Release date: November 27th, 2014 / Last revised: November 27th, 2014
As a culmination of time, diligence, extensive research and having garnered the proper educational background to fit the pieces together, Dr. C. Samuel West, D.N., N.D. (1932-2004) made 7 major discoveries pertaining to life and death at the cell level (hence “The Golden Seven”).
These discoveries enabled him to produce the [Plus] One Basic Formula – or scientific equations – for (1) pain, loss of energy, disease and death, and (2) healthy cells and the dry state condition of perfect health.
In time, as Dr. West’s understanding increased, he was able to deduce and convert the One Basic Formula down to a simple four-word equation which took him 31 years (1967-1998) of research to produce:
In 1967, during his pre-med major in biochemistry, Dr. West learned about the sodium-potassium pumps that exist in every cell (the word “pumps” is encircled to illustrate that the pumps are situated inside the cells). In 1976, while researching a foot-high stack of Scientific American Journal articles in an endeavor to uncover how electricity was produced in the body, it was during this time that he eventually, with great fortune, came across the article called ‘Electricity in Plants’ which was published 14 years before he found it. This article revealed that the processes of life (rotation of sodium-potassium pumps), regardless of whether it is in plant or animal, generates electricity which is power for the cell to work. In 1998 Dr. West put it all together and wrote the four-word equation presented above.
If all parts of an equation equal each other, you know that if you alter any part of the above equation, you will alter the entire outcome:
- No power, no life.
- No electricity, no power.
- No pumps, no electricity.
- No oxygen, no pumps.
So, to reduce it down further:
And conversely:
Why do we die in a few minutes without oxygen? Because the electric pumps shut off resulting in no generation of electricity and thus no power for affected cells to work.
Secondly, why do we experience “disease” in our body? Because the electric pumps have shut off in a significant number of cells. The answer is the same. Remember, as stated elsewhere, the degenerative/disease and death processes are ONE and THE SAME.
The process of degeneration and death unfolds on multiple levels, many of which are well-recognized and measurable, despite the true underlying cause being widely unknown – and understandably so – for the neglected blood protein research is the only laboratory research that endows us with proficient language to most satisfactorily explain it.
The conditions resulting from trapped proteins initiate the process of inflammation; the electrical potential of a cell is reduced; albumin (smallest plasma protein) is continually lost from the bloodstream, while the lymphatics has difficulty efficiently retrieving and returning the albumin and other plasma proteins back to the bloodstream; tissue-oxygenation declines; the environment pH is altered to an acidic state; a “swamp” or “wet” state is produced which is ideal for attraction and proliferation of harmful microorganisms and parasites, mutation of beneficial microorganisms, as well as setting the stage for viral-induced afflictions.
“We are teaching discoveries here that isn’t being taught anywhere. [There is] no college, no university and no medical school in the United States that is teaching the research that we have. That’s why we have a right to claim that we are light-years ahead of ANY health education program on the face of this planet. There is nothing that can compare with what we’ve got, [albeit] there is no such thing as competing in this thing, but nothing can compare with the research that we have. In every other school in the world, no matter where they go, you go to school to learn how to help people who are suffering with disease. However, no matter what program is out there whether it’s chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and drugs, whether it’s herbs, homeopathic remedies, magnetic beds, acupuncture needles, mini trampolines, chi machines and all the healing products out there, they don’t survive [financially] unless people have problems; unless we’re suffering with health problems.
Well, with this research we’ve got and this new [One Basic] formula, we’re going to be able to teach people how to keep their bodies free of disease and pain as long as they live. Now, when we do this, and people do learn how to keep their body free of disease and pain, then everybody who’s making money on disease is going to be out of business including me and everybody else.” ~ Dr. C. Samuel West, D.N., N.D., from the presentation: ‘Why Do We Die in Just A Few Minutes without Oxygen?’
To make sure you’re picking up on the powerful information that has been presented to you thus far, see if you can answer the following basic questions prior to toggling the answer (NOTE: To answer all of them will require that you’ve read ‘When Life-Saving Research is Buried‘.):
1.) The most critical, medically documented laboratory research that reveals the foundational prime cause of all degenerative and infectious disease known to man was completed between what time period? (Hint: 19X0-19X3.)
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2.) The research involved how many major medical schools?
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- Dr. Cecil K. Drinker (1887-1956) at Harvard Medical School.
- Dr. Hymen S. Mayerson (1900-1985) at the Tulane University School of Medicine.
- Dr. Arthur C. Guyton (1919-2003) at the University of Mississippi School of Medicine.
3.) The research reveals that there exists a perfect cell environment where pain, loss of energy or disease of any kind at the cell level cannot exist. What did Dr. Arthur C. Guyton call this environment?
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The “Dry State.”
NOTE: The Dry State was formerly referred to as the “Steady State” by Dr. Drinker and Dr. Mayerson. The International Academy of Lymphology now refers to it as the “Vacuum State,” as this more accurately describes the negative pressure environment.
4.) As published in the 2nd edition of the Textbook of Medical Physiology, the research reveals that the aforementioned cell environment is a [what] pressure environment?
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[Negative] Subatmospheric Pressure condition/environment.
5.) In what state must the cells be in to receive optimum levels of oxygen, fructose/glucose and nutrients without which they – immune cells included – suffer oxygen and nutritive damage and begin to shut off and degenerate?
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The “Dry State.”
6.) The research reveals that something in our bloodstream can cause pain, loss of energy, disease, as well as result in our death within about 24 hours or much sooner by producing the conditions that will alter the perfect cell environment. What is it? (Hint: B**** P*a**a P*******.)
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Blood Plasma Proteins. The albumin, globulin and fibrinogen.
7.) To cause the aforementioned substances in our bloodstream to do so, we must continually break what three pure laws and principles of health and peace?
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- Mental;
- Nutritional; and
- Physical pure laws of health and peace.
8.) When we break the pure laws and principles, what happens to our blood capillaries and/or the membrane pores of the blood capillaries?
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They dilate.
9.) When the above happens, what three most concerning substances in our bloodstream rush out into the tissue spaces where the cells are? (Hint: *******s, w**** and s*****.)
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Proteins, water and sodium.
10.) Body fluids follow what substances everywhere they go?
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The Blood Plasma Proteins.
11.) When the concerning substances rush out into the tissue spaces faster than the lymphatic system can retrieve and pull it out, it produces an environment of trapped and excess what? (Hint: trapped ********, excess ***** and excess ******.)
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Trapped Proteins, excess Water and excess Sodium.
12.) This produces the conditions that will cause lack of [what?] and upset which delicate balance? (Hint: lack of o***** and upset the **n**** balance.)
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The excess water will cause lack of oxygen (internal drowning at the cell level) while the excess sodium upsets the delicate mineral balance.
13.) What two main minerals/salts/ions are we most concerned with? (Hint: ****** and *o*******)
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(1) Sodium and (2) Potassium.
14.) If there is lack of [o*****] and/or the [**n****] balance is upset, what inside a living cell will shut off causing the cell to idle, become damaged and eventually die? (Hint: the “******-********* p***.”)
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The Sodium-Potassium Pump will shut off.
NOTE: The sodium-potassium pumps maintain the intracellular mineral balance, while our adrenal glands maintain the extracellular mineral balance.
15.) Proteins will begin to cluster and lock around the cells, making it near-impossible for the lymphatic vessels to retrieve the proteins, when something around the cell is reduced. What is it that is reduced around the cell? (Hint: the *******c ****d.)
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The cell’s Electric Field.
16.) As was found in all cells of all living things, the above that is reduced around the cell is generated by the normal functioning (and rotation) of what? (Hint: ‘Electricity in Plants’ by Bruce I. H. Scott)
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The normal function and rotation of the Sodium-Potassium Pumps.
17.) What’s the prime cause of most pain in our body?
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Lack of oxygen.
18.) In a condition of excess sodium upsetting the delicate mineral balance, and thusly the sodium-potassium pump, what pH environment is generated?
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An acidic environment.
NOTE: This research takes us a step beyond the “acid/alkaline” view of health, as we now know that this concept is just one of several ways of measuring the health of tissues.
19.) Which body system serves one of the most important functions in preserving our health by maintaining the “dry” state?
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The Lymphatic System.
20.) What is the single most effective way we can support the aforementioned system?
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Deep Diaphragmatic Breathing.
21.) What is the second most effective way we can support the aforementioned system, and that also functions as a second set of lungs?
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The Bio-Electric Gentle Bounce for Health and Aerobic Lymphasizing Sequences. (I.e. therapeutic rebounding done correctly.)
22.) In summary, what are the five main ways the lymphatics can be activated, which reveals how truly many options we have available to us?
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- Deep Breathing
- Bouncing
- Physical Activity
- Tissue-Manipulating Techniques
- Energy
23.) True prevention and healing is manifested through obeying what three pure laws and principles?
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The (1) Mental, (2) Nutritional and (3) Physical pure laws and principles.
24.) The trapped proteins can be unlocked and dissipated by, while the lymphatic vessels are sensitive to, any form of [what?]
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Bio-electric energy from almost any source.
25.) When working on an affected area, why is it important not to stop too soon or allow for too wide a gap in time between applying techniques?
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Because if there are any trapped proteins or poisons/toxins left in the tissue spaces, either substances will reproduce the disease state environment.
26.) Anything that will damage a cell, causing its membrane to rupture (releasing chemicals), or damage the blood capillaries directly, will cause the capillaries and/or the pores to [what?]
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27.) Why, do you think, does a poison (including unfit foods) make you thirsty?
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They dilate the blood capillary pores allowing excess water to leave the bloodstream. This is compensated for by activating thirst mechanisms to encourage you to ingest liquid to replace the lost water.
28.) Is it possible you could hurt yourself or worsen your health condition if you frequently apply any of the pure laws and principles, notably those pertaining to the nutritional and physical side, without gradual transitioning?
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Yes. If you push your body too far, too rapidly, or beyond what it’s prepared for, you can produce sometimes debilitating adverse reactions and these in some instances can take time to recover from.
29.) A moderate to strong “healing crisis” is an indicator that you’re potentially [what?]
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Pushing your body beyond physiologic limits.
30.) What system inside the body is the foundation of our health, strength and vitality?
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The Lymphatic System.
If you were able to correctly answer the above questions, you’re getting it. You’re understanding the foundational cause of every degenerative, genetic or infectious health condition known; it is then only a question of where in the body the conditions for degeneration are being fulfilled, to what degree and how it affects that part of the body, and then to understand the various mechanisms through which the symptoms are produced.
Let’s take a few examples.
If the efficiency of the lymphatic system is reduced due to shallow breathing, physical inactivity or ingestion of foods prone to produce congestion (dairy products being some of the worst offenders), a degree of lymphatic obstruction takes place and we often find that the body will attempt to compensate through the various channels that it can.
We may encounter an excretion or oozing of lymph matter and toxic waste material via our:
- Kidneys (sediment)
- Colon (mucus in stool)
- Skin (pimples, acne, eczema, rashes, hives, psoriasis, rosacea, etc.) (if the skin is able to cope and eliminate well, these problems are largely avoided)
- Ears (wax or fluid discharge)
- Eyes (tears or other discharge (typically accumulates and forms crusts))
- Mouth (coughing up mucus)
- Between toes (sticky discharge)
- Belly button (discharge)
- Groin area (discharge)
- Penis (discharge)
- Vaginally (discharge)
It is vital that optimal circulation of the lymphatic system is maintained so that lymph and plasma proteins are retrieved and returned to the bloodstream in a timely manner at all times.
If the sodium-potassium pumps quit rotating and the energy comes out, minerals, notably calcium, will drop out of solution. If this happens to a large extent in our joints, arteries or otherwise happens under the right circumstances, it will form mineral deposits in the joints (think arthritis), arteries (think hardening of the arteries) and stones in our organs.
If the conditions for degeneration take place in any part of the body that facilitates electrical impulses going from the brain to the muscles (involving brain, spinal column, central nervous system, autonomic nervous system, adrenal glands, etc.) this will in time spawn the crippling and spastic health challenges, where motor function is decreased; you gradually lose control of your body.
The Latin definition of the word “tumor” is “to swell.” Well, we now know what causes tissues to swell (water from the bloodstream) and we also know what causes the swelling to harden (plasma proteins once they cluster and lock). As Robert Morse, N.D. states, tumors, cysts, masses and the like are simply “pockets of fluid,” and with knowledge of the blood protein research we can confirm this.
If a cell is deprived of oxygen and can only survive henceforth on the fermentation of glucose, the cell is forced to adapt, or “mutate,” and we then call it a “cancer” cell. Now, think about this for a moment: Is it the cell that is the problem, as near everyone makes it out to be, or is it the oxygen-deprived environment of which the cell is subject to? It is the environment, yet everywhere, one will encounter such vast a count of health care professionals that are fixated on targeting or attempting to “starve” the undesired cells through various means without much emphasis on addressing the real problem. Understand also that you can’t do to one cell without doing to all the cells. So if a decision has been made to deploy poisonous substances into the body in an attempt to “kill cancer cells,” the patient being subjected to these toxic treatments had best be braced for future hardship as conditions either worsen or recur at a later time. Provided of course that they don’t somehow consciously manage to substantially improve their health situation through appropriate and holistic means.
If the conditions for degeneration affect the sugar metabolism component of the adrenal cortex (glucocorticoid production), or shuts off the insulin-producing capacity of the beta cells situated in the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas, this will manifest symptoms of what is referred to as diabetes (whether pancreatic type 1 or adrenal type 2). If it inhibits the electrical impulses going to the beta cells, the same thing occurs, and Dr. Morse refers to this as neurological type 1 diabetes. So, the beta cells stop producing insulin simply because they’ve either (1) had their generators shut off or (2) they’re not receiving electrical signals from the autonomic nervous system; in other words, they’re not being told to produce insulin. If the condition is then treated and managed with the hormone – insulin – you will in effect be doing the job for your cells (in most cases you won’t have a choice but to) which in turn causes the respective cells to atrophy. This is why pancreatic type 1’s are much easier to reverse if it is taken care of immediately following diagnosis, versus someone that has been on insulin for several years or decades.
If cells in different parts of the brain begin shutting off or are destroyed, this will in time have a significant impact on various aspects of cognitive function, mental acuity, coherent speech, equilibrium, perception of sound and so forth. It is not “normal” to lose memory cells at the age of 80-90 or beyond for that matter. Remember, cells are not supposed to degenerate in any way UNLESS the cellular environment dictates so.
Now, learn about your various organs, endocrine glands and body systems and what they do for you, then visualize the same degenerative process taking place in either of these parts of the body. Imagine if either of these tissue-groups experienced a progressive decline in functional ability, or simply stopped working entirely, then fill in the blanks on what happens and the resulting symptoms. If your heart loses power or there is disruption or absence of electrical signaling, it either beats irregularly or stops beating entirely. If cells of your eyes shut off, you eventually experience decline and loss of vision. If the pituitary gland functions sub-optimally, you may, as an example, not have sufficient growth factors to facilitate proper body development. If on the other hand it is over-stimulated from childhood (which eventually ends in hypoactivity), you could potentially end up growing tremendously tall. How about the hypothalamus that commands the pituitary gland? You get the drift.
In the “swamp” or “wet” state, conditions are optimal for producing pathogenic and malignant microorganisms and parasites, while our immune cells are inhibited, rendered benign and “deactivated” under the same circumstances.
When the tissue sub-pressure is altered to a positive pressure (which only a condition of excess fluid retention can create), then, as this positive pressure gradually builds, it will force pressure back in the bloodstream increasing blood pressure. This enables high blood pressure without kidney dysfunction.
As research papers presented at the 1981 8th International Congress of Lymphology in Montreal, Canada, confirmed, when there is a high enough pressure in the tissue spaces, this is the only condition and exception-to-the-rule where plasma proteins can be pushed back through the blood capillaries directly from the tissue spaces immediately after being unlocked and dissipated with energy. This explained why healing can sometimes occur almost instantaneously in recognition of the fact that the lymphatics is a very slow-moving system that could not possibly remove trapped plasma proteins as fast as healing is sometimes observed.
When there is lack of oxygen in the muscles, they contract and tighten and (1) can block circulation from the neck into the head, which Dr. West recognized as the principal cause of migraine headaches, or (2) will pull bones out of place. The degree to which the latter happens is dependent on (1) the extent of which sodium-potassium pumps have shut off in the muscle tissues causing them to contract, and (2) the integrity of the skeletal structure (also determining how readily a bone will fracture or break), which, according to Dr. Morse, is largely dependent on thyroid and parathyroid gland function and how these glands command the waxing and waning of calcium. A broken-bone injury always involves damage and lack of oxygen to muscle tissues, which in turn causes these tissues to contract and pull the broken bone out of place so it can’t set and re-knit promptly.
If, however, energy can be put back in to dissipate trapped proteins, bring out the excess fluid and sodium, and increase oxygenation so that the generators turn on and the muscle fibers lengthen and relax, circulation resumes normal velocity (relieving headaches and migraines) and the muscles will set the bones right back in place allowing the body to go to work on knitting the bones back together. That is how Dr. West has repeatedly demonstrated that broken bones – if acted on immediately following injury – can be set and healed in under 10 hours or within a few days, instead of many weeks and months, if the individual has the faith to go to work on the affected area non-stop or as frequently as the situation necessitates; a degree of faith that comes not from hearing, seeing or reading about others performing such “miracles,” although still encouraging, but, rather, it comes from oneself having a proper understanding of the process that facilitates the miracles.
With the correct understanding of the processes, you’ll know what’s wrong. You’ll know the cause, how to prevent it, and what needs to be done to reverse the problem. Then it’s just a matter of making any needed changes and going to work on resolving the issue through whichever means necessary.
Furthermore, before Dr. West revealed any of the self-help techniques to anyone that were new to the science, his philosophy was to always make sure that people had a solid understanding of the concepts first.
As he stated during his February 10th, 1986 presentation called ‘The Process of Healing the Body through the Lymphatic (Immune) System’, “You see, I don’t teach you anything before I give you the background so you can understand it,” and later added, “If somebody comes to me for help, I don’t care what it is, I never help them [of course he did if it was a life-or-death or acute-type situation] until I explain why it works, because I want them to understand that I’m not a ‘miracle-man.’ All I’m doing is explaining scientifically at the cell level what heals; the life processes; they get the understanding, then they’re going to go use it.”
There was good reasoning behind this approach. First, if we go back to the smashed finger scenario outlined in part 1 of this series, how many people with no prior awareness or understanding of these concepts would believe that something as simple as tightly holding their injured finger for 20-30 minutes would produce a substantially or completely healed finger (depending on degree of internal damage), despite having nothing to lose if they gave it a try? Second, it’s one thing to just be shown how to reverse an injury or health problem, it’s another to take the time to learn the cause and prevention of, as well as being taught a solid foundation of which to work from along with it. The form of Applied Lymphology Dr. West devised is about self-empowerment and maximizing independent self-care.
Despite the techniques and sequences being very effective, there is a very basic and seemingly benign nature to all of them, which can yield a first impression to the unaware that will make them not believe that any of the techniques could possibly do much, and then most certainly not if we’re talking about broken bones, severe cuts, burns and the like. Yet, in many ways, the techniques work just the same as using the various natural products and devices one would employ for such acute situations. The Art of Lymphasizing and self-help methods, working on electrical principles, have enabled people to do what Doctors Joseph M. Waltz, M.D. and Björn E. W. Nordenström, M.D. (1920-2006) accomplished, just without the electrodes; what medical professionals do for broken bones, but without the pins or surgery (if people are able to get and keep the muscles relaxed to set the bones back in place); what electrical devices do for pain, but without the electrical devices.
These discoveries belong to everyone and constitute the foundation of our user-manual for lifelong health. From the moment these discoveries came to fruition, they should ideally have been taught as part of the customary curricula of educational institutions in every part of the world, or at least within every nation that was interested in the true cause and prevention of “disease.” If the lay public were taught these discoveries in simplicity at the earliest stages of their lives, it could very well have enabled an unprecedented level of empowerment and constructive conscious control all resulting in a trend of universally declining rates of health problems.
Regardless of the driving motive(s) for doing so, it is interesting to ponder how it only takes very few members of our entire species to completely “drop the ball” and ruin it for everyone else to a large extent. But each time the ball has been dropped, whether by governments, pharmaceutical companies or other special interests, it is up to those of us who genuinely care for the betterment of humanity and who stand for truth, to pick up the ball and carry things forward. Fortunately, despite major suppressive influences, dishonesty and negligence, vital truths that can bless the lives of many seem to always have a way of slowly trickling through the cracks.