oil pulling doesn’t seem to be doing the trick after 8+ weeks of daily practice, switch to sesame oil or vice versa.
Dental Pains (in addition to the above):
Instead of discarding the finished herbs from the Heal-All Tea, apply them directly on the affected area (if possible) of the tooth/gum
For minor to moderate toothaches (in addition to the above):
- Heat 8 oz. of water and add to a cup
- Add 1 tablespoon of celtic sea salt to the water and stir until dissolved
- Add 2-5 drops of lavender essential oil and stir for a moment (4 drops has done the trick for me)
The mixture should be warm when used. Now swish and hold a mouthful of the mixture in your mouth. When it cools down, spit it out and take a new mouthful. Continue until there is no more left.
You can also use a Stomach & Bowels or Strong Bones formula.
- Pour the contents of 3-4 opened capsules into a cup
- Add boiling water and allow to steep for ~5-10 minutes
- Swish and hold the tea, spit out and repeat
For moderate to stronger pains (in addition to the initial steps):
- Dilute clove essential oil by mixing 1 or 2 drops of the clove oil in a few drops of olive oil, coconut oil or sesame oil.
- Begin applying the mixture directly on the affected tooth/gum and rub it around the area.
You may also use oil of oregano in place of clove oil and follow the same instructions outlined above.
If you do not have clove oil (or oil of oregano), you can also use whole or powdered cloves by holding it between the teeth and cheek.
Also, a high quality herbal formula for mild to moderate pain is also recommended. The following of Dr. Morse’s formulas can be used for relief of pain:
Please read the following two documents:
1.) ‘Dental Management’
2.) ‘When Fruit is Not an Option’
12.) Sulfur Bioaccumulation: Where does it come from? / How do I get rid of it?
In its natural, organic and synergistically bound form, sulfur is the eighth most abundant macro mineral in the human body and is essential to life. It can be obtained naturally from fresh foods including many fruits and vegetables.
The naturally occurring sulfur contained in whole foods will not accumulate within the body. But very sulfur-rich (cruciferous) vegetables can still result in gas, bloating and digestive discomfort in the presence of bioaccumulated sulfur.
Isolated and inorganic sulfur is not only a common allergen but is also highly bioaccumulative and very difficult to clean out of the body; acting somewhat like internal glue.
Person born with blue eyes; sulfur bioaccumulated over the years as reflected in the irides.
This undesired form of sulfur will show itself through the irides as yellow or orange, typically as a ring circling the pupil (covering the gastrointestinal tract region) as shown below.
Inorganic bioaccumulated sulfur:
- Inhibits bacterial growth and activity (which slows breakdown of lymphatic sewage)
- Proliferates fungal activity
- Will produce bloating, gas and burning sensations as a result of breakdown (sometimes mistaken for heartburn related to acid reflux)
- Contributes to the gastrointestinal discomfort experienced from consuming sulfur-rich cruciferous vegetables as well as onions and garlic
- Compounds malabsorption (inadequate absorption of nutrients through the intestinal wall)
- Significantly prolongs the time it takes to detoxify the body and can make this a cumbersome process
According to Dr. Morse, the primary sources of bioaccumulative sulfur stem from:
- Sulfa drugs (sulfonamides) (e.g. antibiotics and anti-inflammatories)
- Sulfur supplements in the form of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)
- Sulfiting agents used to preserve food
- A developing fetus is unified with the mother’s circulatory systems (blood and lymphatics) through the umbilical cord connected to the mother’s placenta in her womb. The bioaccumulated sulfur in the mother’s system will become part of the child’s system.
Many people rely on (organic) MSM supplements to treat their health problems through its suppressive nature.
Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are popular among athletes and, on a personal note, the former is what my business partner is having to fight with now after a decade of usage to treat his sports-related pains.
There are much better alternatives to alleviating arthritic and other painful conditions; strengthening nails, hair, skin and however else people may be looking to benefit from taking sulfur-rich products.
Detoxifying Sulfur:
Dr. Morse has spent considerable time through the years trying to figure out how to effectively draw and expel sulfur from the body. There are also different methods currently being put to the test for efficacy (by different people within and outside of our community) including asparagus root extracts, asparagus juice, lemon juice, detoxifying clay baths and even zinc and molybdenum supplementation.
Currently, the most effective way we’re aware of is a general detoxification protocol incorporating The GI-Broom and emphasizing an astringency-rich fruit predominant diet with intermittent or extended liquid fasts.
Upon being expelled, you will begin to see the yellow/orange in the irides gravitating toward the periphery of the iris out to what, in iridology, is referred to as the “lymphatic rosary.” This rosary represents the body’s lymph nodes. Essentially you’re viewing a “live stream” of sulfur being pulled toward the lymph nodes to be eliminated from the body through urination.
Sulfur will also exit with bowel movements which produces orange, malodorous (like rotten eggs) stools. The breakdown of sulfur, as mentioned earlier, can produce a lot of gas, bloating and foul-smelling flatulence.
In time, the yellow/orange will begin to dissipate from the irides as it leaves the body; it’s a lengthy process.
If possible, you might want to consider taking a picture of your irides once or twice a year using the same equipment under the same conditions each time. At the end, you can compile the pictures together to follow and showcase the progress and changes.
13.) Fungal/Yeast (Candida albicans et al.) Overgrowth: Should I stay away from fruit?
The fungi family belongs to the parasitic category, which the ‘Detox Miracle Sourcebook’ defines as “An organism that lives and feeds upon the weaknesses and toxicity of another organism,” and extends, “Within the human body parasites can invade weakened cells or live in a toxic lymph system.”
Whether we’re dealing with bacterial overgrowths, fungal overgrowths, a viral surge, or internal worm/fluke infestations, one should first take a step back and reflect for a moment.
Consider what the role of each of these parasites is, the etiology of their exacerbation, and the proper course of action for resolving the problem by restoring microbial homeostasis or expelling the parasite(s) through natural means.
The most common symptoms of fungal infestation, Dr. Morse recognizes to be true, are:
- Uncontrollable cravings for starch, sugary foods and fermented food (but generally never fruit)
- Brain fog (sometimes severe)
- Listlessness (lethargy; unmotivated to engage in activity)
- Fatigue (periodic and chronic)
- Itching (especially following carbohydrate meals) (note: acids can also cause itching)
- Uric acid crystal formation in joints
- Moles (and “beauty marks”) appearing liberally on skin
It’s important to understand that nature isn’t out to annihilate us, for otherwise humanity would be long gone. On the other hand it is very true that a variety of vicious strains of viruses and bacteria have come to existence as a result of mankind’s interferences. But even these more hazardous strains can be dealt with if one acts quick enough and knows what to do.
Nonetheless, the one process that fungi is involved in which you need to familiarize yourself with is the process of [food] fermentation and decomposition. Basically, this is when proper digestion (and metabolism) of carbohydrates by your own enzymatic-rich digestive juices is disrupted, for various reasons, effecting fermentation, which is where fungi takes over to clean up the mess we’re responsible for. The primary issue is that we either keep creating the problem over and over from “dietary mishaps,” or we fail to address and reverse the specific tissue weaknesses that will effect inefficient digestion and metabolism of any carbohydrates we consume.
“Most people live on fermentation.” ~ Robert Morse, N.D.
Fermentation can occur in multiple ways which are outlined below.
Consumption of starches:
Complex carbohydrates, or starch, are carbohydrates comprised of polysaccharides. Poly = multiple or many. Saccharide = sugar.
Starches are traditionally prevalent to one degree or another in the diets of many cultures throughout the world.
Dr. Morse considers starches to be suboptimal foods for human consumption mainly because they’re complex sugars (vs. simple sugars in fruit and most vegetables) while the body deals best with simple constituents, in other words, monosaccharides (mono = one or single). Same goes for fats (in its un-metabolized, complex state) vs. fatty acids (simple and absorbable state) and proteins (complex state) vs. amino acids (simple state).
Starches tax the pancreas and adrenal glands from the high enzyme and glucocorticoid steroid production that starch demands, to be broken down (and then as much of the sugar metabolized as possible).
The problem is that the body doesn’t cope well with metabolizing this influx of excess sugar, hence much of it ends up fermenting instead. This on-going demand for fungal activity to help ferment and decompose these carbohydrates creates high fungal loads in many people; but especially in those with already-existing pancreatic and/or adrenal gland weaknesses and compounded by inorganic, bioaccumulated sulfur. These days, fungi (notably candida albicans) also happens to be blamed for just about every major health condition a person may experience including tumors and degenerative cells (called “cancer” cells); Dr. Morse begs to differ.
Pancreatic weakness:
When the exocrine portion of the pancreas is compromised, the pancreas is unable to produce the sufficient enzymatic-rich digestive juices needed to facilitate efficient carbohydrate digestion.
This doesn’t translate into “stay away from fruits and vegetables,” but abstaining from starch is absolutely encouraged.
Adrenal gland weakness:
The outer (cortex) portion of the adrenal glands produce, among others, a class of steroids known as glucocorticoids, which play multiple essential roles in the body including that of carbohydrate metabolism.
Inability to metabolize sugars properly results not only in fermentation – and thereby fungal problems – but also blood sugar issues (irrespective of pancreatic function) and is what, based on extensive experience, Dr. Morse considers to be at the root of both hyperglycemia (type 2 diabetes) and hypoglycemia, in most cases.
Thyroid weakness:
The thyroid has numerous functions within the body one of which influences the speed of the digestive system. This translates into how fast you’ll be able to digest and transit the food you eat (note: the adrenal glands also influence peristalsis).
With a slow digestion, chances are that your breakfast won’t have finished digesting before you have lunch – and your lunch won’t have finished digesting by the time you have dinner (not to mention all the snacks you may be having in-between). This also contributes to fermentation when carbohydrates are involved.
Improper food combining:
Understanding just a small handful of the food combining laws goes a long way in maintaining health and wellness. The average person, however, breaks these laws at just about every meal they have.
The two leading “violations” in food combining is that of (1) mixing protein-rich foods with starches and (2) having liquid and solid food at the same meal.
Most options on [restaurant] menus and most appetizer and main course recipes mix proteins and starch.
Meat, fish, poultry, nuts, seeds, [some] legumes, eggs and dairy all should not be mixed with potatoes, rice, bread, grains, pasta, wheat, etc.
When you consume carbohydrates the digestive enzyme, ptyalin, is secreted with saliva in the mouth to moisten the food and facilitate enzymatic carbohydrate digestion alongside the mechanical digestion (chewing). For our purpose here, we will say that you mixed your starch food with a protein food during your meal. So far, so good.
When your food has entered the “pouch” (stomach) from the esophagus, hydrochloric acid (HCL; stomach acid) and pepsinogen is ready to initiate the break-down of complex protein chains into amino acids. But here’s the first problem. Your protein food is mixed with carbohydrates, and your carbohydrates cease to digest until they enter the duodenum, because the acidic environment of the stomach neutralizes alkaline digestive enzymes.
Depending on various factors, proteins can take a couple of hours to digest in the acid environment of the stomach before entering the duodenum. But being mixed with carbohydrates will delay digestion for both macronutrients; fermentation and putrefaction ensues.
Keep in mind this has not yet factored in the liquid beverage you’ll likely be having with your meal, which serves to dilute digestive juices, further disrupting proper digestion.
Here are a few basic rules to go by:
- Separate proteins from starches
- Don’t mix fresh fruit with anything else (dried fruit can be mixed with nuts/seeds)
- Eat melons by themselves (can squeeze fresh lemon or lime juice to enhance flavor of watermelon)
- Separate solid food and liquid (if desiring soup, prepare it as you normally would, then add to a blender to liquefy the solid items; the soup will be a thicker consistency)
There is a lot more extensive information available to be found concerning food combining. ‘Food Combining Made Easy‘ by Herbert Shelton is a good place to start. Or refer to the chapter on food combining in the ‘Detox Miracle Sourcebook’.
Additionally, you may read the following document:
Dr. Morse recognizes bioaccumulated sulfur as a fungal proliferant. In his experience, people with a lot of sulfur are typically troubled from extensive fungal (candida) problems and also have a more difficult time getting the fungal activity under control, particularly due to the suppressive effect sulfur has on the lymphatic system by inhibiting bacterial growth and activity.
When you experience a fungal-related symptom, keep in mind that the fungi isn’t only present in the location of your body where you’re experiencing symptoms, but that it’s systemic and all throughout. Understand that trying to effectuate a remedy through the sole use of antimicrobial herbs or some type of “anti-candida” diet or cleanse is often going to be futile, because most, if not all of these programs don’t factor in tissue weaknesses, sulfur accumulation and – most importantly – the lymphatic system; rather, these programs and approaches are typically symptom treatment oriented in their approach. Antimicrobial herbs won’t address any of the above either but can still be very helpful in keeping microbial activity from spiraling out of control.
Okay, here’s the big one. It should be fairly obvious that fruit receives a lot of bad rap for many reasons, one of which relates to its supposed “feeding” of fungi. As Dr. Morse sometimes humorously infers, you’d think all the primates would be falling apart and dying left and right from all the fruit they consume.
Let’s talk about this for a moment and put it into perspective.
First off, recognize that most fruits are highly nutritive, antioxidant-rich and aggressive. It takes energy and astringents (but also deep breathing) to move the lymphatic system, and that is exactly what fruit provides.
Stirring up the lymphatic system can stir up the fungi that resides in it, and that is what fruit and aggressive lymphatic herbs can and often will do. Yes, symptoms can be experienced from this, and if that so happens – and it’s too intense for you to handle – then by all means SLOW down. Remember, detoxification is an art. It’s key to learn how to best adapt your approach to accommodate for whatever weaknesses that may interfere with your ability to handle fruit and then focus on gradually fixing those weaknesses. Rely more on vegetables if you have to; no problem. But don’t try to skirt around and ignore these weaknesses by adopting some anti-candida diet in an attempt to solely manage symptoms. Because remember, it’s not “just” fungi you’re dealing with. It’s a multi-faceted problem.
Understand that fungi deals in FERMENTATION of carbohydrates, as well as the decomposition thereof. So fruit wouldn’t “feed” fungi UNLESS something interfered with its proper digestion or the metabolism of sugars.
Let’s look at this from another angle. If monosaccharides (which is what fruit contain) “feeds” fungi, then what on earth might you think vegetables (which contain monosaccharides) do? Because many of the same people claiming fruit feeds XYZ are quick to recommend vegetables in place of fruit.
Heck, you even see some anti-candida wellness centers recommending a starch-oriented diet coupled with an abundant use of olive oil. We have one here in Denmark, and my very first client didn’t have much success after 1 year of diligently following their program (they limit people’s fruit-intake to half a banana that must only be consumed if blood sugar levels drop too low). I had my client feeling better than he had in a long time after only 12 days. And at this point, he was eating tons of fruit in comparison.
What can be done
Having expounded upon the basics – some tips and recommendations will be provided henceforth.
To successfully restore microbial homeostasis you must heed the practices that prevent nature from having to intervene in the first place. Use the Self-Assessment Health Questionnaire and/or any other [necessary] health assessment tool(s), techniques and diagnostic modalities to evaluate potential tissue weaknesses. Proceed to address any weaknesses identified. Where fungi is concerned, this may involve the adrenal glands, pancreas and/or the thyroid gland.
Respect and practice proper food combining, limit starch intake and do your best to expel bioaccumulated sulfur from your body if identified.
Whatever you do, activating your lymphatic system is going to be key, not only to clean any excess fungi and other parasites out of the body, but also to create a healing atmosphere within the body where the rebuilding of compromised tissues can take placed at an accelerated rate (by removal of any toxic by-products and through the increased oxygenation that ensues).
Use antimicrobial herbs and/or herbal formulas (such as Dr. Morse’s Parasite M). Another potent way to use certain antimicrobial herbs is through herbal infusions. An example is provided below.
Pau d’Arco Infusion
NOTE: This infusion is not recommended for children nor pregnant females. Make the calendula flower infusion (provided below) instead.
What you’ll need:
- Pint (16 oz.) sealable mason/preserving jar (preferably made of glass)
- 1 ounce of cut & sifted Pau d’Arco Bark
- Something to bring 16 oz. of water to a boil (pot, electric water boiler, etc.)
- Pour plant material into pint jar
- Fill the entire jar up with boiling water (make sure all the plant material is submerged)
- Give the plant material a good stir
- Cap and seal the jar and allow the plant material to infuse/steep for 8 hours
Once ready, the infusion may be consumed within 48 hours.
Start with 16 oz. at first (1-2 days), then double the above recipe and make 32 oz. to be consumed throughout the day for the remainder of the week. Monitor symptoms as you go along. It is common to experience what is referred to as “die-off” symptoms. If reactions are too strong, either consume less of the infusion or take a break.
At the end of the week, evaluate if you need to continue for a few more days, but keep in mind you don’t want to inundate the body with antimicrobial herbs for extended periods of time.You may consider switching over to the calendula flower infusion at this point for a milder antifungal.
If you’re taking something like Parasite M, don’t do the infusion, and vice versa.
Calendula Flower Infusion
What you’ll need:
- Quart (32 oz.), sealable mason/preserving jar (preferably made of glass)
- 1 ounce of Calendula flowers
- 32 fl. oz. of water
- Pot or electric water boiler (with a 32+ fl. oz. capacity)
- Place plant material into quart jar and pour 32 fl. oz. of boiling water into the jar (make sure all plant material is submerged)
- Give content a good stir, then cap and seal the jar
- Allow the Calendula flowers to infuse/steep for 1 hour (internal use) or 2 hours (external use)
- Once finished, strain off the plant material and discard (compost if possible); the infusion is now ready for serving or external application
Standard usage:
- Ages 3-6: 1/4 cup 3 times per day
- Ages 6-10: 1/2 cup 3 times per day
- Ages 10-15: 3/4 cup 3 times per day
- Ages 15+: 1 cup 3-4 times per day
This infusion should be consumed within 36 hours at most.
You can take Parasite M while consuming this infusion.
14.) Stones in Kidney(s)/Liver/Gallbladder: How can I dissolve them naturally?
Stones, in general, are prone to forming in an acidic, anionic internal environment. This is the same medium that creates calcifications (especially when supplementary calcium isolates are taken) and cholesterol plaque (when other buffering agents, including anti-inflammatory steroids, water, and calcium, won’t suffice).
Although the various stones (cholesterol stones, pigment stones, calcium oxalate stones, struvite stones, etc.) occur through differing mechanisms, they occur for the same reason: acidosis.
Stones vary in size from a grain of sand at the beginning (of course), all the way to eventually becoming the size of a golf ball. The size, location, symptoms experienced and overall state of health will determine how you should approach your situation – and sometimes medications (pain killers particularly), emergency care and treatment procedures from the medical profession is necessary. However, rarely is removal of an organ ever something that should even be considered, if you act quickly and make the appropriate changes in your life to prevent the situation from growing worse – and then proceed to reverse the problem naturally.
Chances are you already know that gravitating away from overly processed and harmful junk food, immediately, is imperative. Depending on the situation, a gradual transition is likely to be out of the question as well; adopt a diet of uncooked fruits and vegetables only, as soon as possible.
The next step in the process is to learn about the various tools one can employ to assist in breaking up, dissolving and passing out the stones.
Four relevant herbal actions to know about include:
- Antilithic (aids in disintegrating stones)
- Demulcent (mucilage-rich herbs that help by coating tissue in a soothing, slippery substance which contributes to expelling stones)
- Relaxant (relaxes tissues, limiting resistance to passing stones)
- Diuretic (increasing amount of urine being expelled from the body through various mechanisms; helps to expel stones)
Liver/Gallbladder Stones:
In the case of liver stones or gallstones, one may consider undergoing a liver flush following either Dr. Morse’s instructions or Andreas Moritz’ instructions (the latter being more aggressive). Before doing so, unless there is an acute need, have a 30 to 60-day preparation period consuming a predominantly (or exclusively) raw food diet. Using herbs to support the liver and gallbladder (see ‘Liver & Gallbladder Tonic‘), and drinking fresh, homemade juices containing apples and lemons (for their malic acid content) will help to soften the stones in preparation for the liver flush.
Outside of a single or a series of liver flushes, you can still maintain a juice regimen that emphasizes apples and lemons for any stones you may have stored in the body.
Chanca piedra, otherwise known as “stone-breaker,” among other names, is a phenomenal liver, gallbladder, bladder and kidney supportive, as well as a well-known antilithic (stone disintegrating) herb used for liver stones, gallstones, and kidney stones. Use of this herb as an adjunct to a holistic regimen that factors in proper diet, support of the organ(s) involved, and progressive reversal of systemic acidosis, will be beneficial for aiding in elimination of stones.
Chamomile, as a very bitter but potent cholagogue infusion, is an excellent ally where acute gallbladder attacks – or any other gallbladder-related problems – are concerned. This same infusion can prevent the need for surgical removal of the gallbladder (known as an cholecystectomy procedure) in which case the cost difference is immense: $15-25 USD per pound of chamomile flowers + great chance of keeping your gallbladder vs. $10.000-20.000 USD for the entire process of preliminary steps and testing prior to surgery, through completion of surgical removal of the gallbladder.
With acute liver and gallbladder problems, you may want to keep intake of fats on the low side. Initially, it’s preferable that one sticks exclusively with low fat fruits and vegetables, until the acute stage has passed.
Frequent consumption of chamomile tea or a chamomile short infusion (steeping for a max of 8 minutes instead of 2 hours) will support fat digestion and is very helpful for those who’ve already had their gallbladders removed.
Not only does chamomile serve as a decent cholagogue (also aiding in digestion of fats), it also has calming, relaxant, nerve tonifying and stress-relieving properties which are highly valued in a hectic, acute situation where you’ve just been told that a financially, emotionally, and mentally exhausting removal of your organ is the only way out.
The situation will dictate how strong the infusion should be made, but the general guidelines for making a mild or strong chamomile herbal infusion can be found here.
In addition, applying castor oil transdermal packs over the liver/gallbladder in times of acute need can prove very helpful.
Whole World Botanicals’ Chanca Piedra:
- [Tincture] Stone-Breaking Chanca Piedra Liver/Gallbladder Support formula can be purchased here.
- [Capsules] Stone-Breaking Chanca Piedra Liver/Gallbladder Support formula can be purchased here.
Kidney Stones:
When kidney stones are involved, gravel root is an excellent herb to consider. Chanca piedra, castor oil transdermal packs, marshmallow root cold infusions (very mucilaginous), homemade juices containing apples and lemons (malic acid), and other kidney supporting herbs (which are usually diuretics) will also be very helpful.
In the case of an urgent situation (that hasn’t yet resulted in hospitalization), short-term emergency implementation of magnesium (oxide or citrate) and vitamin B6 (or a B-complex) supplementation can be utilized to benefit from their stone formation inhibiting effects. Nutrient isolates can usually be readily found at local health food stores.
Combine the isolate(s) (magnesium and/or B6) with the appropriate herbal remedies as soon as possible, and discontinue once the acute phase has passed (while continuing the herbs for maintenance purposes until no longer needed).
Acute Magnesium & Vitamin B6 Usage (preferably use together)
Magnesium: 500 milligrams every 2 hours for 24 hours.
Vitamin B6: 200 milligrams every 1 hour for 24 hours.
Maintenance Usage
Magnesium Oxide/Citrate Usage:
Ages 9 through 16: 350 milligrams daily
Ages 17+: 500 milligrams daily
Product suggestion(s):
- Thorne Research’s Magnesium Citrate (500 mg. capsules)
- Carlson Labs’ Magnesium Oxide (350 mg. capsules)
- Douglas Laboratories’ Magnesium Oxide (500 mg. caspsules)
Vitamin B6 Usage:
Ages 9 through 13: 50-100 milligrams daily
Ages 14+: 100-150 milligrams daily
Product suggestion:
- Nature’s Plus Vitamin B6 (100 mg. capsules)
B-Complex Usage:
Follow usage guidelines provided on the bottle.
Product suggestion:
- Thorne Research’s B-Complex
Whole World Botanicals’ Chanca Piedra:
- [Tincture] Stone-Breaking Chanca Piedra Kidney Support formula can be purchased here.
- [Capsules] Stone-Breaking Chanca Piedra Kidney Support formula can be purchased here.
Follow-Up Test:
If you’re cooperating with a medical physician from the beginning, you may want to consider requesting an appropriate follow-up test to monitor progress (it’s not absolutely necessary, but it’s an option). This test can be conducted 3-6 months after you’ve made changes to your diet and lifestyle. Which test should be employed will vary depending on the type, location, and size of the stones and the severity of the problems experienced (if any).
Tests include:
- Ultrasound scan
- X-ray scan
- Computerized Tomography (aka. CT or CAT scan)
- CT Urography
15.) Draining the Head: How can I do this faster?
Stubborn mucus, isn’t it? And there’s often seemingly bucket-loads of it too, once it starts coming out. Fortunately, you can accelerate drainage from the head in various ways (besides kidney filtration), some of which will be explored herein.
The following three things are the most common problems that will either create congestion or compound the congestive problem, making mucus drainage more difficult to accomplish:
- Acidic foods (dairy products primarily)
- Sluggish/congested colon
- Surgically removed or decayed tonsils
Dissolving and draining mucus and lymphatic congestion from the head is imperative, because this congestion in time facilitates pressure buildup and the deterioration of tissues, which can affect any notable part of the head including the brain, eyes, jawbone, teeth, gums, nasal and sinus cavities, tongue, hair follicles, auditory system, pituitary gland (which affects other glands of the endocrine system), pineal gland (which affects circadian rhythm and sleep cycle), etc.
The resulting inflammation and pressure buildup can create headaches, migraines, glaucoma and tinnitus. When it affects the cerebellum in the back of the head, this eventually results in swinging blood pressure (think of people whose blood pressure decline rapidly if they rise up too fast from a horizontal or seated position) along with balance maintainance and posture problems, frequent vertigo (dizziness), disorientation, and motion sickness (e.g. seasickness, car sickness).
Dr. Morse humorously, but with serious underlying connotation, often shares that failure to address this congestion problem will inevitably eventuate in the “Honey, where did I park the car?” (dementia, Alzheimer’s) syndromes as the brain is negatively impacted in due time.
Cold Air:
Cold temperature air has an alkalizing and cationic, decongesting effect within the body. Most people who have been exposed to cold climates have experienced a runny nose and the “opening up” of the nasal and sinus cavities that is usually associated with it.
So, for drainage purposes, cool air can become a gentle ally. If possible, and you can tolerate it, expose as much of your upper body to the cold air for 5-10 minutes up to several times per day. If you “catch a cold” (alkaline trigger), then perfect. Dr. Morse equates the efficacy of a good common cold or flu with roughly 3 months’ of detoxifying with raw foods and herbs in terms of how much congestion is eliminated from the body. This is why, as you’ll come to understand, many of us don’t shun cold and flu-like symptoms, we welcome them.
3-Three Lung Tea:
Dr. Morse’s 3-Lung Tea is very effective not only for soothing, healing and breaking up congestion within lung tissues, it is also useful for nasal and sinus congestion when inhaled as a steam. It can be mixed with the Heal-All Tea.
Before heating the water, you can optionally add 3 drops of one of the following essential oils:
- Eucalyptus
- Marjoram
- Peppermint
- Rosemary
- Tea tree
Once your herbal steam has been prepared, position your head over the saucepan, bring a towel over your head covering both your head and the saucepan – then simply begin breathing in the steam. You may need tissues for blowing your nose as it begins to run.
Peppermint Herbal Infusion:
Peppermint is a well-known anti-emetic (alleviates or prevents nausea and vomiting) and circulatory stimulant. As a tea, or in this case, a potent infusion, it serves as an effective sinus and nasal decongestant.
[Starwest Botanicals] Cut & sifted Peppermint Leaf can be purchased here.
[Frontier Natural Products] Cut & sifted Peppermint Leaf can be purchased here.
Nasya Oil:
Nasya Oil is an herbal infused nasal oil that is popularly used within yoga circles, ayurvedic medicine practitioners, and people with various nasal or sinus cavity problems, including mucus congestion. Nasya, in the Ayurvedic medicine context, means ‘nasal administration of medicine (herbs).’
[U.K./Europe] Pukka Nasya Oil can be purchased here.
[U.S./International] Banyan Nasya Oil can be purchased here.
Neti Pot:
A neti pot is a popular fluid-filled vessel used for conducting saline solution (i.e. saltwater) nasal irrigations, and can be used moderately to help clear the nasal cavities.
Neti pot can be purchased here.
Susun Weed’s Decongestant Technique:
This technique is useful for breaking up nasal and sinus congestion and requires:
- 2 washcloths (one cold, one hot)
- 2 footbath containers (one with cold water, one with hot water) (huge bowls or buckets you can your feet into will do)
- Place your feet in the HOT water container and place the COLD washcloth on your face
- Wait 2-3 minutes
- Switch: place your feet in the COLD container and now place the HOT washcloth on your face
- Wait 2-3 minutes and repeat the process a few times
Hanging Around People with Colds/Flus:
Exposing yourself to people that are exuding cold or flu-like symptoms is another way of increasing your chances of developing a common cold or flu, following the bacterial transfer from the other person to yourself for janitorial activity. If the conditions are right, the purge will be triggered.
Some other methods that can help:
- Neurolymphatic reflex massage (see this video)
- Lymphatic drainage massage (see this video)
- Steam sauna (using non-toxic water)
- Colon irrigation (enemas, colon hydrotherapy)
- Ear Candling (thermal-auricular therapy) (recommended 3 candles per ear)
- Moist sinus compresses
16.) Gastroparesis: How do I approach detoxification with this condition?
Gastroparesis = partial stomach paralysis and delayed gastric emptying
Before beginning any detoxification program, the first place to begin, is with a thorough health assessment and evaluation of your unique situation allowing recommendations to be tailored specifically to meet your needs. This is particularly important when it involves health conditions (e.g. gastroparesis, Crohn’s, intestinal strictures, interstitial cystitis, pancreatitis, extreme acidosis and toxicity, etc.) that make the dietary aspect of your approach more complicated and requiring frequent fine-tuning, as well as some level of trial and error, than otherwise. It is also important because usually a person doesn’t just have one problem, but multiple problems that must be accounted for.
Assessing and monitoring the state of your adrenal glands (synthesize neurotransmitters for the autonomic nervous system), thyroid (controls rate of metabolic processes), parathyroids (preside over calcium utilization, affecting calcium channels for triggering release of neurotransmitters), pancreas (produces bicarbonate to neutralize hydrochloric/stomach acid; plays pivotal role in proper digestion of carbohydrates and fats), and pituitary gland (controls the adrenals, thyroid, and parathyroids) – and addressing any weaknesses of either of these glands – is very important to achieving success in reversing gastroparesis. Given that the rest-and-digest functions are stimulated by the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, which is presided over by the cerebellum, and that nausea, a symptom that frequently accompanies gastroparesis, can often be spawned out of lymphatic pressure, inflammation, or toxicity affecting this part of the brain (and can be relieved with an ice pack applied on the back of the neck), you may want to be mindful of a compromised cerebellum having a role to play in some cases of gastroparesis.
Common symptoms of cerebellum weakness include: nausea, swinging blood pressure (including blood pressure dropping rapidly when rising from a horizontal or seated position to an upright vertical position too fast), balance maintainance and posture problems, frequent vertigo (dizziness), disorientation, and motion sickness (e.g. seasickness, car sickness).
The kinds and quantity of solid food you can tolerate at any given time will depend on the severity of your gastroparesis, which will fluctuate (and can be influenced by other tissue weaknesses). During times of stress, emotional instability or trauma, and anger, the rest-and-digest processes will be inhibited as these events have a negative effect on the adrenal glands.
A progressive dietary transition, much like advocated and taught by prof. Arnold Ehret through his ‘Mucusless Diet Healing System‘, will be pertinent for a case such as this. If cooked food (including stewed or baked fruit) or liquefied food is all you can tolerate in the beginning, as you work your way through with the herbs to gently detoxify and strengthen the body, as well as increase motility (contraction of gastrointestinal tract muscles to move contents along), then that is no problem. Start at your own pace and take steady baby steps.
Neurotoxic heavy metals (e.g. mercury, cadmium, lead, aluminum) in the body must be removed promptly to rule out any impact they may be having on your health condition (also as a preemptive measure against developing any other heavy metal-related health problems in the future). Silver amalgam fillings must be removed and toxic mold exposure addressed as soon as possible.
When it comes to meals, you want to keep them as simple and well-combined as possible. Try to only eat in a relaxed and calm state and chew your food thoroughly. Portions should remain small, but you can compensate by eating more frequently each day winding down at evening time leaving a few hours before going to sleep (i.e. try not to eat a few hours before bedtime).
A common tip often given for when ingesting liquefieds foods, is to do so slowly, as to not consume too large a quantity of food within too short a frame of time.
Another tip, following a meal, is to go for a gentle walk to take advantage of gravity to help move the food along.
Blended (e.g. smoothies), mashed (e.g. mashed sweet potato), and puréed food (e.g. veggie soups), as well as thoroughly strained and optionally diluted, homemade juices will sometimes be preferable to solid food. Steamed or cooked fruits and vegetables may be preferred over their raw counterparts.
When dealing with gastroparesis, there are certain fruits and vegetables that, as a general rule, tend to agree more with people than others (which tend to produce gas, bloating, nausea and onward). The lists below can serve as a starting point. You can copy the lists and, as you figure out and experience which fruits and vegetables you respond best to and which your body doesn’t cope well with, modify the lists accordingly.
Fruits include:
- Applesauce (homemade only)
- Bananas (as with any fruit, make sure they’re ripe!)
- Blueberries
- Cantaloupe melons
- Clementines
- Galia melons
- Grapes
- Honeydew melons
- Kiwi
- Lemons
- Oranges
- Passion fruits
- Pineapples (eat only when picked ripe off the plant)
- Raspberries
- Strawberries
Vegetables include:
- Beets
- Butternut squash
- Carrots
- Celeriac (celery root)
- Celery
- Cucumbers
- Eggplant (nightshade; generally not recommended during detoxification)
- Endive
- Ginger
- Green beans (generally not recommended during detoxification)
- Jerusalem artichokes
- Jicama
- Leeks
- Lettuces (all)
- Parsley root
- Parsnip
- Pumpkin
- Spinach
- Sprouts
- Squash
- Sweet potatoes
- Tomatoes (nightshade; also very acidic when cooked)
- Turnips
Highly relevant herbal formulas and herbs:
(NOTE: These are preferably to be used as part of a comprehensive protocol and not in place of it).
- Adrenal Gland Tonic and/or Endocrine Balance
- Brain & Nervous System Tonic I or Brain & Nervous System Tonic II (you can alternate between the two)
- Stomach Tea (try the tea before the Stomach & Bowels formulas; with the S&B formulas you can try opening the capsules)
Single herbs
- Ginger root (ground/powder; at least 1 gram/¼ teaspoon per day) (to help increase peristalsis)
- Licorice root (tinctured or cut & sifted and taken as an herbal infusion starting with 1/2 to 1 cup per day) (to increase peristalsis and strengthen the adrenal medulla) (contraindicated with high blood pressure)
Ginger root powder:
Licorice root:
Three helpful teas/infusions:
- Ginger root tea: nausea; helps to increase motility
- Peppermint tea: nausea; abdominal pain; gas and bloating (avoid with esophageal burns; acid reflux type symptoms)
- Chamomile tea: nausea; relaxing and calming
How do I heal the cerebellum?
Being that the cerebellum is part of the brain, and is thereby situated in the head, we will address the cerebellum in the same manner we would go about addressing the rest of the brain and most other parts of the head.
1.) Again, make sure to try and rule out any heavy metal implications through tests (removing silver amalgam fillings, ASAP, if any) and symptomatology.
2.) Work specifically with the Brain & Nervous System formulas and the Circulation (Upper) formula.
3.) Refer to question #16 on how to support drainage of the head.*
4.) Biomagnetic therapy (more details outlined below) using specific (BiomagScience) protocols some of which involve a lower cerebral vestibular system (CVS) application of small magnets (placing the magnets in the center of your neck, above the cervical spine, and below the hair line) to energize the head region (and is a gentler but slower energizing point for the rest of the body compared to what is referred to as the ‘daytime therapy’ where you will place the magnets over the sternum/breastbone for systemic energizing).
The lower CVS placement is excellent for cerebellum issues.
*In consideration of gastroparesis, you may need to abstain from the Stomach & Bowels formulas (initially), enemas, and colon hydrotherapy.
Complementary therapies:
Now, keep in mind, as opposed to most approaches out there, we’re not concerned with the treatment of symptoms nor the management of “disease.” Rather, the emphasis is on fixing the underlying root cause which, for one, requires a total overhaul of diet (particularly for individuals that follow a “standard” diet or the typical “GP-friendly” diet). But there are therapies that help with (1) making life a whole lot easier by alleviating symptoms, or also (2) aiding the healing process overall.
1.) Acupuncture
Acupuncture, if you can find a good practitioner, has been found to be a very beneficial complementary therapy for alleviating symptoms in those with gastroparesis.
2.) Seaband (nausea relief)
For alleviating nausea (by stimulating the pericardium 6 acupressure point), you may try an easy-to-wear Seaband, which many, pregnant females in particular, have found effective for nausea relief and are also used by some hospitals.
Seabands can be purchased through here.
3.) Biomagnetic therapy
Biomagnetic therapy, using medical grade and high quality magnets applied topically (and correctly), is another powerful and complementary therapy worth considering primarily because it inspires more energy at the cell level (essentially recharging the cells like a battery in a similar fashion to how raw foods do), contributes to altering the cellular environment favorably, alleviates pain and supports detoxification and regeneration, through magnetic fields, while bypassing the gastrointestinal tract (helpful for those having trouble ingesting foods and supplements).
(more pictures can be found here)
I personally use and recommend the biomagnetic therapy products offered by BiomagScience Corp.
17.) Interstitial Cystitis: How do I approach detoxification with this condition?
Interstitial Cystitis (IC) = painful bladder syndrome / “bladder on fire”
Before beginning any detoxification program, the first place to begin, is with a thorough health assessment and evaluation of your unique situation allowing recommendations to be tailored specifically to meet your needs. This is particularly important when it involves health conditions (e.g. interstitial cystitis gastroparesis, Crohn’s, intestinal strictures, pancreatitis, extreme acidosis and toxicity, etc.) that make the dietary aspect of your approach more complicated and requiring frequent fine-tuning, as well as some level of trial and error, than otherwise. It is also important because usually a person doesn’t just have one problem, but multiple problems that must be accounted for.
Within the context of interstitial cystitis, we’re not only looking at the bladder but also looking at the nearby and adjacent parts of the body as problems often arise in these areas. The urinary tract (e.g. urinary tract “infection”), pelvic floor (e.g. pelvic floor dysfunction), uterus (e.g. endometriosis), vagina (e.g. vaginitis), vulva (e.g. vulvodynia), prostate (prostatitis), descending colon, sigmoid and rectum, are all nearby areas affected by the same acidosis that is inflaming and deteriorating the bladder – which is why problems in these areas tend to accompany interstitial cystitis. Understand that it is never an isolated problem, but a systemic one. And in what part of the body the acidosis comes to expression in the form of symptoms will differ from person to person depending on their individual tissue weaknesses. For one person this spells interstitial cystitis, for another it spells swollen tonsils and dental deterioration, and for a third person it’s cirrhosis of the liver – all three having the same underlying root cause, and, with minor or major protocol adjustments, are addressed in the same way with the same underlying focus.
The issue with interstitial is the often extreme bladder sensitivity that develops from the deterioration and erosion of the bladder lining. This means that the person has to tread very carefully with regard to diet, as ingesting the “wrong food” will result in a flare-up of pain and increased urinary urgency (with dire pain upon urination).
This sensitivity can extend to fruit acids, many herbs and other botanical and non-botanical products and supplements. The challenge we may face in this regard is that most of our default toolset (herbal formulas, glandulars, etc.) is sometimes voided in the beginning stages, as the person cannot tolerate taking most of it without resulting pain.
Diet-wise, acid, sub-acid and most sweet fruits, as well as oxalate-rich produce, can become very problematic. This can lead to discouraging, but fortunately temporary dietary restrictions.
Sensitivities will differ from person to person, with some being able to consume all sweet and sub-acid category fruit, while others can tolerate only very few sweet fruits (such as bananas) until the bladder is gradually rebuilt and strengthened. Also, food tolerances can fluctuate in that there can be phases where the fruits and greens a person has been able to tolerate all along will suddenly begin to produce symptoms. Sometimes this is inevitable if acids in the bladder are being mobilized (and they will have to be mobilized at some point to be eliminated from the body). One may try replacing or reducing the serving size of whichever produce is yielding symptoms. During these phases, the pain relief methods outlined further below can also be utilized.
Sunny Morrow, a trained detoxification specialist with specialty in dealing with interstitial cystitis, has devised an individually tailored plan for helping people overcome this condition (which has produced multiple successful reversals), after healing herself of interstitial cystitis using the same approach.
As a transitionary measure, Sunny advocates and stresses the importance of using green smoothies (and not juices) consisting only of ingredients that are best tolerated by the individual, with varying ratios in the greens to fruit content.
A green smoothie is a mixture of fruits and vegetables processed and liquefied in a (preferably powerful) blender, where the fruit serves as a sweetening agent. Typical amounts of smoothie consumed per day range from 64 to 128 oz.
Consume as much as needed to feel satiated and satisfied, and no more.
Recipe Example:
- Meat and water of 1 thai coconut
- Baby Spinach – 1 handful
- Celery stalks – 3, chopped
- Banana – 1, sliced
- Apple – 1, choppped
- [OPTIONAL] Flax seeds – 1 tablespoon
- [OPTIONAL] Green superfood blend – 1 tablespoon
- Water to fill
As the sensitivity diminishes, one can gradually begin incorporating more and more fresh produce items that are tolerated without pain.
Raw salads and steamed vegetables may also be consumed, using, again, ingredients that are tolerated. Baked sweet potatoes may occasionally be enjoyed as an addition to a salad/steamed vegetables. During the initial stages, however, one should stay with green smoothies and snack on any fruits that are tolerated well.
Greens are emphasized over fruit, because they tend to be less aggressive detoxifiers (don’t mobilize acids well) and less aggressive in their chemistry (apart from those containing oxalic acid); these qualities will help circumvent aggravation of symptoms.
It is highly recommended that only organic produce and fully ripe fruit be used as to avoid potential bladder irritation from chemical contaminants.
Flares can also occur during stressful times as additional acidosis is generated while suppressing adrenal function, further reducing output of the body’s own anti-inflammatory steroids (cortisone, dehydroepiandrosterone, and pregnenolone) as the adrenal glands become weaker. Stress reduction techniques and activities can prove very helpful.
Herbal Infusions
Amongst people dealing with interstitial cystitis, certain herbal teas have become fairly popular. These include chamomile, couch grass, corn silk, marshmallow root, and slippery elm bark.
Whenever possible, I suggest making potent infusions in place of weak teas. However, one should try a weak tea of any herb first to test tolerability, apart from marshmallow root or slippery elm bark where a small amount (2 oz.) should be consumed first, then wait to see how the body responds.
I suggest the following herbal infusions:
- Chamomile flower short infusion (as noted, steep only for roughly 5-8 minutes)
- Comfrey leaf infusion
- Marshmallow root cold infusion
Pain Relief Methods
There are various things that can be done to alleviate or also help to inspire alkalization and regeneration of the bladder and its lining. Mild flare-ups should respond favorably to any of the options below. Stronger flare-ups may require two or more options combined.
Analgesic (painkiller) medications should preferably only be utilized as a LAST resort.
1.) Dr. Morse’s Cellular Botanicals
Mild, moderate and strong pains (use all four formulas simultaneously).
- Herbal Antispasmodic formula
- Heal-All Herbal Blend capsules
- Pain formula
- A Stomach & Bowels Tonic formula (choose the one appropriate for you in terms of moving power)
Stomach & Bowels Tonic #1:
This formula has no moving power. All the stomach & bowel formulas are bowel restoratives and cleansers.
Stomach & Bowels Tonic #2:
This one is for those that need a little ‘push’.
Stomach & Bowels Tonic #3:
Intended for those only having bowel movements every 2-3 days.
Stomach & Bowels Tonic #4:
Intended for those only having bowel movements every 3-4 days.
Stomach & Bowels Tonic #5:
For those that only experience bowel movements every 4-5 days and beyond.
If, for any reason, you cannot acquire all 4 formulas, you can alternatively use just the Herbal Anti-Spasmodic and Pain formulas.
2.) Castor Oil Packs
Mild to moderate pains; can sometimes curb strong pains.
Details can be found in the following document:
3.) Biomagnetic Therapy
Mild, moderate and strong pains.
Biomagnetic therapy, using medical grade, properly designed and high quality magnets applied topically (and correctly), is a powerful and complementary therapy worth considering primarily because it inspires more energy at the cell level (essentially recharging the cells like a battery in a similar fashion to how raw foods do), contributes to altering the cellular environment favorably, effectively alleviates pain and supports detoxification and regeneration, through magnetic fields, while bypassing the gastrointestinal tract (helpful for those having trouble ingesting foods and supplements).
(more pictures can be found here)
A 24/7 easy-to-wear, correct-polarity application of magnets can be used over the bladder (using band-aid/sticky plaster; see picture below) for pain relief and to speed up the healing and regeneration of bladder tissues.
I use and recommend the biomagnetic therapy products offered by BiomagScience Corp.
In the above picture – with a sticky plaster inbetween – I’m holding a ‘2-stack’ (meaning one magnet stacked on top of another) of BiomagScience’s smallest biomagnets called ‘Power Wafers‘. For interstitial cystitis, however, I recommend using a 2-stack of their Regular Biomagnets or 1 Super Biomagnet with a Power Wafer stacked on top of it, for localized pain relief and to support the bladder.
Apply the biomagnets with the green (negative energy/north pole) side toward the skin using a band-aid/sticky plaster to secure and hold the application in place. Once the pain is relieved, do NOT remove the magnets; instead keep wearing the magnets for at least 7-14 days after pain has subsided, but preferably up to 28 days to allow the tissues to heal.
Before deciding to acquire any biomagnets (should you so choose), please take the time to explore and learn about the science and therapy on
4.) Marshmallow Root Fomentations
Mild to moderate pains.
Details can be found in the following document:
5.) Baking Soda & Epsom Salts Hot Bath
Mild to moderate pains.
This bath is relaxing and has anti-inflammatory alkalizing effects on the body.
You’ll need:
- Epsom salts (2 cups)
- Baking soda (1 cup)
- Lavender (‘lavandula officinalis’ ONLY) essential oil (10 drops)
- Fill your bathtub with warm water
- Add epsom salts, baking soda, and lavender essential oil
- Allow the epsom salts to dissolve in the water
- Sit in and enjoy the bath for 15-30 minutes
Repeat once per day as needed.
Products required:
- Epsom salts by Aaron Industries can be purchased here.
- Baking soda by Frontier Natural Products can be purchased here.
- Lavender essential oil (lavandula officinalis) by Now Foods can be purchased here.
Once you’re past this hurdle, you can kick things up a notch and embark on a thorough herbal detoxification protocol, if needed.
Also, for those who may ponder over the healing possibilities, as this concern tends to arise often, it does not matter how long you’ve been dealing with interstitial cystitis, whether it’s been a few months or over 30 years. If the underlying cause is successfully addressed and a healing atmosphere is restored throughout the body, regeneration of the entire urinary system including the bladder WILL take place. How rapidly this takes place, however, will always vary from person to person as it is influenced by various factors.