Praise thy almighty hemp! This romaine, basil & hemp seed salad recipe brings in the goodness of cute and innocent hemp seeds, as well as the slightly nutty and distinctive flavor of hempseed oil, complemented with fresh basil leaves.
Required equipment for this recipe:
- Kitchen knife
- Cutting board
- Large salad bowl
- Utensils to mix ingredients

- 1 head romaine lettuce chopped
- 1 avocado cubed
- 1 cucumber sliced and quartered
- 3 Italian sweet peppers chopped
- 1 large handful fresh basil leaves destemmed
- 3 tablespoons hempseed oil
- 3 tablespoons hemp seeds
- lime juice (half of a lime)
- natural salt to taste
Get ingredients ready for preparation and use.
Add chopped romaine lettuce to bowl.
Add lime juice, hempseed oil and basil leaves to bowl.
Use hands to massage and mix bowl contents for 15 seconds.
Add avocado, cucumber and hemp seeds to bowl and mix with utensils.
Optionally allow contents to marinade for 15-20 minutes, and serve.
As always, try as best you can to procure and use organic ingredients. Make sure to rinse and clean your produce properly before use.
Use cold-pressed, organic, non-refined and unheated oils only.
Special ingredient(s) used: