Release date: November 3rd, 2014 / Last revised: November 3rd, 2014
If you haven’t already, it is suggested that you first read the article ‘When Life-Saving Research Is Buried‘.
“The processes of life have been found to generate electric fields in every organism that has been examined […]”
“The delicately balanced distribution of inorganic salts [minerals] in and around a living cell, whether plant or animal, accounts for its electrical properties.”
“Where there are concentration differences across a membrane, positive and negative charges become separated and an electric field is set up. These differences in concentration are maintained by pumps, driven by the metabolism of the cell, that push ions through the membrane in one direction or the other.”
~ ‘Electricity in Plants‘[PDF], Scientific American, Oct. 1962 by Bruce I. H. Scott
It has been known for some time that the ever-ongoing life/healing and death/degeneration processes both take place at the cell level, but elusive to many, is how it unfolds. It is also now understood that the life and healing processes are one and the same, while the degenerative/disease and death processes are one and the same and that our bloodstream holds the key to both, only that for a long time it was not known what it was in our bloodstream that could cause our death.
With history going as far back as the days of Pierre Jacques Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908), Claude Bernard (1813-1878), and Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), it has also been known for a long time that each cell is subject to its environment and that it is in the environment, otherwise referred to as biological terrain or culturing medium, that one will find the origin of “disease,” the effectuation of “remedy,” and the medium of true prevention, yet this vastly substantiated revelation has to this day received little recognition from the profession of modern medicine. As Dr. Bernard Jensen, D.C., N.D., Ph.D. (1908-2001) stated in the 1995 coauthored publication, ‘Empty Harvest‘ (p. 105), “I am not saying that the germ theory of medicine is totally without basis, but, rather, without perspective. The germ theory of medicine is a nineteenth-century concept, promoted by Louis Pasteur before vitamins, trace elements, and other nutrients had even been discovered. The germ theory is still believed to be the central cause of disease, because around it exists a colossal supportive infrastructure of commercial interests that built multi-billion-dollar industries based upon this theory. To the scientific satisfaction of many in the health field, it [the germ theory] has long been disproven as the primary cause of disease. Germs are, rather, an effect of disease.”
Once a healthy living environment in the tissues is established and maintained, the life expectancy – or lack thereof – of a cell, has been brought into question by a number of professionals.
Elisa Buenaventura, a research scientist who has worked at Boston University Medical School, Tufts Medical School and Southwestern Medical School, conducting research in biophysics, cell biology and biochemistry, and has a decade of history working with cell cultures as part of her cancer research stated:
“Any medical researcher who has worked with tissue cultures knows that cells can be kept alive indefinitely, but you must keep the proper chemical balance in and around the cell and eliminate the waste products of their metabolism.
Cells are meant to be eternal. They should not die or degenerate if their environment is kept clean, nutritious and chemically balanced.”
French surgeon and biologist, Dr. Alexis Carrel, M.D. (1873-1944), a member of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research for 33 years, and a recipient of a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was quoted in Patrick and Gael Flanagan’s coauthored book titled ‘Elixir of the Ageless‘ as stating:
“The cell is immortal. It is merely the fluid in which it floats which degenerates. Renew this fluid at intervals, give the cells what they require for nutrition and, as far as we know, the pulsation of life may go on forever.”
In more recent history, a scientific and undisputed 2-part formula that represents the equations for the conditions required for life and healing and the conditions for disease and death at the cell level has come to fruition, since June 24th, 1980. This formula was presented by Dr. C. Samuel West, D.N., N.D. (1932-2004) on September 22nd, 1981, at the 8th International Congress of Lymphology in Montreal, Canada, to some of the top medical research scientists and lymphologists in the world.
“This certificate is valued at hundreds of thousands of dollars. The title of this report which Dr. West presented at this congress is what all those who are researching for the cause of heart disease, cancer, obesity, high blood pressure, arthritis, and all the other crippling and killer diseases are looking for.
Note: ‘Disease’ and ‘death’ were misspelled on the following certificate because the French secretaries were not proficient in English.
As the tapes of this congress will verify, there were no objections as to the validity of this formula. As the result of this One Basic Formula, Dr. West has found the formulas showing the cause and how to prevent every major disease known to man. He says, ‘The one who made the body made the formulas, and with his help I was able to find them.'” ~ The International Academy of Lymphology
The effervescent normal life processes of a cell are maintained by electrical pumps which by divine design were built into every cell – immune cells included – of our body with the intertwined primary functions of (1) maintaining the intracellular sodium-potassium balance and (2) bringing other minerals and nutrients into the cell, both tasks of which are accomplished with each successful complete rotation of these sodium-potassium pumps.
The sodium-potassium pump is the electrical generator inside each cell that produces the electricity that gives the cell power to function and generates the measurable cellular voltage and the electrical field (which is captured by Kirlian photography) established around the cell.
“The magnetic electrical research field will come to prove that the human body is an electrical being and our health[, strength and endurance] depends on the energy currents which run through the body.” ~ Dr. George S. White, M.D
For the pumps to work, (1) each cell must have sufficient oxygen and fructose/glucose to convert the simple sugar into adenosine triphosphate (ATP) (pure energy for the life processes of the cell) through aerobic oxidation, and (2) a delicately balanced distribution of sodium and potassium in and around the cells must be maintained at all times.
Inside a cell (the intracellular fluids), the potassium (K+) concentration must remain high, while the sodium (Na+) concentration must remain low. These concentrations are reversed outside the cell (in the extracellular fluids) and the delicate balance of these main minerals must be maintained.
If a cell receives insufficient or no oxygen, or the delicate mineral balance is upset or altered in any way, the pumps will go into an “electrical short-circuit” (producing heat) and begin to shut off and the electrical fields around the cells will diminish accordingly. This process creates an acidic environment and will damage or kill the cell.
If something happens that will produce either lack of oxygen or upset the delicate sodium/potassium balance throughout the entire body, death will ensue as a result, as the electrical generators in every cell of every body system shut down entirely. This is why we DIE IN A FEW MINUTES if completely DEPRIVED OF OXYGEN.
Therefore, to maintain the health, integrity and normal life processes of each cell, the cells must always have access to abundant levels of oxygen and we must continually replenish the supply of fructose/glucose, maintain the sodium-potassium balance, and abstain from activities that will cause loss of or disruption of these elements utmost key to life at the cell level.
Dr. Otto H. Warburg, M.D. (1883-1970) at the Max Planck-Institute for Cell Physiology in Germany discovered that if healthy cells were deprived of up to 35% of their oxygen intake, they would mutate into that which is deemed a “cancer cell” every single time, hence we may understand that, as Dr. Warburg stated during a 1966 lecture, “Cancer [more appropriately called “damaged cells”], above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation. All normal body cells are thus obligate aerobes, whereas all cancer cells are partial anaerobes. From the standpoint of the physics and chemistry of life this difference between normal and cancer cells is so great that one can scarcely picture a greater difference. Oxygen gas, the donor of energy in plants and animals is dethroned in the cancer cells and replaced by an energy yielding reaction of the lowest living forms, namely, a fermentation of glucose.”
As a result of his research and experience, Dr. Robert C. Olney, M.D. discovered that blocked oxidation serves as the prime cause of malignant, viral, bacterial, and allergic diseases, and he was compelled to issue the statement that, “With our present knowledge it should be possible to prevent and wipe out cancer and serious infectious diseases.”
Through researching the works of Dr. William F. Koch, Ph.D., M.D. (1885-1967), Dr. Olney found that in an oxygen-deprived environment, even microorganisms that are normally of beneficial nature to us, turn pathogenic and parasitic, and that such mutations are reversed once the blocked oxidation is effectively rectified. (See Dr. Olney’s research report titled ‘Blocked Oxidation‘[PDF].)
However, this doesn’t paint us the entire picture just yet, and that is where the research on the blood plasma proteins (as well as shock) and Dr. Arthur C. Guyton’s discoveries become imperative to recognize and understand, for these protein particulates (albumin, globulin, fibrinogen), when trapped around the cells, are documented to be the only molecules in our body that can alter the perfect-health environment known as the ‘dry state’ (one of, if not the most important discovery made in the 20th century by Dr. Guyton and published in 1961) and produce the conditions around cells that will produce lack of oxygen and upset the delicate mineral balance by attracting (1) excess fluid and (2) excess sodium from the bloodstream into the tissue spaces around the cells.
‘Ex Fl, Ex Na+, Lack of O2’ = Excess fluid and excess sodium (Na+) results in lack of oxygen (O2)
This is the basic, principal prerequisite for loss of energy (lowered cell voltage), pain, inflammation, acidosis/hotspots and every disease condition known, encompassing degenerative, infectious and genetic health conditions. In terms of immunity, understand that it has already been discovered and documented since 1951 [‘White Blood Cells v. Bacteria‘[PDF] by W. Barry Wood Jr.] that our lymphocytes and other white blood cells shut off or experience decreased functioning in a non-dry state environment of fluid retention; the same applies to the tissues that manufacture or mature our immune cells (bone marrow, thymus gland, etc.). In the dry state, however, the immune cells have close contact with tissue cells (to protect or destroy them) at all times and can act immediately even in the absence of antibody (which means that in the dry state it would NEVER be necessary to artificially boost antibodies through vaccinations).
We now know that trapped blood proteins produce the conditions that will alter the dry state, cause lack of oxygen and render our immune cells benign, creating a conducive environment for pathogenic and parasitic microbial mutations.
“Almost all tissues in the body respond to tissue damage, whether the damage results from simple trauma or some cellular disease, by the process called inflammation. There is a leakage of large quantities of plasma-like fluids out of the capillaries into the damaged area, followed by a clotting of the fluids [due to trapped blood plasma proteins].” ~ Dr. Arthur C. Guyton, M.D., Textbook of Medical Physiology, 5th ed., p. 1027
Since energy keeps the proteins in dissolution it is imperative that the electric generators are kept from shutting off, because if they do, and the electrical fields are reduced, the proteins cluster around the cells and lock, making them often impossible to be retrieved by the lymphatic capillaries without systemic or on-site mechanical/electrical stimulation on or near the body.
The dry state is the perfect, healthy environment of the cells that is maintained by our “tree of life,” the lymphatic system, and where there is just sufficient solution to encircle (fill the interstitial spaces) the cell, deliver the nutrients needed for life, and that is all. The dry state can only be altered by excess water from the bloodstream and we must understand that the water is inextricably bound to the plasma proteins, thus if the proteins get trapped around the cells, it will produce a “lake” of water and excess sodium around them. (The negatively charged protein molecules magnetically attract the positively charged single sodium ions.)
In the dry state, the lymphatic system vacuum-packs the cells close together which holds them tight and neatly against the blood capillaries, keeping them within the range of dissipation during the fluid transaction process.
“To give one an idea of the rapidity with which these substances diffuse, the rate at which water molecules diffuse through the capillary membrane is about 80 times as great as the rate at which plasma itself flows linearly along the capillary.
That is, the water of the plasma is exchanged with the water of the interstitial fluid 80 times before the plasma can flow the entire distance through the capillary.” ~ Dr. Arthur C. Guyton, M.D., Textbook of Medical Physiology[PDF], 11th ed, p. 183
The bloodstream is approximately 91% water and has about 3 quarts of blood plasma circulating throughout the body around the clock, making a full cycle in about every 60 seconds. Within those 60 seconds, all 3 quarts of blood plasma diffuse out through the tiny pores of the blood capillary membranes and are magnetically pulled back in by the blood plasma proteins 80 times. When the fluid comes out from the capillaries 9/10 of it is pulled back into the bloodstream while the remaining 1/10 is left to become interstitial and eventually lymph fluid.
Because the fluid diffuses back and forth 80 times per minute, which is faster than once per second, the fluid has a very limited range of irrigation. This is pivotal to bear in mind, because, according to Dr. Guyton, only in the dry state are the cells within the range of dissipation and thus only in the dry state can cells receive optimum levels of oxygen and dissolved nutrients without which they suffer oxygen and nutritive damage. (Remember also, if the sodium-potassium pumps slow down or shut off they won’t rotate to bring the dissolved nutrients into the cell.)
The more excess fluid in the tissue spaces around the cells, the farther away from the capillaries the cells will be and if they are out of range of the dissipation then the oxygen and nutrient content of the blood will be irrelevant. At some point even special diets and supplements are rendered ineffective if not completely useless as the cells receive little or none of the nutrients. This research also reveals a hole in the generally accepted medical understanding, as it is their assumption that the cells always have their oxygen-requirements met unless a person is diagnosed with any particular condition related to oxygen deprivation. The fact of the matter is any time the dry state is altered oxygen needs are not adequately met if at all.
Lack of oxygen is also recognized as being the cause of most pain in our body.
“Oxygen is a masterwork of nature – an enduring tribute to Nature’s preoccupation with complementarity and contrariety. It is an elixir of life and a hemlock for death – the ultimate molecular Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Sometimes by its presence and sometimes by its absence, oxygen initiates signaling for cellular life as well as demise. In that context, it is important to recognize that oxygen drives chronic pain pathways primarily by its absence.”
“In my clinical work, when I see pain. I think oxygen.” ~ Dr. Majid Ali, M.D., The Oxygen View of Pain: Every Chronic Pain Represents Cells’ Cries for Oxygen[PDF]
“Most pain is caused from lack of oxygen. Medical research states that unoxygenated blood cannot relieve pain. As you sit on a hard chair for a while, you will come to know this is true. As you sit still, you block the circulation, and it begins to hurt. Your natural impulses tell you to move around, and as you do, the oxygenated blood comes in and helps take the pain away.” ~ Dr. C. Samuel West, D.N., N.D., The Golden Seven Plus One, p. 48
To successfully take preemptive measures, we must learn what it is we do within the mental, nutritional and physical spheres (secondary causes all contributing to the prime cause) to cause the blood plasma proteins to get trapped around the cells (prime cause) thus producing the unhealthy cellular environment conducive to cell degeneration.
While many of the things we do that cause harm are widely known, others are quite subtle and unbeknownst to most people.
Mentally – Love in Lieu of Hate
If we create or engage in situations – or uphold poor mental attitudes – that produce psychological stress, in other words, if we fight, argue, quarrel, ridicule, unnecessarily criticize, condemn, find fault in others, or cast blame, we produce stress in ourselves and/or others.
Stress (a mild form of shock), whether emotional, mental or physical, either creates a physiochemical reaction or produces poisons from damaged cells that will cause systemic or localized dilation of our blood capillaries, opening up the tiny pores in the capillary membrane causing blood proteins, fluid and sodium to exit the bloodstream quicker and in larger quantities than the lymphatic capillaries can pull it out.
As Dr. West put it in The Golden Seven Plus One:
“As stress causes loss of energy and disease by producing a shock-like effect upon the body, so does anger, fear, loss of temper, holding grudges, resentment, and jealousy, etc.
To have health, we must be big enough to love our enemies, bless those who curse us, and do good to those who hate us. In short, we must learn to control our emotions and live in peace.” (p. 84)
Complemented with words of wisdom from Robert Morse, N.D. in The Detox Miracle Sourcebook and on video:
“Rebuild yourself—it’s fun. Become happy with yourself and enjoy God in every moment. Let anger, envy, jealousy or hatred go, and bring in the love for all life, as all life is Divine.” (p. 164)
“Always fill yourself full of love and God. If everyone did this at all times, this world would be a much different place. Live in every moment for the moment and forget the past. Live in the ‘Now’ and the future never comes. Learn to enjoy every moment, regardless of what medical condition you have or how chronic and hopeless it seems. Make your life what you want it to be. If you want your body to be healthy, then so be it – make it healthy. It is up to you, and you alone, to make it healthy. You choose.” (p. 289)
“I think we have to start getting real with life, love, beauty, and experience. These judgmental attitudes people have and all this [negative] stuff out there, we have to leave it, because it only builds bitterness between humans and there is no reason to [do so]; we want to build love between the species, not bitterness, anger, and ‘I’m good, you’re bad’ syndromes and stuff like that. It’s going to take all you guys to help us to [accomplish] this.” (Questions & Answers 244)
Nutritionally – Consume Clean Fuel and Don’t Defile Your Body
If we eat foods or otherwise ingest or absorb substances/poisons that will damage cells or put physical stress on the body, the same process as outlined previously occurs. Damaged cells put off poisons (bradykinin, histamines and serotonin) which cause the blood capillary pores to dilate.
These substances also include drugs, heavy metals, toxic chemicals, venoms, poisons (whether physical or emotional), harmful electromagnetic frequencies, and so forth.
We should aim to accommodate for and satisfy our nutritional needs through clean, organic whole foods with gradually increasing emphasis on fresh, raw fruits and vegetables. Quality whole-food supplementation can be integrated should there be a need for it.
We have access to a variety of plant-based supplements that can be utilized for a maintenance nutritional boost. Excellent choices include moringa oleifera, alfalfa, black seed oil (nigella sativa), kelp, and dulse. Superfood blends are also excellent if nutrition is a concern, but remember that nutritional needs are greater in an inefficient and toxic system than otherwise.
To avoid undue stress and unnecessary phases of strong eliminations, much time and attention should be devoted to incremental transitioning, unless circumstances warrant otherwise. As Prof. Arnold Ehret (1866-1922) so succinctly elaborated in the ‘Mucusless Diet Healing system‘:
“You learned that I use partly cooked food during the transition diet and in the beginning the vegetables prevail. This has for its purpose the slowing down of the elimination, for it is well known that people can stand a stewed or baked fruit whereas they cannot stand the same kind when fresh. Vital food is not the entire object to be gained at first but rather their property to dissolve and to eliminate. This vital healing efficiency is most perfect in all kinds of fresh fruits and will be found to be too aggressive for the majority of patients. This is undoubtedly the cause of the wrong ideas and reason for the ‘fruit fast’ being in ill repute, and it is the same reason why I use stewed and baked fruits in the beginning to slow down the elimination.”
Physically – No Room for the Lazy Person; Everybody Has to Work
If we neglect our lymphatic system and compromise lymphatic flow through physical inactivity and worse yet from incessant shallow breathing, the normal quantity of blood plasma proteins, fluids, and sodium that continually escape from the bloodstream under normal circumstances, along with dead cells, cellular wastes, and other poisonous by-products will gradually accumulate due to the inefficiency of the lymphatic system (this is a major problem for people in incapacitated conditions).
Shallow breathing brings in less oxygen than required for optimal cell function.
If we exercise improperly and put negative physical stress on tissues, the same process takes place.
We therefore know that true prevention is mental, nutritional and physical; mind, body and spirit. Anything outside of that is treatment, alleviation, management, masking or suppression of symptoms. Additionally, in light of the mental laws/poor mental attitudes, we must also realize that in order to truly overcome disease globally, we can only do it as one entity; one unified family living in peace with one another. In this regard we have a ways to go, but it’ll be a tremendously worthwhile accomplishment should we manage to pull it off.
“With the knowledge of the formulas we can now understand this and every other method of healing known to man. We now know that if anything heals the body or even helps the body— it must remove the ‘trapped’ proteins, the excess fluid and sodium, and turn the generators on!” ~ Dr. C. Samuel West, D.N., N.D., The Golden Seven Plus One, p. 47
The blood protein research lays a solid foundation for every healing art currently known, and it reveals why the most powerful healing technologies all happen to involve energy in different forms applied through various mechanisms, as it has been found that the lymphatic vessels are energy-sensitive while the plasma proteins are disassociated and mobilized by energy.
There are numerous ways to dissipate the trapped plasma proteins and to activate the lymphatic system in order to pull out the excess fluids and sodium, as well as dead cells, cell wastes and other poisonous by-products.
In a Nutshell
1.) To have healthy cells, the lymphatic system must be able to maintain a negative sub-atmospheric pressure condition, or dry state, where there are no trapped plasma proteins, no excess fluid and no excess sodium; only sufficient fluid to fill the crevices (interstitial spaces) around the cells and that is all. Therefore, to keep the plasma proteins always circulating we must keep our lymphatic vessels activated as often as possible through the various means that it can be done.
2.) In the dry state cells receive optimum levels of oxygen and nutrients because they are within the range of dissipation from the bloodstream at the capillary level.
3.) As the cells have their oxygen and nutritive needs met and there is no excess water or excess sodium around them, the electrical generators (sodium-potassium pumps) are able to function uninhibited and are able to generate electricity (minus 70 to minus 90 millivolts according to Dr. Warburg), keep the electrolytes in rotation, and bring in dissolved nutrients across the cell membrane, all needed to maintain the normal life processes of each cell.
4.) Whenever we break the mental, nutritional or physical pure laws and principles – natural laws if you will – resulting in tissue damage or shock (stress included), the tiny capillary membrane pores dilate causing the plasma proteins (albumin especially given its comparatively smaller size), water and sodium to rush out from the bloodstream into the spaces at a rate outpacing the lymphatic vessels’ ability to remove the seepage and return the fluid and proteins to the bloodstream. If this process occurs on a sudden extreme scale, as in traumatic shock, the blood capillary pores will dilate throughout the entire body to such an extent that a significant volume of water will leave the bloodstream resulting in loss of positive blood pressure; this collapses the cardiovascular vessels leading to imminent death.
5.) The excess water alters the dry state and causes swelling in the tissue spaces around the cells on a minor (invisible) to major (edema) scale, increasing the distance between the cells and the blood capillaries. Oxygen and nutrient deprivation ensues and the whole scenario can be thought of as “internal drowning of the cells.”
The excess sodium seeps into the cells faster than the sodium-potassium pumps can remove it, thus upsetting the delicate mineral balance and causing the pumps to go into electrical short-circuits. At this point heat is produced and the environment turns acidic.
6.) When the pump-driven energy fields around the cells are reduced, the plasma proteins cluster and stick together like glue, becoming very difficult if not impossible for the lymphatic system to remove. The proteins can remain stuck in the tissue spaces for a lifetime – if not dissipated and removed – pooling excess water and excess sodium around the cells. The cellular conditions and environment produced under these circumstances are passed down to our offspring.
7.) This “wet” or disease state is an environment that is conducive to cell degeneration and mutation, along with the manifestation of microbial problems or parasites that are naturally programmed to decompose and “recycle” the decaying host. The “harmful” microorganisms and parasites are essentially compensation for the mess we create and the harm we most of the time willfully produce out of ignorance or apathy.
8.) The clustered and locked plasma proteins can be dissipated with subtle amounts of energy, even as little as the minus 70 to minus 90 millivolts generated by healthy cells thus when the energy fields around the cells are maintained, the plasma proteins are kept in dissolution and never cluster. Simultaneously, when the energy we apply permeates the lymphatic vessels it will activate these vessels to pull out the dissipated proteins, fluid and sodium along with other waste material.
A Smashed Finger Injury Exemplifying the Disease Process
Let’s take a fairly common example of an injury that exhibits this process of altering the negative sub-atmospheric pressure condition (dry state) into the wet or disease state.
Say you accidentally smash your finger in a closing door or with a hammer. Cells have now been damaged and release the bradykinin, histamine, serotonin and other intracellular chemicals causing dilation of the blood capillary pores. Due to the positive pressure in the bloodstream, the plasma proteins rush out into the tissue spaces with the water and sodium, creating a lake around the cells thus producing a condition of trapped plasma proteins, excess fluid and excess sodium.
As the fluid continually accumulates, the finger swells. The lack of oxygen produces the prolonged pain that is experienced. Before any healing can take place the lymphatic vessels must now pull out the proteins – if they can – along with the water and sodium. However, in the example of a smashed finger and many other acute injuries, the healing process can be instigated immediately by preventing the swelling from taking place. And here’s how:
When a person smashes their finger(s), they in most cases instinctively proceed to grab and hold on to the finger(s) for typically no longer than 30-120 seconds or so and then they let loose. That is a big mistake because they let go too soon.
Instead, immediately grab and hold the fingers tightly to apply pressure and DO NOT LET GO. As you hold the fingers tight, you equalize the pressure between the bloodstream and the tissue spaces. The proteins and water will not rush out from the bloodstream into the tissue spaces under these circumstances. The cells will still have oxygen, the electrical generators are kept on and rapid healing begins at once.
At the 7th International Congress of Lymphology in 1979 it was confirmed that we could time it by the clock that the bradykinin and histamines will stop dilating the capillary pores after no longer than 20 minutes. If you equalize the pressure until the capillary pores tighten again, you’ve successfully prevented any swelling from happening and the healing processes will have already commenced during the 20 minutes of holding your finger(s).
If done successfully, swelling is completely avoided. 9 times out of 10 the pain should be gone within 15 minutes, the finger(s) will not turn black and blue, and in case of a damaged nail, the nail will not fall off.
You will reverse an injury that normally takes up to several weeks to heal, in under 30 minutes.
You should hold on for at least 20 minutes but preferably 25-30.
If you allow the finger to swell up it will become almost too painful to grab and hold, at which point it is already too late to use the above method. If this happens you will have to find other ways to activate lymphatic vessels to pull out the excess water and speed up the healing process.
The process that takes place at the cell level with smashed fingers is the same process that takes place anywhere in the body to varying degrees, any time we break the mental, nutritional or physical laws, to produce disease. It’s only a matter of where it happens (organs, glands, nervous systems, muscles, joints, bones, spinal column, etc.) in the body and how it affects that part of the body.
The Blood Protein Research is the Unifying Thread
So, when it is said that most or all disease is associated with blocked oxidation or lack of oxygen, we now know why.
“In all serious disease states we find a concomitant low oxygen state… Low oxygen in the body tissues is a sure indicator for disease… Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the tissues, is the fundamental cause for all degenerative disease. Oxygen is the source of life to all cells.” ~ Dr. Stephen Levine, Ph.D.
When it is said that much disease is associated with inflammation, we now know why.
“Suddenly, inflammation has become one of the hottest areas of medical research. Hardly a week goes by without the publication of yet another study uncovering a new way that chronic inflammation does harm to the body. It destabilizes cholesterol deposits in the coronary arteries, leading to heart attacks and potentially even strokes. It chews up nerve cells in the brains of Alzheimer’s victims. It may even foster the proliferation of abnormal cells and facilitate their transformation into cancer. In other words, chronic inflammation may be the engine that drives many of the most feared illnesses of middle and old age.
This concept is so intriguing because it suggests a new and possibly much simpler way of warding off disease. Instead of different treatments for, say, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and colon cancer, there might be a single, inflammation-reducing remedy that would prevent all three.”
“Everywhere they turn, doctors are finding evidence that inflammation plays a larger role in chronic diseases than they thought. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they know what to do about it. ‘We’re in a quandary right now,’ says Dr. Gailen Marshall, an immunologist at the University of Texas Medical School at Houston. ‘We’re advancing the idea to heighten awareness. But we really can’t recommend specific treatments yet.'” ~ Inflammation: The Secret Killer, Times Magazine, February 23rd, 2004
When it is said that most or all disease is associated with or caused by malignant microorganisms or parasites, we now know why.
“No matter how long and confusing is the list of symptoms a person has, from chronic fatigue to infertility to mental problems, I am sure to find only two things wrong: they have in them pollutants and/or parasites. I never find lack of exercise, vitamin deficiencies, hormone levels or anything else to be a primary causative factor.” ~ Hulda R. Clark, Ph.D., N.D., The Cure for All Diseases[PDF] (p. 2)
When it is said that all disease is associated with lowered electromotive vitality (or voltage) at the cell level, we now know why.
“Chronic disease occurs when we lose the ability to make new cells that work.
To reverse chronic disease we must look for the reasons that we have lost the ability to make new cells that work. Making new cells requires -50 millivolts of energy, amino acids to make the inside of cells, fats to make the outside of cells, vitamins and minerals to make the metabolic processes work, oxygen, a fuel system (fats and glucose), a sewage system to get rid of waste proteins (lymphatic system), a system to protect us from infections, and a way to get rid of toxic substances.
Almost all chronic diseases are characterized by low voltage. Just as a new Mercedes without a battery isn’t going anywhere, a body without a functional electrical system doesn’t work either.” ~ Dr. Jerald L. Tennant, MD, MD(H), MD(P), Healing is Voltage (Introduction)
When it is said that most or all disease is due to tissue acidosis or toxicity, we now know why.
“In health there is no disease. You do not find cancer in healthy tissue.
Remember there are only two causes of disease, any disease. Number one is toxicity and number two is acidosis, in the form of inflammation. These two causes are the effects of what you eat, drink, breathe, what you put on your skin, as well as what you think and feel. These are the ways that you either strengthen your body or weaken it and the cells within it.” ~ Robert Morse, N.D., The Detox Miracle Sourcebook, p. 162
When it is said that most or all disease is associated with low albumin in the blood, we now know why.
“The common denominator in every pathological state is a decrease in serum albumin.” ~ Dr. John A. Luetscher Jr., M.D., Physiol. Rev. 1947, 27, 621-642
The blood protein research is the unifying thread that lays the foundation for understanding all the various mechanisms in which the disease state manifests and that we can measure and interpret.